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Jacqui Briggs Mk11 frames and movelist


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Jacqui’s got those frames! 9-frame mid, 10-frame low, a +4-on-block mid ender, cancels, Jason d1. She’s going to be a terror once she gets in, as long as she doesn’t suffer from T-Rex syndrome again.


Retired account
Looking good! As @karokelove said, hopefully she has a little range this time. Can't wait to take her to the lab.


The future of law enforcement.
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Her f3 string seems like it's going to be super important. 9-frame mid and it and f31 are both only -2 on block, and f31 has a cancel. I imagine the last hit of f314,1+3 doesn't come out on block.

I'm really curious to see how viable her string cancels are.


f2,2 rapidly not b2,2. b2,2 is the advancing highs with the beautiful effects.
f2 is the lunge uppercut while f2,2 is the Shoryuken.


Hey Jacqui people.

Can anyone tell me what move the 'tech dome' from her 2nd tournament variation is?

Is this her throw tech or is it the ground pound?

Also im assuming the 'grenade launcher' is the blue one that arcs and causes dot?

Just trying to form a picture of how to play this variation. Cheers!


AUS FGC represent!
Hey Jacqui people.

Can anyone tell me what move the 'tech dome' from her 2nd tournament variation is?

Is this her throw tech or is it the ground pound?

Also im assuming the 'grenade launcher' is the blue one that arcs and causes dot?

Just trying to form a picture of how to play this variation. Cheers!
No, throw tech is in her first tournament variation. I think grenade launcher is the rockets tbh (but can’t confirm).


Grenade Launcher is indeed the DoT projectile. Prototype rockets are the missiles. Tech Dome currently hasnt been shown (to my knowledge). Maybe A projectile absorb or some variant (big bubble that stays out and absords them). like MKX with her Tech Shield.


Ah right. Appreciate the info people. Will have to wait and see but definitely could be an interesting variation. Its funny Ive seen people call the variation 'trash' before they even know what the 3rd move is XD

Im definitely keen to try it given its the blue globs though. Given that and the air ball it seems like she'll be able to do some light zoning and punish zoners herself with air ball then get in and apply pressure.

Interested to hear what others thoughts are.


Got an early copy of the game and decided Jacqui is going to be my main.

First up, yes she seems pretty good but I'm a noob at FG's still so take that with a grain of salt.
@Shakes the Tech Dome is this big dome she puts down that covers pretty much all of the neutral screen. She takes reduced damage while in the dome. As far as I can tell so far, that's all it does.

Also by tournament variations do people mean the default variations?
Cause if so, no default variation has the tech dome. Neither do any of the variations have the Plasma Grenade (Arcing, DoT thing) or the rockets. The default skill is a pulse blast type thing with a short range.

The first variation called All Army has a Upward Lunging Knee skill and a diagonal downward dive bomb that can be done in the air.

The second variation Lethal Weapon has a throw ability (Clinch) that grabs and can be modified. An enhancer to throw escapes called Robo Grappler. And Cybernetic Override, allowing her to modify, as far as I can tell, just her 112 string. Which is her fastest starting string.

Also Jacqui gets the award for the stubbiest, most useless uppercut in the game. Her f2 is a better uppercut than her d2.



Ah man...thankyou so much for the extra info!

From what ive read (and this could be wrong), you have to turn tournament mode on in the options and then you get the tournament variations.



These are the only tournament options. Nothing about loadouts/variations other than randomizing the gear.

EDIT: Nevermind. I just finished the story mode after staying up all night so I never even explored the rest of the modes.

Tournament mode is where the Tournament variations are. The first one is called 1st Round KO and is the exact same as Lethal Weapon in the default variations. The second one is called Next Gen and is almost the same as All Army, except it features the Tech Dome (big damage reduction bubble) as well.
Tournament mode is separate from fight someone locally mode, which is hella weird.

Gonna see what it defaults to if I can get an online match in both Kasual and Ranked.

Edit 2: Just checked the Online mode. It allows you to select the standard stuff. KOTH, Kasual, Ranked Sets. But before you've even gone into matchmaking there's an option to switch to Kompetitive presets only. So there's that.
I imagine the day 1 patch will give All Army the Tech Dome then.
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Ah yeah cool. Yeah you’re probably right re the patch. Enjoy the playing and let us know how you go playing the variants.

I’m pretty excited to give next gen a go.


That variant is meant to be devastating in close. She seems to be stubby (and in that variant...no good way of closing and no range/neutral) so prob needs to be one of the best in the game once she gets in.


Watcher from the sky
braindead character. She have good tools to close-in, and, if you play character, like bottom khan, you can put gamepad down, because even your d-pokes are fully-punishable. Fuck such "balance". I hope for patch day 1, or wwe have 4 of 8 in top-8 in majors are Jackui


Well i dont think anyone needs to be alarmist before the game is even out. They fixed Liu pretty quick.

What good options does she have for closing in that variant? Appears to have zero neutral.


I think you're assuming she has the jump skill to close in but she doesn't in the tournament/default variations. That's a custom variation skill.

She has two dash moves, one which travels diagonally upwards. She's also pretty bad in the range department. All her moves are up close and personal. Even the few forward advancing normals she has can easily be staggered out of range of.

While practicing I made Kotal use one of his getup moves on me. Despite blocking, I can't use a single normal to punish because I stagger too far back.

But still, this is all day zero stuff. I don't doubt there are going to be changes come April 23rd.


It's all in the game yo'
Yeah it's always cool to have the frame data, but she still has the T-rex arms syndrome. Some stuff you can't punish because of that, and against characters with good range like Skarlet, D'Vorah... it's not easy at all to play neutral with her (Strictly talking about her 1rst tournament variation)


I play Kage in SFV and it looks to be pretty much the same drill on this variant. Stubby as hell, weak to non existant neutral, no solid good get ins. Needs to be dangerous as hell point blank or is totally ineffective.

All your work is getting in without taking a beating, and when youre in you better make the most of it before the reset to neutral...still far from top tier. But fun.