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Long time reader, first time poster here. I apologize in advance if I've failed to follow a forum guideline or two.

Due to reasons that aren't worth boring you all with, I only get to play once a week for ~3 hours. SZ has always been my favorite character, so I'm focusing on him exclusively; I probably don't even have enough time to master one character, so splitting time between characters would be a bad idea.

My main combo is 2, 2, Ice Ball -> charged back+2, dash, 2, 1, 4, Slide. I'm decent at using cross-over punches to start the chain.

I suck at pressure. Once I get an opponent in the corner, I feel like I don't have near the advantage I should. I mainly do 2, 2, 4-> clone; 2, 1, 2-> clone; and down + 4 -> clone, with 2, 2 as anti-air; but my opponents don't seem to have much trouble getting out.

I tend to over-rely on slide for closing distance. All but the worst opponents quickly start anticipating and punishing it.

SO, if you were in my position, what would you be working on to improve your game?

I've noticed my opponents are anticipating my back+2 trap and jumping over it.

Should I work on the reset so I can punish a jumper with 2, 2, Ice Ball? Should I finish my main combo with 2, 1, 2 (and no slide) dash, 2, 2, 4, clone for frame advantage, same rough damage through chip, and to maintain pressure?

Are the back + 1, 2, ~ 2, 1, 2 combos important to learn? I can't ever seem to get the 2, 1, 2 after the back+1, 2. If there's some special trick to the timing, I haven't figured it out yet.

Since I don't have time to master all of the situationals, what's the single most effective (1) teleport punish; (2) corner combo; (3) midscreen bnb; (4) anti-air combo; etc.

I could also use advice on individual matchup strategies (if anyone can direct me to a good post on this elsewhere, that'd be appreciated too.) Smoke, for instance, has been giving me trouble lately; every ice ball and clone gets punished with shake. What little useful info I've been able to find on SZ v. Smoke advises to just dash- block to close and rush him down with normals. How close do I have to be to punish Smoke Cloud with Slide? Is there a useful/ safe way to use Ice Clone?

Anyway, I know this a lot. Since my practice time is so limited, I need to make it as efficient as possible. Any advice you could offer would much appreciated. Thanks for reading.
Mastering your Bnbs is crucial. When the opponent is cloned on the ground, go 214 ice slide. The main combo you listed is a reset, and is not reliable if someone decideds to jump or not block on reaction. Overuse the reset and you will get punished. You can however, dash cancel out of the B2 to mix things up.

B1 2, 212 is your bnb for opponents in the air. If the opponent jumps into an ice clone is is caught in an iceball, go for njp, b1 2, 212 slide. You can try and do this bnb if he's on the ground and if you're close enough, or if he's caught in enhanced ice ball. Things to note about enhanced iceball: it does not give extra freeze time if he's caught in the air, BUT the ice ball does not scale damage conventionally. For example, if you do njp, b1 2, 212 ice slide on an unfrozen opponent, it will do 29% damage. Frozen on the ground it will do 24%. Frozen in the air, and it will do 31%. That's right, it actually does MORE damage. So far the extra damage only applies to this particular bnb; try it with 214 ice slide and you will do 23% (as opposed to the usual 19%).

I also recommend changing your reset bnb to charged B2, b1 2, 212 ice slide.

For all the bnbs that include B1 2, 212 ice slide, replace the 212 with 214 if the opponent is in the corner.

If the opponent is in the corner, do 212 ice clone. Here you can pressure with 22, and then 212 connecting into another ice clone, allowing you to pressure again. Having a good corner game with sub-zero means mixing things up. Are you usually connecting your strings into ice clone? Try not to in the next string. Do 212, dash in and do 214, you can catch opponents off guard and get a corner combo. Alternatively, do 212, pause and then naked ice clone. The pause will lead players into thinking you screwed up an input or whatever, and they can jump in. The ice clone, will make them think otherwise. There are even more mix up options But I'll get to that later when I feel like I haven't talked too much.
Mastering your Bnbs is crucial. When the opponent is cloned on the ground, go 214 ice slide. The main combo you listed is a reset, and is not reliable if someone decideds to jump or not block on reaction. Overuse the reset and you will get punished. You can however, dash cancel out of the B2 to mix things up.
I've read some people are using 212 for the stagger, followed up by another string like 224 x Clone. Supposed advantages are (1) more meter; (2) better sustained pressure; (3) more damage if they don't block the 2nd string, and comparable damage if they do block (you get roughly 5% chip off the blocked 2nd string, which makes us for the lost slide damage). Any thoughts on that?

