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Guidance with BnB


Digital Pro Sports
Just to clarify I'm not debating which combo is superior, as far as I can tell the highest damage output mid-screen combo that doesn't use any meter at all is:

(%37 with F31 starter)
Hatchet, B2, Hatchet, Dash~1, Dash~122~Shoulder

This will be the one I'm referring to.


This has got to be one of the most timing sensitive BnBs in the game and it tends to give lots of people trouble. The point of this thread is to give pointers on "figuring it out" and how to do it consistently.

I've spent many hours in training doing this combo over and over and over again and I still have difficulty getting it 10 out of 10 times. But a few tips I've picked up along the way:

- The most crucial part of this string is the timing of the B2, it will make or break the entire thing, the amount of frame forgiveness here is extremely small. If you watch the opponents body after the first hatchet I've noticed that as soon as they reach the peak, right before they begin to start falling, that's when you want to input the B2. You've got maybe 3 frames to get it right, to soon and the B2 wont come out at all, to late and they will be to low to follow up with anything else. Practice this a lot! Everything pretty much falls on that very specific delay between the hatchet and B2.

- Then there's the first Dash~1 following the second hatchet, this can be difficult to get down as well but it's much easier then the B2 because you don't have to time it, you can do it immediately. The key here is you want interrupt the Dash quite early, you don't need to travel very far, just a step is fine. This input is less about timing and more about speed. You gotta be quick on it.

- The Second Dash~122 is a little more forgiving, and you can dash in a little further then the first Dash (and you should) to nail down the combo string.

These are just my thoughts, in comparison to most of the caste this Nightwolf's BnB is by far one of the most difficult and frustrating to get down. Most people just need to be fast, but for Nightwolf you also need to have good timing, input to quickly and the entire things goes to shit.

Good luck and if anyone has any additional tips throw 'em out there!
Thanks for the info! I've noticed some of the same things. I've never been able to land this combo consistently, maybe only 2x in a row lol.
Yea for the bnb, a good thing is to look for when your first hatchet starts to disappear, then you want to input the b+2 hatchet, and start dashing immediately after you input the hatchet. I do it pretty much 100% of the time now after doing it so much over the past month that my fingers want to bleed lol.