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Future of MKX on PC; MKXL Enhanced Online PC BETA

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Hi, I'm new here to the forums, but I'm a long time Mortal Kombat fan. In fact, I cover MKX on my website and stream the PS4 version on Twitch. My brother doesn't have a PS4 or XBOX One, so he purchased the PC version. That has turned out to be a huge mistake. The game has had issues since day 1 and now NetherRealm has officially ended support for the game. Ultimately, this is probably for the best, but it's disappointing because they promised the full MKX experience (and for the same retail price as the console versions).

Since they've ended support, I think it's only right that WB Games and/or NetherRealm offers people that purchased the PC version a full refund of their money. I know there's a petition circulating asking that they renew support for the PC version, but that seems highly unlikely after this failed experience. A full refund is far more possible and I've started a petition asking for such. If anyone here is interested, please take a moment and sign it here: https://www.change.org/p/wb-games-netherrealm-studios-please-offer-a-full-refund-to-those-that-purchased-mortal-kombat-x-for-pc

I know this most likely isn't the solution most were hoping for, but it's probably the best we can hope for at this point. I think it's only fair that my brother and all other PC gamers get their money back after getting short changed. If you feel the same, please let WB and NetherRealm hear about it. Thanks!


Is there a way for someone to ask someone from the NRS/WB crew about PC?

Like, say, Ketchup/Mustard could have asked them on last Kombat Kast...
Lol, not if they want to be invited back and keep in close contact with NRS. I don't blame them for not saying anything in public or on stream.

Would be nice to have someone that has some weight in the MKX scene in our corner, though.


Be smarter than the machine you operate.
Save your time, fellas. It's not going to help ever. At all.
Not even to raise awareness.
Not to convey any of your legitimate displeasures, anger, sadness, salt, or whatever other emotions created by the news of no pc kp/patching/support at all to NRS.

I mean, it's a valiant effort. At least you've tried -something-.
But, it's not going to make a difference.


Plus on block.
If this wasn't WB I'd have faith, but WB has an absolute shit track record with ports(especially PC) and have done this selective DLC release stuff before.

People have been complaining to them for a while and they clearly don't care.
I've pre-ordered SFV to compensate for the pain. I doubt Capcom will treat PC players the same way WB/NRS just treated us.

...anybody up for a Steam battle for this weekend's final beta? Has Ryu's crouching MK's range extended? lol
Save your time, fellas. It's not going to help ever. At all.
Not even to raise awareness.
Not to convey any of your legitimate displeasures, anger, sadness, salt, or whatever other emotions created by the news of no pc kp/patching/support at all to NRS.

I mean, it's a valiant effort. At least you've tried -something-.
But, it's not going to make a difference.
The results don't show themselves immediately but it helps. Big time reviewers like Total Biscuit and Angry Joe, Jim Sterling, they all are aware of this happening and they have and will continue to speak out against such business practices. And their opinions are quite loud and have a significant effect on sales.


This will be a little late, i just registered here and i want to share my opinion as well.

First, i don't even care about sh*tty console wars and that PC Master Race sh*t. I bought a gaming PC because of game prices in my country. In my country, a 60$ game can be same priced, if you are damn lucky on that company it's 60-70$, and if our "publisher(!)" is formed a contract with company, it's 80-100$. I can buy a game with low prices thanks to G2A, and Steam sales. I think all platforms should be treated same. If a platform gets update, another platform needs to be updated as well. I'm not angry to NRS. I'm angry to people in WB and NRS who think this was a wise choice. You guys such a shame to gaming industry. Thanks for reminding me not to trust any companies.

And, one more thing. Those people who said "Shut up PC scum" , "You don't deserve a damn KP2 and a damn GGPO" , "You guys gonna download it (pirate it) anyways!" in Kombat Kast. I'm disgusted.
This will be a little late, i just registered here and i want to share my opinion as well.

First, i don't even care about sh*tty console wars and that PC Master Race sh*t. I bought a gaming PC because of game prices in my country. In my country, a 60$ game can be same priced, if you are damn lucky on that company it's 60-70$, and if our "publisher(!)" is formed a contract with company, it's 80-100$. I can buy a game with low prices thanks to G2A, and Steam sales. I think all platforms should be treated same. If a platform gets update, another platform needs to be updated as well. I'm not angry to NRS. I'm angry to people in WB and NRS who think this was a wise choice. You guys such a shame to gaming industry. Thanks for reminding me not to trust any companies.

