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F4 Inconsistency? (PC Port)


I Play Raiden
: I've been playing him exclusively for about a week now, and i noticed that inputting his F4 string on hit sometimes doesnt register. As you can see later on in the clip i start whiffing the string inputting it the same way i was doing before and it came out every single time with no issues. Is this a bug, im on pc port btw. Also dont mind the audio most of the time im playing im listening to a podcast or an interview, especially when im in the lab which is where i spend the majority of my time


Make triple skulls input BDF or DF Hold F
Ye, I've been complaining about this since day 1

There's also an issue with form change eating the down input so you either have to use diagonals or input down again which is very clunky. This is an issue on PS5 as well.