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Question How much hard work have you had to put in?


To get to the level that you are at currently that is.

I know that learning to just be competent at this game takes a whole lot of effort. So I thought with the level of the players on this site there must have been an insane amount of work put in to get there.

How many hours of games/studying/practice?

If any of you guys want to put a bit about your journey with this game and how you got to where you are that would be great. Particularly for all us newcomers I think. I would be very interested to hear your stories anyway. :)


I like to think I've come far from being a clueless scrub since day 1, to trying to show people that Noob Saibot is much better than people think. I spend probably at least 30 minutes in practice mode every time I play doing BnBs and seeing what gimmicks might or might not work vs certain characters. I have a few match-ups I struggle with but more often than not I don't have a problem asking someone to help.

It's a lot of time but it's worth it to have a good time.


Spletty I feel your pain bro.....you can't be any worse than me :confused:

RYX I always practice for about the same amount of time before going online now too.....gotta get warmed up....how many games/hours would you say its taken to get to your current level?


I haven't actually put that many hours in to be honest, and that includes online and offline play. But I'm one of those guys who can think up strategies in my head and then work on them exactly as planned when I turn my game on. Obviously you learn more from playing but I'd truthfully say 50% of the reason I am where I am is because of reading up info on TYM.

I don't have a scene, am currently in university (left my PS3 at home) so yeah...


I haven't actually put that many hours in to be honest, and that includes online and offline play. But I'm one of those guys who can think up strategies in my head and then work on them exactly as planned when I turn my game on. Obviously you learn more from playing but I'd truthfully say 50% of the reason I am where I am is because of reading up info on TYM.

I don't have a scene, am currently in university (left my PS3 at home) so yeah...
Yeah so much helpful information on here, as well as helpful people.


Dead Kings Rise
I put in a lot of work, and I still think I'm not that good lol. One thing I've always tried to believe in is that losing helps. I've also never made any excuses as to why I've lost. If I lose against someone, it is because they outplay me, not because of the lag, or the character they picked, or the stage we were on etc. You have to learn from your mistakes.


I put in a lot of work, and I still think I'm not that good lol. One thing I've always tried to believe in is that losing helps. I've also never made any excuses as to why I've lost. If I lose against someone, it is because they outplay me, not because of the lag, or the character they picked, or the stage we were on etc. You have to learn from your mistakes.
I saw a video you put up of your reptile. You look very good to me. I am also trying to have a non-scrub mindset in regard to losing. If I didn't I would be seriously :mad:


Dead Kings Rise
I saw a video you put up of your reptile. You look very good to me. I am also trying to have a non-scrub mindset in regard to losing. If I didn't I would be seriously :mad:
I know, it can be heartbreaking sometimes when you think you can't win, and you won't get better, but you just gotta keep moving on man. If you ever need help with anything, I'll try to help you with the best of my abilities :)


I'd say it's taken, in all, weeks of total time to get where I am. There have been times I stayed up all night just to perfect strategies or traps or combos.

I have a scrub mindset when it comes to randoms, because I hate losing to bad players.


I'd say it's taken, in all, weeks of total time to get where I am. There have been times I stayed up all night just to perfect strategies or traps or combos.

I have a scrub mindset when it comes to randoms, because I hate losing to bad players.
I guess it takes a long time then. Was playing with a guy today that said it took him 10,000 matches to progress to where he is at.


I've been playing since launch. I think I have 3 characters mastered (except for Mileena who is only missing x rays)

I'd call myself around average offline and dismal on. But it's never really been hard work on my end. It's the community that's taught me everything I know. Played with me, trained me, yelled at me lol.

And I still have a lot to learn. But let's see, day 1 Jade; U3, U3, U,3. Jade today; B2, B2, B2.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
I've been playing since launch. I think I have 3 characters mastered (except for Mileena who is only missing x rays)

I'd call myself around average offline and dismal on. But it's never really been hard work on my end. It's the community that's taught me everything I know.
That's how I got better... everything I know isn't as much from me as it is from reading the forums and playing high level players.

