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Converter for PS2/3 controller to plug in Xbox 360


I have searched through this forum, but what I believe to see is using Xbox controllers on PS3.

What I want to do is plug my Playstation controller into an Xbox.

Any help is appreciated, condescension is discouraged.

Tim Static

I have searched through this forum, but what I believe to see is using Xbox controllers on PS3.

What I want to do is plug my Playstation controller into an Xbox.

Any help is appreciated, condescension is discouraged.
Your post is hella confusing lol

But, your best bet is to get a 360 controller modded for PS3.

FOREVER KING has one done, and it works amazingly.

Other than that, you should get a Mad Catz MLG Pro Controller for 360 and set it up exactly like a PS3 controller's layout is like.
If you have a ps3 controller (you never specified), you're shit out of luck. I've looked EXTENSIVELY for a ps3 -> 360 converter, and frankly they don't exist for a reasonable amount of money. There are two brands that are even worth it (cheap ones are laggy/shitty in general), both cost $60-70 for the converter itself. However, you also need a wired 360 controller to plug in to the converter to make it actually work, which is another 40 bucks. Worthless.

If you have a ps2 controller, get an xtokki360.


yes it does.
okay that's what confused me. i thought that xbox had some sort of thing for their plugs.

I don't know how to describe it other than it is what Apple does with their chargers, making one that isn't standardized. That is the word I mean.

So when I looked in that thread originally what I thought they were saying was an adapter for an xbox controller to be played on a ps3, since I'm accustomed to PS3 having usb functionality. (Never owned an Xbox)


okay that's what confused me. i thought that xbox had some sort of thing for their plugs.

I don't know how to describe it other than it is what Apple does with their chargers, making one that isn't standardized. That is the word I mean.

So when I looked in that thread originally what I thought they were saying was an adapter for an xbox controller to be played on a ps3, since I'm accustomed to PS3 having usb functionality. (Never owned an Xbox)
It's usb, but anything you plug in has to have a securtity chip to talk to the xbox. Thats why you usually need two pcbs for a dual mod, but some pcbs emulate the chip, like the ps360+ .