B1 2, 212 is your bnb for opponents in the air. If the opponent jumps into an ice clone is is caught in an iceball, go for njp, b1 2, 212 slide. You can try and do this bnb if he's on the ground and if you're close enough, or if he's caught in enhanced ice ball. Things to note about enhanced iceball: it does not give extra freeze time if he's caught in the air, BUT the ice ball does not scale damage conventionally. For example, if you do njp, b1 2, 212 ice slide on an unfrozen opponent, it will do 29% damage. Frozen on the ground it will do 26%. Frozen in the air, and it will do 31%. That's right, it actually does MORE damage. So far the extra damage only applies to this particular bnb; try it with 214 ice slide and you will do 23% (as opposed to the usual 19%).
Any tips on getting this combo off? I worked on it for about 20m last week and couldn't get the 212 to come out after back+1 2; seemed like I couldn't do 212 until the back+1 2 finished animating.

If the opponent is in the corner, do 212 ice clone. Here you can pressure with 22, and then 212 connecting into another ice clone, allowing you to pressure again. Having a good corner game with sub-zero means mixing things up. Are you usually connecting your strings into ice clone? Try not to in the next string. Do 212, dash in and do 214, you can catch opponents off guard and get a corner combo. Alternatively, do 212, pause and then naked ice clone. The pause will lead players into thinking you screwed up an input or whatever, and they can jump in.
Is 224 x Clone mainly used midscreen for the pushback, and 212 x Clone in the corner for proximity? Any reason to do down + 4 x Clone? I've had some success with sweeping/ sliding in the corner to force low blocking, so I can follow up with forward+4 Ice Ball.

There are even more mix up options But I'll get to that later when I feel like I haven't talked too much.
Please don't stop talking! I need help. Thanks for the advice.


Okay, so, I'll help as much as I can too.

I've read some people are using 212 for the stagger
That's B121 you're thinking of, I believe. A good use is, say: 22~freeze, B121, then dash forward and continue your pressure with 22(4), 212, D4, throw attempts, etc. There's a lot of info on it in this thread: http://testyourmight.com/forum/showthread.php?10421-Sub-Zero-b121-and-b124-mix-up-game

Any tips on getting this combo off? I worked on it for about 20m last week and couldn't get the 212 to come out after back+1 2; seemed like I couldn't do 212 until the back+1 2 finished animating.
You DO have to wait until B1,2 finishes its animation. Just be patient and you'll get it every time. There's no need to rush it out as B1,2 actually "juggles" them a bit. Practice, practice, practice.

Is 224 x Clone mainly used midscreen for the pushback, and 212 x Clone in the corner for proximity? Any reason to do down + 4 x Clone? I've had some success with sweeping/ sliding in the corner to force low blocking, so I can follow up with forward+4 Ice Ball.
224xxClone for midscreen, 212xxClone for corner, correct. D4 in to clone is extremely useful, especially VS poke-heavy characters, IE Mileena. Retaliate with your own D4 then clone, they get caught when they try a poke. D1 also works much the same way, with less distance.

Feel free to hit me up on MSN for some more in depth and quicker responses.
They opponent gets knocked down after 212. Unless you're talking about the extra time it takes to get up, I'm pretty sure you're talking about the B121 string. I've seen this been used before recently, and given the advantages you listed they're not bad. If that's what you prefer then go ahead. Advantages to 214 slide include guaranteed damage, I just tested out the B121 221 reset and I noticed that the first 2 can be whiffed if you do the string too quickly. I'm also assuming it is possible to poke out of this. I've been using 214 slide since i got this game, I have the tendency to use 214 clone rather then 224 or 212. It's a bad habit that I don't think is going to go away any time soon, probably cuz it hasn't failed me yet.

As for landing the B1 2, 212, try dashing between the two strings. I tried this at first and I thought it sort of helped. Another tip is to examine sub-zero's animation. As soon as he lands the ice pick, go for the 212. It does take time, but training muscle memory will eventually make this possible in your sleep. In fact, you'd probably have a harder time landing the B1 cuz of the lag online, or the unique hit boxes of the character.