And, one more thing. Those people who said "Shut up PC [ban incoming]s" , "You don't deserve a damn KP2 and a damn GGPO" , "You guys gonna download it (pirate it) anyways!" in Kombat Kast. I'm disgusted.
Sadly, some people aren't that civilized in the internet. What makes it hard to present yourself as a modest and civilized person online even if no one sees you or knows you personally? I guess they unleash their inner asshole online.

That's the internet for ya.


Dedicated Broly main
One guy on Steam forums posted a thread about his email from WB:

"Thank you for your inquiry. I am sorry to hear that you are disappointed about the recent announcements about the PC version of Mortal Kombat X. I can confirm that, as announced, Kombat Pack 2 and the MKXL Online Beta are currently coming only to Xbox One and PS4. MKX, Kombat Pack 1, and all other previously released downloadable content is still available on PC.

If you have feedback about this announcement I would encourage you to post about it on the MKX forums.


"CURRENTLY" part is giving me a little hope.


Sadly, some people aren't that civilized in the internet. What makes it hard to present yourself as a modest and civilized person online even if no one sees you or knows you personally? I guess they unleash their inner asshole online.

That's the internet for ya.
If you are angry about something, nothings stops you from being a bad person. I guess people can share their opinions about other people without fear.
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I don't know if you said to offense me or anything, but i don't want to fight with you. I don't even care a little about showing myself being a "modest and civilized person" If I wanted to do that, be sure that i would have done it in a way that assholes like you can't even understand. By the way, if you are angry about something, nothings stops you from being a bad person. I suggest you that you shouldn't say something like that, you can't know a person's feelings. I guess people can share their opinions about other people without fear.

That's the internet for ya.
Dude, he was talking about the people who were saying things like "The PC doesn't deserve GGPO" on twitch, not about you :confused:


Dude, he was talking about the people who were saying things like "The PC doesn't deserve GGPO" on twitch, not about you :confused:
Oh, sorry for that then. I'm deeply sorry for calling him an asshole. I'm often being misunderstood, and i misunderstand most of the posts too. I hate that part of mine, i'm really sorry :( Anyways, that post can just stand there. Maybe some people can learn something from that post.


Original OBS mbr/VSM/G4S
And to think that I was such a big fan of the series since it came out, I was like 4 years old and I was already playing MK1 and 2, I played MK3 with my mother and she still loves the series, I played every single game until before MK VS DC, I was so happy when MK9 was announced and how they were going for a tourney worthy game that time and when it finally arrived on PC I immediately bought that sucker so you can tell how burned I was by that port.

Fast forward to today and after me supporting the game for so long, after going through all the crappy versions, after waiting for it to patched, after the game was finally in a playable state and I can finally take the game seriously, they do this??? And we didn't even get an announcement on steam about how the game was discontinued, that's how worthless we are to them.

I know it's all about money, but just like in real life, doing shit just for the money without thinking about your customers will just bring you flak and bad reputation. Sadly, complaining here changes absolutely nothing, just like with the petition, just like with the support tickets, just like with the steam refund requests. We're done, MK is done to me after more than 20 years, NRS is done to me, probably WB too since they're done with the batman games.

If Ed Boon didn't lie about the state of the PC port before release and if they warned us beforehand that the PC version was just not going to get full support until the end of the game's lifespan then I'm pretty sure a LOT of us were either going to purchase it in a console or just not purchase it at all (My case, since I don't have a console and they're REALLY expensive here, both the console and games. And you also have to pay for online mode).

As an outsider who never came to this forum until a few days ago (Waiting for my account to be validated) and after reading more than 30 pages of this thread I can totally agree with this. He's the typical poster who just causes trouble by baiting other people and trying to get a negative reaction out of them just so he can report them and get them banned. I'm surprised no mod took action against this person so far, if at least to warn him so he can stop being a youknowwhat.

ANYWAY, to many of you, see ya in SFV and Killer Instinct, and maybe in Arc System Works games now that they're supporting the PC more and more.
I own pc also and hate what is happening. Imo boon didn't lie .WB imo, even if he Paulo and Tyler fought for us he has a boss and that's WB games. I doubt boon lied but I am disappointed he had faith in hvs smfh and I signed the petition and fully support everyone who bought vapor ware that's not even a yr old imo


Original OBS mbr/VSM/G4S
Just buy SFV already.

