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Cosplays. Yes, you read that right. Cosplays.


For those of you unfamiliar with this term I will try and explain as best as I can, if another member can explain it better, than by all means.
However, what I feel is the definition of cosplay, Dressing in a costume, playing as a character. (You likey? ;))

Now since this is a Mortal Kombat forum, let's try and get some Mortal Kombat cosplays on the first page, but this thread is welcome to all kinds of cosplays.

Post your pics, someone else's pics, or talk about a project you are working on. As long as it is about cosplay, whatever you say goes.


Sex Kick
Stop posting pictures of the ugly sister, and post pictures of the pretty one!
(spoilers: Kitana is the ugly one, and Mileena is the pretty one)


I'm not sure why you guys haven't posted about the Italian MK tournament. You know the one I'm talking about.


Who hired this guy, WTF?

I hated how this costume only showed the FRONT HALF of Sub-Zero.

I wish I could actually effin tan, cause then I'd just be Cage.