I've never used D4 ice clone. One of the reasons I don't go for throws or F4, ice ball very often is because I like chip damage and gaining meter (probably cuz I'm too lazy to mix up my game even further, plus it's a side effect of using Johnny Cage). I don't think the ice clone will come out if the D4 connects, which it often will. In my opinion, I'd go D4, and then 212 ice clone. Another downside to D4 is that it's probably easier to jump over, or land a jip/jik to get rid of the clone. If you really think that D4, ice clone is important though, go ahead and incorporate it into your game. Everyone's got different philosophies.

Also remember that you can react to F4, and and you choose to use F4 ice ball you HAVE to commit to it, no hit confirming like 22 ice ball. When the ice ball gets blocked as well, you get a full combo punish. This is less of an issue against scrubbier players but against veterans who really know the sub-zero matchup, becareful.

You should use 212 in the corner because yes it makes the clone very close in the corner, but also because the ice clone does not come out after 224. Again, I have a habit for using 214 ice clone in almost every situation. But against Reptile, Ermac, Sheeva and Sektor, it is very important you use 212 ice clone in the corner. This way, you can use the ice slide and they will fall into the ice clone, setting you up for B1 2, 214 ice slide (or get rid of the ice slide for faster recovery). You could use enhanced ice slide on every other character, but I don't really like using meter.

I also noticed you had a question on teleport punishing. For guys like Ermac, Scorpion whatever, use B1 212. This also applies to Mileena's roll, kung lao's dive kick, and plenty more. It's important you get this bnb down. As for Raiden and Cyrax, pokes. Anticipate and poke it out, or crossover. That's the best I can give you. Also uppercut kung lao's teleport.

EDIT: added extra shit so make sure you don't miss anything.
JP,22,freeze,Backdash,JP,B121 - now u have frame adv so u can use many options to keep pressuring for example:
dash 22
dash, 21

JP,22,freeze,backdash,JP,214,Xray ( charged for half a second )

JP,22,freeze,NJP,NJP,B12,214 ( slide if u see u`ll kill opponent )
JP,214,freeze,4,224 (slide if u see u`ll kill opponent )
JP,224,freeze,4,214 ( slide if u see u`ll kill opponent )
B+2,NJP,B12,214 ( slide if u see u`ll kill opponent )
You can add xray to those combos ( not sure about 212 combo )

After u freeze opponent in air near u, dash, NJP,B12,212,slide
After u freeze opponent in other side of map dash,dash,JP,214,slide
After opponent jumped at your clone NJP,B12,212,Slide
After u freeze opponent with ex iceball in other side of map, dash,dash,dash,B12,212,slide
After u catch opponent with 22 as antiair (B1)2,212,slide

Blocked teleport:
Wait for them to fall the ground and choose a combo, i prefer to go with F+4 becouse timing is easy just wait a second and start F+4 sou`ll catch them right in time when they fall the ground

You can start combos with B12,F+4 as well and then u continue making combo of your choice.

For keeping pressure i like to go with: 21,d3,d4,22,d3,d4,d4,212,clone ( its an example )

Hope this helps, those are my BnBs
I really appreciate the advice. Thanks for taking the time to help.

That's a great list of combos, OnizukaPM, but I don't have time to memorize them all, let alone practice them enough to be able to execute in a match. Based on the above advice, this is what I plan on practicing:

For midscreen: jp, 22, freeze, b2 trap, dash, b12, 212, slide. If they start dodging the b2 trap, then jp, 22, freeze, back dash, jp, b121 -> pressure.
For pressure: 224 x clone midscreen for pushback, 212 x clone in corner, and d4 x clone against pokers.
For corner: jp, 22, freeze, njp, njp, b12, 212, slide if it will kill them, clone if it won't.
For air freeze: njp, b12, 212, slide.
For tele-punish: b12, 212, slide. (is it possible to start with njp?)

To the extent it might change your response, I mostly play Tag online with my buddy (who plays a good Cyrax). Lag is a constant problem.

Is it possible to use b12, 212 from a ground freeze/ jp, or do I need to juggle with njp first? When do I need to whiff with the b1?

Thanks again!
To do B12, 212 the opponent needs to be in the air.

