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If you have still not got an invite to the beta RiBBz22 is here for you

xxFalcon Loverxx

Ignorant slaves, how quickly you forget.
Am i the only one who doesn't even care about the beta?
Edit: I just imagine the king of pop in his grave like "Urghhh! When's the beta coming out?

xxFalcon Loverxx

Ignorant slaves, how quickly you forget.
Denial can be scary. I try to deny that I am the best sometimes, but deep down I know that it is true. I care about you my friend. Here is to hoping you will get a beta invite very soon!

No seriously, i give no shits about the beta lmao.

xxFalcon Loverxx

Ignorant slaves, how quickly you forget.
What bothers me is that some random punks got codes for systems they don't even own, meanwhile I'm sucking dick in back alleys just for a chance at one.
This pic sums up everything you desperate people are talking about :REO

This is me right now because of triborg coming out in march 1st btw.(I'm literally sitting on my ps4 and wondering how kewl cyrax will be)