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How to deal with cross jump in punch pressure


Nightwolf Mourner
simple, dont play online.
No idea how this helps at all, the trolling is strong with this one.

"How do you deal with guys who jump in or cross jump in back n forth with jump punchs and then bust a full combo when a hit lands? "

Nw's uppercut is one of the fastest in the game, you can hit any jump in on reaction with it. Preemptively you can also hatchet, it's safe on block so what the heck. If they decide to jump over and over again and you see it coming, you can continue to crouch, and wait for nw to change sides to uppercut. Or neutral jump in the air and hit them with a 1/2 for a bounce, check the mentor thread if you want :)

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
if you know what side they will land on, and can predict their pattern, just dash the opposite direction and jab one time. you might get hit or they might eat the jab...either way, they will be disoriented because you are not in the same place anymore, and they can't jump in punch again from that far away...or when they eat the jab you might be able to pull off a combo or at the least set your offense.

practice it but you have to dash the opposite way of where they are going to land.