If you're going to punish teleports such as scorpion's, ermac, noob saibot, smoke, sektor, and quan chi, I don't think it's possible to start with njp. You could get in the lab and try it out but because of the lag online and the difficulty landing the njp I recommend sticking with B1 212. This punish also applies to Kung Lao's dive kick, Liu Kang's dragon kick and bicycle kick, kano's ball (not the up ball, that one is difficult to punish), mileena's roll and maybe her teleport. There maybe more I'm forgetting.

Also remember that the B2 is not a trap, it is a reset that can be avoided by jumping or not blocking. Tom Brady did introduce an unavoidable reset with the B2, but I don't recommend using it because it's an obvious programming oversight by the developers and it will be patched out.

In the corner I recommend the 214, ice ball, 4, 224 slide for 38% damage. The bnb you plan on using will do 35% with slide. This is just my recommendation however, I know there are plenty of people who prefer the 22. Another corner combo I recommend is the B2, njp, B1 2, 214 slide for 41%. You already love doing the reset, so here's a more damaging one in the corner.

Another thing, the only xray combo I would ever recommend is the 214 xray for 48%. This scales wonderfully and any other combo would add slightly more damage but will also give your opponent more meter. Another thing is that other bnbs will make the xray scale so badly, it's not worth the meter. With 214 xray, you know you're making efficient use of meter even if it won't do the most damage (although efficient use of meter goes beyond xray combos). If he's frozen, it will do 40%. If he's frozen in the air, go njp, 214, xray for 41%.

Then again, you can't go wrong with random xray through projectiles. Unless the projectile would kill you of course.


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
Work on mixing up off your 22. You can do 224, clone a couple of times (cancel 224 into a slide if you see your opponent getting hit) and then you can start looking to do 22... 22 or 22 d4, clone (you have to space your 22's out correctly with Sub and d4 has great range on it, too) or 22, jump over punch, 22, etc...

22 should be hit confirmed into iceball, you should never just approach and do 22, freeze because if your opponent is blocking, you're screwed.

You can also start using 214 in the corner once your opponent has been conditioned to respect the anti-air properties of 22. The trick to Sub's corner pressure is spacing and timing it correctly. It's not as straightforward as it looks against good players. You want to stand on your clone when you throw out 22, because if your opponent sees you using 22 in the corner, he knows you can't do the 4 into clone to finish. You can also wait for the previous clone to disappear and then do 22, clone from the right distance.

d4 is very useful for lowering your hitbox and you can create space again afterwards by using the negative edge to get a d4, clone. This is a very useful tool against characters like JC.

In the corner I recommend the 214, ice ball, 4, 224 slide for 38% damage.
That's my favourite corner combo with Sub. Glad others are starting to use it. You can do it either way. 224, freeze, 4 214 or 214, freeze, 4 224. The second does more damage for some strange reason but it all depends on whether or not you think your opponent will try to jump as to whether you'll start with 22 or 21. I use it as a part of the b2 reset mixup, too. You can dash cancel the b2 reset into the 214 version every time in the corner because a correctly timed fully charged b2 will catch them before they can jump out if that's how they like to try and escape. You want to practise this by going into training and setting the dummy to jump.

I don't think you should end in the slide in the corner unless you think you can just about kill your opponent by adding the slide back on just because the setups are much better off the knockdown without it.

Another corner combo not many people use with Sub-Zero is 214, freeze, 4, 1, 222. The 222 ending is tailor made for the corner. Hope that helps. :)
Only time I use 222 is if the opponent is using delayed wakeup and I only need one more hit to win the round. 222 and slide both have long recovery times, so if you want to setup in the corner again it's better to end with 224 (the string does more 1% more damage but the combo is probably the same due to scaling).

EDIT: You are right about using 224 ice ball 214 slide though. It's a better alternative to 22 ice ball njp njp B1 2 214. I didn't think it was possible to do that combo actually cuz the opponent looked too low after 224 ice ball to follow up with 214.


The Bat in the Hat
If youre going to use the B121 frame trap after a freeze the best options IMO are:

- 214 into either clone on block or slide on hit
- 1,3, F+4 or B+4 (50/50 mix-up)
- Throw
- Low poke into Ice Clone

You can also use F+4 or slide but I wouldn't recommend either.
224, freeze, 4 214 or 214, freeze, 4 224
That sounds like an easier corner option online, since lag frequently makes me miss the 2nd NJP.