PC support is guaranteed since it's a crossplatform game (can't play against PS4 players if you don't have the same balance patches etc) + they just released a cinematic story trailer, the only thing that was missing compared to the MK experience, really, was a good story mode.

And that "story patch" comes for free on summer ...

Funny that Capcom chooses to handle online right and ONLY THEN decides to work on shallow shit like story mode.

Funny in the fact that NRS/WB did the opposite lol
Can't hate on them for that after mk9 & injustice story ,they had big shoes to fill which I don't think they did. Imo online should of been ready from the release. Better late then never is all good but an update about net code changes last yr would of been great imo as I am sure sales were hurt for all the negative tweets & other social media comments.
Oh, sorry for that then. I'm deeply sorry for calling him an asshole. I'm often being misunderstood, and i misunderstand most of the posts too. I hate that part of mine, i'm really sorry :( Anyways, that post can just stand there. Maybe some people can learn something from that post.
Dude, he was talking about the people who were saying things like "The PC doesn't deserve GGPO" on twitch, not about you :confused:
It's all cool, brother. All cool.
Woo hah just here to say that although MK isnt my main fighting game, that the pit being on the pc files but not on the PC VERSION sucks balls. NRS man even if you sell a new MKX for 20 bucks on Steam with all that the consoles have I would buy it. I may have a ps4 but i aint stupid.
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Come Thunder! Come Lightning!
Dunno guys, I kinda lost hope... If they really had any intentions to contact PC community and explain the matter in more detail - Imo they would have done it already...
all im saying is you fucked up already enough specially on PC, its time to wrap it up, and make it up for PC players and instead you are running like a COWARD?
I was right @tylerlansdown giving us the complete silent treatment after PC won't get KP2 and MKXL in this thread. Great PR btw, gotta love the way the company treats their loyal customer after abandoning them.
@tylerlansdown PR 101: silence is golden, time heals everything
Say something, I'm giving up on you
One guy on Steam forums posted a thread about his email from WB:

"Thank you for your inquiry. I am sorry to hear that you are disappointed about the recent announcements about the PC version of Mortal Kombat X. I can confirm that, as announced, Kombat Pack 2 and the MKXL Online Beta are currently coming only to Xbox One and PS4. MKX, Kombat Pack 1, and all other previously released downloadable content is still available on PC.

If you have feedback about this announcement I would encourage you to post about it on the MKX forums.


"CURRENTLY" part is giving me a little hope.
I'll say here what i said on the steam community

If they really decided to drop pc entirely for good they would've said so clearly with an apology, the reason they are avoiding the subject and talking about it vaguely is that they are trying to work something out but still can't promise or announce anything yet. That is the way i see it.
There is also the other possibility that they are actually that much of a cunt so they don't even care. Both are valid theories.

So for now, until the 1st of March, stick to the petition and hope for the best.


I'll say here what i said on the steam community

If they really decided to drop pc entirely for good they would've said so clearly with an apology, the reason they are avoiding the subject and talking about it vaguely is that they are trying to work something out but still can't promise or announce anything yet. That is the way i see it.
There is also the other possibility that they are actually that much of a (soap bar in my mouth) so they don't even care. Both are valid theories.

So for now, until the 1st of March, stick to the petition and hope for the best.
I really hope that's true. They shouldn't have done it this way to begin with though. They did have ample time to decide their game plan going forward.


Come Thunder! Come Lightning!
I really hope that's true. They shouldn't have done it this way to begin with though. They did have ample time to decide their game plan going forward.
True, i ain't arguing with that. But we all know that their primal target customers are console players. PC always comes later with them and we all noticed that pretty well in the pc patches releases compared to those for consoles. So it's not strange or crazy to assume that they screwed up with the PC port but will take care of it eventually, Specially that there was no such announcement as "we dropped full support to the PC port completely for good.." like every body is taking for granted.


Punching bag that throws fans !
Can't hate on them for that after mk9 & injustice story ,they had big shoes to fill which I don't think they did. Imo online should of been ready from the release. Better late then never is all good but an update about net code changes last yr would of been great imo as I am sure sales were hurt for all the negative tweets & other social media comments.
After MK9 and IGAU ports on PC along with their netcode, the biggest shoes they had to fill were delivering some quality online.

When releasing a fighting game, you have to get your priorities straight ... If you can't hate them for dropping 3 games in a row with subpar netcodes, and releasing bad ports on PC every time too ... you must be Jesus or something :)
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