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Question Good sub?

I HATE the mirror match! and against Sinestro its also very annoying. Who would be a good sub to learn for some match ups? Thanks for the help guys! I constantly am improving because of everyones help!


I've been wanting to learn Killer Frost, but she seems to complicated to learn. I've played around in the lab, but ive never tried any bnbs. Easy to learn or no?
Easy to learn, difficult to master ... If you want an easy character that doesn't require too much effort then don't bother with KF, rather go for GL or Supes


well how long did it take for you to start getting good with KF?
I mained her from day 1 so it's difficult to say but if you grind for a few hours a day it shouldn't take you too long to learn her bnb's but getting to know her vortex setups, etc might take a bit longer. Though not really needed, they make for quicker ass whippings :D

Duck Nation

Dicks with a future
If you're looking for a Deathstroke and Sinestro counter, probably Batgirl. But really, DS doesn't have any matchups he loses so badly that you should need a sub.


That Yung Big Body
I agree with the person that said batgirl, or you could chose scorpion if you cant handle batgirl(just know that he doesnt have as damaging of option)combo timing. Scorpion is the easiest person in the game to play with.


That Yung Big Body
But just like DS if you make one mistake your back in the scorpion vortex game. You pick up scorpion, learn ez 35% combos that lead into trait, then just tele tele tele hellfire once they're conditioned to block. He's like a brain dead character IMO, but he has certain good matchups + he's ez


The future of law enforcement.
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If it's just for the mirror, just pick up one of DS's bad MUs. Batgirl, Scorpion, Sinestro, Superman, Nightwing (one of DS's worst MUs in my opinion). Just spam Ground Burst in staff stance and there's not a damn thing DS can do about it.


I honesty have come to find great Grundy's and doomsdays difficult to deal with as well. Was also considering a good alt for these and those match ups. Doomsday because of his full screen tracking unblockable. Grundy because patient Grundy's can walking dead in and just burn massive meter looking for armored grabs and grave hands.

Supes gets easier if you only reaction air guns during his jump eye beams. Too many random guns makes him difficult to deal with. But your jump back is strong for baiting out him doing a punishable air move.

What do you guys think of KF vs Doomsday and Grundy?


If it's just for the mirror, just pick up one of DS's bad MUs. Batgirl, Scorpion, Sinestro, Superman, Nightwing (one of DS's worst MUs in my opinion). Just spam Ground Burst in staff stance and there's not a damn thing DS can do about it.

I think DS can jump punish this no? Air guns or land guns?

Lt. Boxy Angelman

If you're looking for a Deathstroke and Sinestro counter, probably Batgirl. But really, DS doesn't have any matchups he loses so badly that you should need a sub.

Ares, Batgirl and (debateably) Aquaman are all pretty terrible for him, IMO.

Scorpion isn't as bad as I thought, at least not any more than he is for anyone else.

I'd say go with either Aquaman or, upon his arrival, General Zod.
He looks like he's gonna compliment Slade perfectly.

Duck Nation

Dicks with a future
Ares and Aquaman are both very beatable. Hell, knock Aquaman down once and you can style on him all fucking day.


The future of law enforcement.
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I think DS can jump punish this no? Air guns or land guns?
He can't. It has such quick recovery that it's totally safe against anything Deathstroke can do, even on whiff. It also lowers NW's hitbox, so even if he's just spamming it, he will go below standing Quick Fire, and Low Quickfire is too slow.


I'd guess that you are playing the mirror match frequently because alot of people think only deathstroke can beat deathstroke. Try hiding cursor? Or pickup batgirl. Good wakeups, good anti air, good mixups, good mobility, you can play footsies until you choose not to, you can zone or anti-zone, and meter burn most of her specials to extend your combos.