If youre going to use the B121 frame trap after a freeze the best options IMO are:

- 214 into either clone on block or slide on hit
- 1,3, F+4 or B+4 (50/50 mix-up)
- Throw
- Low poke into Ice Clone

You can also use F+4 or slide but I wouldn't recommend either.
Appreciate the pressure advice. That's definitely where I need the most work.

Can anyone direct me to videos of good high level SZ play? I feel like I've watched every TB video multiple times already, and aside from some absurdly unrealistic combo vids by Tyler Lantern, most everything else is crap.
That sounds like an easier corner option online, since lag frequently makes me miss the 2nd NJP.

Appreciate the pressure advice. That's definitely where I need the most work.

Can anyone direct me to videos of good high level SZ play? I feel like I've watched every TB video multiple times already, and aside from some absurdly unrealistic combo vids by Tyler Lantern, most everything else is crap.
U cant do NJP after 214,freeze u have 2 options (B1)2 or 4 same dmg but 4 is much easier to hit
I don't know of any other vids of high level sub-zero play other then Tom Brady's CEO, powerup and battlefield arcadia tournies. That's probably all you need though, because even though those are vids early in MK's time span, he pretty much showcases the fundamentals of Sub-zero right there. It's a shame he wasn't able to make it to VSM last night though for his supposedly beastly, newly discovered, born again sub-zero. He will be at summerjam tomorrow though, so be sure to check that out.

Ultimately, you can only learn so much from watching others play. I too, was inspired to pick up sub-zero by Tom Brady, and modeled my game after his (like many other sub players). I play my game differently though and by no means am I at his level now (and I'm comparing my sub to Tom Brady's sub at powerup). Your best bet is to ask some sub players here if you could spectate at koth.
I'll try to add something to help you out here from the perspective of someone who is kind of becoming a decent player having recently been a scrub/nooby with Subby-Z.

Combos I use: Freeze from across screen JIP, 214 slide (or no JIP if that's screwing you up, but the JIP adds a few%).
22,Freeze - NJP, B12,212 slide (as far as timing on this...you have to wait a bit after the B12 then do the 212 or else it won't come out)
punish on a teleporter like scorpion - 22, freeze, (B1)2,212 slide
As far as corner stuff, I normally just pressure with 22 or 224 or 212. sometimes i throw in a clone after the 212, sometimes ill throw slides in there, I use D4 A LOT to pressure people, especially on wakeup (pending on the matchup), sometimes I D4 then clone, sometimes ill go for D4, pressure, throw, whatever.

Basically, just work all those normals into your game so that you don't even think about it anymore, make sure you have the BNBs down pat (like someone else said) and start to mix things up. The more you mix up 22, 22 iceball, 224, D4, D4, 224 clone, throw, etc. whatever. The more you mix things up the more screwed up your opp will be and theyll have to guess and theyll make mistakes or theyll start hesitating and you'll be in the drivers seat. Also, I use slide kind of on reaction/on a read to get in on certain characters, just dont overuse it because you will get punished hard. I use it on wakeup too, its good to get out of certain pressure situations.

Last thing. This is important, at least for me, especially starting out. Don't focus on trying to get a combo. If you do, you'll play like shit. Just work on mixing it up, doing whatever you feel is good, try to focus on what you think they're gonna do and eventually you'll know how to handle situations correctly and your combos will just come naturally, muscle memory style. really try not to overthink it or else you'll be a step behind. Not saying this is a problem for you but its something that I had issues with when I was trying to remember "ok this is what you use this combo for and I need to do this in the corner and I need to do this for this situation." Just play bro and learn good habits over time. When you are doing a bad habit, remind yourself to not do it again and eventually you'll incorporate good habits and get rid of the bad.

Also, if you're on PS3 hit me up or let me know what your name is and we can try to play a few matches.
Made a mistake in my earlier post; njp, B1 2, 212 ice slide does 24% on a frozen opponent, not 26%. Njp, 1, b1 2, 212 ice slide does 26 however.

But once again, I disagree with the use of 22 ice ball as a teleport punisher. It's possible for your iceball to whiff plus it does only 22%, as opposed to punishing with B1 2, 212, which does 26%.

What you can do however, is wait for the opponent to land. The opponent will still have a few recovery frames left once the kombatant lands, which allows you to do 22 ice ball. This is a very small window of opportunity though.


