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Confused on how to read the standard combo list.

Ive been a little confused on what to acctually do to insert some of the combos on sub zero's page and the rest of the characters. Some of the words used in the combos can be confusing, is there a thread on here that better describes how to interpret the combos and words used to describe things? For example Sub Zero's 3rd standard combo says:

(BPBP~ice blast, NJ FP/BP, dash <- + FPBP, BPFPBP~Slide).

So I understand, and can do the first part up to the NJ(neutral jump) but I'm lost after that, what does the / mean between the FP and BP(either?)? Also when i try and do the dash into <- FPBP and then BPFPBP it doesn't work, Ive heard something about Canceling but I can't figure it out, can someone please help me. Thank you. Also I have no problem going from BPFPBP into the slide just can' get the <- + FPBP to work together with BPFPBP.


Ive been a little confused on what to acctually do to insert some of the combos on sub zero's page and the rest of the characters. Some of the words used in the combos can be confusing, is there a thread on here that better describes how to interpret the combos and words used to describe things? For example Sub Zero's 3rd standard combo says:

(BPBP~ice blast, NJ FP/BP, dash <- + FPBP, BPFPBP~Slide).

So I understand, and can do the first part up to the NJ(neutral jump) but I'm lost after that, what does the / mean between the FP and BP(either?)? Also when i try and do the dash into <- FPBP and then BPFPBP it doesn't work, Ive heard something about Canceling but I can't figure it out, can someone please help me. Thank you. Also I have no problem going from BPFPBP into the slide just can' get the <- + FPBP to work together with BPFPBP.
Ok, first the "/" between FP and BP just means you can use either one NJFP and NJBP are the same move. Remember your top two buttons are punches and your bottom two buttons are kicks so some moves are universal the "/" is just saying you can use either punch for that move.

As for the Subzero combo. That one isnt really worth doing midscreen because it does the same damage as BP,BP,freeze, JP,BP,FP,BK,slide. However I will tell you how to do it anyway. Obviously BP,BP,freeze is pretty easy. From there you want to dash in and jump straight up in the air. As your coming down hit either FP or BP(doesnt matter which, as I said they both do the same thing) then immediatly(and i do mean IMMEDIATELY) dash in and very quickly hit Back+FP,BP. Ok now the 2nd hit here is going to spike them on the ground, kind of like a football and they will bounce up. As they bounce up thats when you hit BP,FP,BP,slide.

Also it might be easier for you if you learned our shorthand. We use 1,2,3,4 to refer to the attack buttons like this:

So if we take your combo:
BP,BP,freeze,dash in,B+FP,BP,BP,FP,BP,slide

and re write it with the community shorthand it would look like this:

2,2,freeze,dash in,B+1,2,2,1,2,slide.

Alot of people find this easier to use and most of us use it as the standard. I can write in both so either way works for me.
Thank you very much!!! that helps a lot, also I was confused on the numbering method until now but I think I have it down now. Your help is much appreciated!! Only thing I still need to understand is what Zoning, Short dash, and tks/tkp means? Ive been watching a lot of pro matches and can't figure out what they mean when the commentator says them. Also I understand ~ means cancel but how do you do it?