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
I dunno if I put in "hard work" at all because I found Practice Mode more fun than actually playing online. I played Smoke since day 1, and learned absolutely everything I know about the character on my own besides the F4 resets and glitches. =P

When I first got the game, I think I played single-player for a month before going online and beating everyone in the beginner lobbies (the actual beginners like me). I do know that the first time I got dominated was when I played against the G-Faqs regulars on Xbox, including Milky Situation, JGuthrie, Lionheart, CitizenSnips, etc (known as the "Justice League" on G-Faqs, who also happened to be the top players on that site). I never really cared about leveling up though. I accepted that they were better and this was technically my first fighting game ever, so it was like whatever--it's still fun playing!

I gradually leveled up by playing consistently, and feeding my curiosity. I just really enjoyed learning more about the meta-game, and about fighting games in general since this was the first one I had ever played competitively with other people.

There was a moment when I wanted to become the absolute best with my character though. That was when I joined this little online tournament at like 3 in the morning that featured REO, Pig, Shujinkydink, and some STB folks. I was just excited to play these guys, whether it was online or not. After placing 2nd and getting some praise from Pig, I got a bit of a confidence boost, and started taking the game a bit more seriously. Unfortunately, I developed a bit of character pride at that point, which made me enjoy the game less than I did when I simply played casually and didn't give a fuck. That turned to addiction....and yeah....retired. In hindsight, I should have played this game offline at that point. lol.


I dunno if I put in "hard work" at all because I found Practice Mode more fun than actually playing online. I played Smoke since day 1, and learned absolutely everything I know about the character on my own besides the F4 resets and glitches. =P

When I first got the game, I think I played single-player for a month before going online and beating everyone in the beginner lobbies (the actual beginners like me). I do know that the first time I got dominated was when I played against the G-Faqs regulars on Xbox, including Milky Situation, JGuthrie, Lionheart, CitizenSnips, etc (known as the "Justice League" on G-Faqs, who also happened to be the top players on that site). I never really cared about leveling up though. I accepted that they were better and this was technically my first fighting game ever, so it was like whatever--it's still fun playing!

I gradually leveled up by playing consistently, and feeding my curiosity. I just really enjoyed learning more about the meta-game, and about fighting games in general since this was the first one I had ever played competitively with other people.

There was a moment when I wanted to become the absolute best with my character though. That was when I joined this little online tournament at like 3 in the morning that featured REO, Pig, Shujinkydink, and some STB folks. I was just excited to play these guys, whether it was online or not. After placing 2nd and getting some praise from Pig, I got a bit of a confidence boost, and started taking the game a bit more seriously. Unfortunately, I developed a bit of character pride at that point, which made me enjoy the game less than I did when I simply played casually and didn't give a fuck. That turned to addiction....and yeah....retired. In hindsight, I should have played this game offline at that point. lol.
Good that you were able to play at a high level, bummer to hear you retired though.


Online Punching Bag
I wouldn't really say I put in work. I mostly just play matches for fun and have spent maybe an hour in the training room in total. I learn the basic combos of a character and kind of make my own setups. I just try and learn what works well for me with my character in each match and try and adapt to the player. I have no real plan in advance, I never think well the match will start off with this and that and go into my combo I practiced for 3 hours today. I just watch my opponent, try and get a feel for my opponent and take advantage of it. Doesn't always work but I'm more of a strategist at this game than a well trained fighter.


The First Element
i think if you keep on playing like you are ,you'l keep on improving..like that 1 hour fight session we had on saturday afternoon...stuff like that..i'v allways tried to play less scrubs and more decent gamers...you know i'm fine with giving you tips along the way..;)


i think if you keep on playing like you are ,you'l keep on improving..like that 1 hour fight session we had on saturday afternoon...stuff like that..i'v allways tried to play less scrubs and more decent gamers...you know i'm fine with giving you tips along the way..;)
If I keep playing the way I'm playing I shall remain a "scrub" forever haha


The First Element
Go to practice mode,pick jonny cage as the opponant and set the AI to max difficulty.....that is decent training!