WOW you sub zero guys are honestly the best.. I thought I had my sub down, but it seems I still need work on some stuff. Great shit guys, I've never seen this much input for helping a new guy level up.
Last thing. This is important, at least for me, especially starting out. Don't focus on trying to get a combo. If you do, you'll play like shit. Just work on mixing it up, doing whatever you feel is good, try to focus on what you think they're gonna do and eventually you'll know how to handle situations correctly and your combos will just come naturally, muscle memory style. really try not to overthink it or else you'll be a step behind. Not saying this is a problem for you but its something that I had issues with when I was trying to remember "ok this is what you use this combo for and I need to do this in the corner and I need to do this for this situation." Just play bro and learn good habits over time. When you are doing a bad habit, remind yourself to not do it again and eventually you'll incorporate good habits and get rid of the bad.
I've found this to be very true. Whenever I'm focused on executing, I suck. But as soon as I focus on my opponent and anticipating his moves, even if I'm dropping combos, I end up doing much better.

More questions for you all (thanks for being patient with me). I noticed in Tom Brady's recent videos, mostly the casuals against Michaelangelo and CD Jr, that he follows up an awful lot of his strings with Ice Ball, and more often than not, it lands, which allows him to tack on a b12, 212, slide. The only times I typically follow up with Ice Ball are after a hit confirmed 22, after a f4, or in a corner combo. Midscreen, I always seem to miss with Ice Ball after a full string. What am I missing? It looked like Tom was primarily using 214 and 212.
I've found this to be very true. Whenever I'm focused on executing, I suck. But as soon as I focus on my opponent and anticipating his moves, even if I'm dropping combos, I end up doing much better.

More questions for you all (thanks for being patient with me). I noticed in Tom Brady's recent videos, mostly the casuals against Michaelangelo and CD Jr, that he follows up an awful lot of his strings with Ice Ball, and more often than not, it lands, which allows him to tack on a b12, 212, slide. The only times I typically follow up with Ice Ball are after a hit confirmed 22, after a f4, or in a corner combo. Midscreen, I always seem to miss with Ice Ball after a full string. What am I missing? It looked like Tom was primarily using 214 and 212.
I'm not sure what you're getting at. Are you saying he usually follows 22 with ice ball without hit confirming? If so, this is a way of mixing up your strategy. I usually go for a naked 22, others go 224 ice clone, others go 224 naked ice clone. All these options leave the opponent guessing with what to do.
I'm not sure what you're getting at. Are you saying he usually follows 22 with ice ball without hit confirming? If so, this is a way of mixing up your strategy. I usually go for a naked 22, others go 224 ice clone, others go 224 naked ice clone. All these options leave the opponent guessing with what to do.
I mean that when he lands a string midscreen, he often follows it up with Ice Ball; like 214 -> Ice Ball. This successfully freezes his opponent in mid air frequently, so he can follow up with a b12, 212 slide for solid damage. Whenever I try something like that, my Ice Ball usually whiffs. I'm wondering if there's a certain string that gives you a better chance of catching your opponent with an Ice Ball afterward, or a certain situation, etc.
I mean that when he lands a string midscreen, he often follows it up with Ice Ball; like 214 -> Ice Ball. This successfully freezes his opponent in mid air frequently, so he can follow up with a b12, 212 slide for solid damage. Whenever I try something like that, my Ice Ball usually whiffs. I'm wondering if there's a certain string that gives you a better chance of catching your opponent with an Ice Ball afterward, or a certain situation, etc.
You can't land an iceball after 214 unless it's an ex ice ball or if he's in the corner. With 212 it is possible, the bnb is 212 iceball (b1) 2, 22 slide. (B1) means this needs to be whiffed.


ALWAYS an uphill battle...
i'm having a hell of a problem with this kombo:

b1,2 freeze, njp, b1,2,212 slide ... after the njp i do the b1 2, and somethin else comes out, can anyone help me with this?! Thanks !!!
i'm having a hell of a problem with this kombo:

b1,2 freeze, njp, b1,2,212 slide ... after the njp i do the b1 2, and somethin else comes out, can anyone help me with this?! Thanks !!!
What do you mean "somethin else comes out"? I'm assuming you're doing this bnb in the corner, so first off I'd suggest doing 2 njps. Other then that, all I have to say is take your time after the njp into the B1 2.


ALWAYS an uphill battle...

I'm talking about the kombo he is making at 1:23 after the b1,2 there is this ( ~ ) .... whay am i suppose to do there? Thanks!