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Injustice 2 Wins, "Best Fighting Game" at The Game Awards 2017!


eh, if he wants to pirate it he basically misses out on multiplayer, and there's no way he can even move gear across once he gets the real game, and considering how many people WB and even NRS have SCAMMED already on pc in recent history alone, well, I'm not going to shed any tears for them.

Due to the online component, age, and nature of the game, crack will probably be a long time coming, if at all.

You want a copy, for your own sake you are probably better off getting the game legitimately. It's quite cheap now on key resellers ($25 USD), and is dropping a little further each week.

i dont care about the online content, gears and others ... we play local ,face to face like old times.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
anyone got a link to the video this was announced with?


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Saw this on my twitter feed earlier, congrats to NRS. Well deserved. This proves NRS can take on anyone as they had tough comp, people need to tip their caps. The amount of content, effort in Injustice alone stomps the competition.
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Meta saltmine
I mean, if you want to count Tekken, might as well count in Killer Instinct that has come out on another platform this year.

T7 was nominated, but IMO it being more or less 2015 game played its role.

Then again, if you judge FGs the same way you judge other games instead of using some super-specialized categories like tournament representation and whatnot, it's very hard to beat NRS games. NRS is like the only studio that makes FGs with more than just FGC and its standards in mind. Mind you, not every FGC standard is higher than its counterpart among general audience. It may be surprising for an onlooker just how much FGC folks can forgive if some game delivers well in competitive department.