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GBS Season 2 Championship Tonight 8pm CST

Well our regular 2nd season is over and tonight is the championships! Throughout the course of 10 weeks we fight to see the top 8 of the season. Those players are invited to a round robin tournament to decide the winner of season 2. Here are the players in order of the seeding points they acquired throughout the 2nd season.

#1. @GGA Max. His Shinnok was best in season with 40 points. Will Shinnok's recent nerfs affect his play tonight? We will just have to see.

#2. @GGA Dizzy. Season 2 marked the post evo era where Dizzy decided to experiment with different characters. He has recently landed on Johnny Cage much to the chagrin of Empr Twisted who can be heard muttering in the halls about how dumb Johnny Cage is. 35 points.

#3. @D-Que Beats. D-Que has really hit his stride this season and his 50/50 game is very strong. He is still looking for that one win against Fill Pops, but with the recent Kotal buffs that doesn't look like it will happen anytime soon. 28 points.

#4. @GGA N1k0lasss. Same thing as with Dizzy N1k0 has been experimenting with many characters this season. He also has been super busy with work and missed a number of weeks. He has recently found Tremor as his main and is often heard downplaying Ermac to anyone who will listen. 23 points.

#5. @GGA Fill Pops. Mr. Kotal Kahn. Fill "I have to take risks" Pops has had very solid play with Kotal this season. His character recently got buffed so it will be interesting to see what variation he is going to choose tonight. 17 points.

#6. @GGA pimpimjim. He has not made many weeks at all, but he always does well when he comes out. He is now fully focused on MKX and I actually saw him training the other day! Look out for this guy. Nobody knows what characters he is going to play tonight. 16 points.

#7. Empr "How is Johnny Cage fair" Twisted. According to him he just started playing MKX this season! So it is very impressive how well he is doing for just learning the game. Too bad Twisted is mentally devastated already with Johnny Cage and his Shinnok and Kung Lao nerfs. Let's see if he can overcome it. 11 points.

#8. GGA "I think I am going to see a movie tonight" soonk. Will we see his Predator tonight? Probably not because movie. I am very surprised at this because his passion and love for MKX is so high... 10 points.

Stand ins in case of sickness or movie.

Wafflez 10 points
Big Marcus 8 points.
Regular Marcus 8 points.

Also we will be running a "best of the rest" tournament tonight for anyone who did not earn the invitational tournament. Should be fun. Tune in tonight. Tournament starts at 8pm. www.twitch.tv/gallopingghostarcade


False Information Police Officer
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Will we see your Goro tournament debut in the best of the rest tonight Jeremiah?


Emperor of the Moon
Not sure who I'll be playing against but I'm showing up for the Ralph Wiggum skill tourney.

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