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"I will cut a hole in you"
I wish I would've recorded the matches but yesterday some guy I've played online he played kotal khan (sun god) basically what happened was he beat me & did an ex-throw and continued the combo into a brutality. Is this an online thing or am I just late on this?

Edit - I forgot to mention there was a mileena player who did the same thing but an ball roll brutality.


Yes, it was one of MKXL's added things. When your opponent goes 0% of health, you can ex-throw him during combo to restand and do a brutality.


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
Exactly how Kano's "Glaring Light" works.
Same with Unbreakable Sub Zero's brutality. Check this video I made a while ago. ;)

Check timestamp 0:55. ;)

BTW, I wrote wrong the Ice Burst. I meant the Ice Aura, to avoid some confusion. :/