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Injustice 2 Character Confirmations - Release Roster Complete!


I am Bard
Even though I never played the first Injustice, I watched a lot of playthroughs of them. I might get this game if it really impresses me a lot. I do hope Raven and Hawkgirl make a return, besides Batman, they are my two other favorite DC characters... Despite that I wasn't a fan of Raven's look whatsoever.

I just hope they really touch up these faces. The artist in me is slowly pulling my hair with some nitpicks I have with the way some characters look.

But I will say, I do like what we've seen so far. :) Also, first post in a while :D


Bonafide Jax scrub
Blue Beetle looks strong so far in the trailer. He seems like he has moves borrowed from Tremor and D'vorah from what I saw in the trailer


Positive Poster!
Atroctitus and Gorilla Grodd were one of the characters i wanted the most. So happy.

Plz Boon give us also Poison Ivy and i can die happily.

Hope Captain Cold doesnt look too goofy.
Sig tho'. Crackin' up. Well played, sir.


Filthy Casual
Wonder Woman & Blue Beetle reveal
I think WW looks great overall. The man shoulders from IGAU are gone, now she just has a realistic, fit female figure. Facial expressions can get a bit weird in some angles/lighting, same as Supergirl.

I was afraid Beetle's outfit would look dumb, but it's not bad at all.


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
Well Deathstroke's chances of returning just went up since not only has it been confirmed that he'll be the main villain in Ben Affleck's solo Batman film, but it's been confirmed that he'll be appearing in the Justice League film as well.
an ugly world we live in if we have Deadshot and Deathstroke in the same game :/


an ugly world we live in if we have Deadshot and Deathstroke in the same game :/

If Superman and Supergirl can co-exist in this game, then I don't see the issue with having Deadshot and Deathstroke as well. The only thing they have in common is that they both use firearms and plenty of fighting games have had multiple characters that use firearms. However Deathstroke also has ninja training and uses a sword and staff. And NRS could give him an almost completely new moveset which has him mostly using those and make him less gun-centric.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
an ugly world we live in if we have Deadshot and Deathstroke in the same game :/
Why? They're completely different characters. They're more different in terms of abilities than Superman and Zod or Batman, Nighwting, and Batgirl, or Joker and Harley, or Shazam and Black Adam, and all of those characters being in the game worked out just fine.


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I really hope they retool Deathstroke to make him less gun-based and more martial-arts based. Hell, his trait was so booty in I1 that I'd be fine with them giving him a Stance trait, like stance 1 is for zoning and stance 2 is his staff. That could make him way different than Deadshot.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
I really hope they retool Deathstroke to make him less gun-based and more martial-arts based. Hell, his trait was so booty in I1 that I'd be fine with them giving him a Stance trait, like stance 1 is for zoning and stance 2 is his staff. That could make him way different than Deadshot.
Stance 1 is the promethium swords, stance 2 is staff.

I'd cream if that happens


I know that a lot of people also want Red Hood as well. With Deadshot already confirmed, making Deathstroke more martial arts based and less gun based is the only way I see all three of these guys making the roster.


MK1 is the best MK period.
Well Deathstroke's chances of returning just went up since not only has it been confirmed that he'll be the main villain in Ben Affleck's solo Batman film, but it's been confirmed that he'll be appearing in the Justice League film as well.
Potential dlc boyz


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
If Superman and Supergirl can co-exist in this game, then I don't see the issue with having Deadshot and Deathstroke as well. The only thing they have in common is that they both use firearms and plenty of fighting games have had multiple characters that use firearms. However Deathstroke also has ninja training and uses a sword and staff. And NRS could give him an almost completely new moveset which has him mostly using those and make him less gun-centric.
that's actually true lol Deadshot prolly be more Shotgun Jacqui esque imho...to many masks and guns haha


Any more confirms since I've been away?
Aside from a new Supergirl gameplay trailer, we haven't gotten anything. I'm used to info droughts on NRS games now, but even I have to say that it's ridiculous that we haven't gotten any reveals since August. MKX didn't even go this long without revealing anything.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
It may be related to gear...they were still trying to get their gameplan together on that at reveal and its a nonstop question. The more the concerns popup in media events the bigger they seem. They may just be gearing up to handle that press issue before they reveal anything that way they come across as focused and the game's mindset is more clear to the consumer.


Play Monster Hunter!
My best guess is they wanted to hold off on showing anything until it was in a more visually polished state.

More then any other NRS game Injustice 2 got utterly shat on for it's visuals when it was announced.
That Wonder Woman trailer in particular was just everyone making fun of it, even hardcore NRS fans, it was a bad look.

Now they showed the Supergirl trailer and everyone is praising it.

Hoping with the start of Jan Boon starts saying shit with actual substance instead of pointless vapid polls.