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Cancels, Pressures, and Ins


Motor City Warrior
I’m trying to make a switch from zone to rush and pressure and I’ve done the tutorials, and I’ve read the frame data which I have a general understanding of but don’t know how to apply. I want to figure out how to do that sort of intense lockdown pressure. Jacqui Sean’s like a prime learning tool. Can I get a breakdown of how to apply frame data and how to recognize turn taking?


To Achieve, You must Believe
@DivineImpalerX That video does not explain mk11 mechanics on footsies. It is injustice 2.

@ZeroSymbolic On paper, frame data is resourceful on what attacks are safe on block. To say when it is your turn to attack, it would be on the sheet such as negative, 0, or plus frame. Yet, some attacks are situational and are not really all that negative given the spacing. If something is -7 on block for example, but spaced correctly it could be 0 hence you and the opponent could d1 at the same time, back dash etc.. It is recommended to go to training mode and learn a little bit of every character IMO to get a feel how everything works. If you have a training partner or someone that you play with consistently, they can feed you information on how certain strings are bad or work on that character and vice versa learning from each other.

Also side note, once you have the knowledge on character strings. You can use flawless block and start punishing certain abused strings with little gaps, which will create a more mind games.
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Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
Cancels, mixups, 50/50s, jailing, whiff punishing all add up to the beautiful mind game that is the rushdown art form. All those things you'll learn by practicing, but it's never the same as playing against another human. Understanding a concept is one thing, and watching a video is another, but it can never give you the experience you need to apply these concepts to your game. If you're used to playing a certain way you'll default to that way in high-pressure moments because the stakes are high, you want to win.

Learn all you can, apply these things in online matches and rewatch your matches and figure out what you did wrong or right.


I was going to start a topic with the same questions, so I'm following this hoping some jacquis mains will help us.


Motor City Warrior
What I really need is examples of these things as they relate to this character (1st round KO). I don't know how to get that lock down once I am in.

Apex Kano

Kano Commando main MKX
She is perfect for in your face pressure with cancels to mix it all in. If that's what you looking for she is the one for you. Like someone mentioned already, it depends on the distance vs the frame data. It can only give so much information versus actually fighting someone


Motor City Warrior
I feel like there is something I fundamentally do not understand about this character. This is supposed to be high pressure, once she's in she stays in and kills you, but in this game blocking low blocks everything except an overhead, and hers is really slow. Then if you do get pressure going, all they do is block it then d1 and it's over. I don't understand what makes her so powerful. I see that she is but I don't know how to make it work for me. Like, I literally do not get it, what am I supposed to be doing? (pardon, salty and frustrated at the moment).


Administrator and Community Engineer
I feel like there is something I fundamentally do not understand about this character. This is supposed to be high pressure, once she's in she stays in and kills you, but in this game blocking low blocks everything except an overhead, and hers is really slow. Then if you do get pressure going, all they do is block it then d1 and it's over. I don't understand what makes her so powerful. I see that she is but I don't know how to make it work for me. Like, I literally do not get it, what am I supposed to be doing? (pardon, salty and frustrated at the moment).
So a few things to understand here:
1) Conditioning is key. People may still be hit by the OH if they aren't looking for it -- but to do that you need to condition them with lots of blocking low first.

2) Along those lines, throws are incredibly strong in this game. If people are just blocking your pressure, throw them instead next time.

3) Continuing that idea, what makes the cancels dangerous is that you don't know what she's going to follow up with. So I can do f31 on block and cancel it with a throw after.. If the next time you expect the throw, I can follow the cancel with the full f31 into combo, or f314, or whatever.

4) LIkewise with plus frames.. If you connect with b34 on block, they have to guess what you're going to do to follow up.

5) When you need to encourage someone to open up, staggers and shimmys have their place. Basically, the goal is to make someone think they have a space to stop blocking and move or attack, when you're already about to unleash a followup that hits them. Play around with her strings to see what you can use for this.

So for example, once you condition them with b34 and b324 (the strings that start with lows), you might do b1, then walk back slightly, to leave a tiny window, then attack. I'm not sure if that's the best string for it since I haven't completely labbed it yet, but you get the idea. They think they can move, and you interrupt it because you started your next attack first.

You opponent cannot be blocking if they are moving, so making them think it's ok to move can give you the opening you need. Find spaces where a slight walk back, etc. can convince your opponent to do something and stop blocking. Walk forward like you're about to throw them and then attack before they do, etc. You can also use strings with pushback on block to put them at a tricky distance where they try to do something afterward and you punish them for it.

Bottom line:
All of these things are more effective when you are mixing them up. If you're doing the same thing every time, your opponent is going to catch on to it. Watch how good players open people up and repeat.
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Here is some more practical advice. Most basic break down of just one tool.

F3 is 9 frame mid that can string to safe combos hit confirmable and -2 on block

So you get in and you do a string and they contest with D1 after your string. A few things happen at this moment. Most D1 will be -3 or worse. Your pressure just got better. Essentially you have plus frames to build on. You have one of the best mid in the game at 9 frames and extremely good staggers.

Options are
F3-you stuff most characters challenging you and you hit confirm to your standard combo, on block f31 is -2. You can stop there and be in a similar situation where they would want to D1 you. Or you do f314 and if they D1 they get hit and you confirm to the ender. Or they blocked it and you are -6. They now have a turn to poke or do a fast mid.
The stagger f31 at -2 means they essentially have 2 frames to decide on using said D1 before you can D1 to contest. It's basically a guess for them as long as you mix your options enough. Raw f3 is the exact same thing too. Everytime this exchange happens you are slowly winning because your strings do more chip then their D1. In addition, jaqui gets very easy hit confirms so you will typically be out damaging them from a safe position.

Next option is throw 10 frames
They either get thrown or read and punish. Back throw leaves them a bit closer. To stay on them.

D1 option
Guarantees you stuff any option besides them cancelling into something from their D1. On hit you are +10 so you have several options that jail or just f3 since it's 9 frame. Or you can throw again.

She has several options that mimic this scenario that she can force onto the opponent. After any of your staggers you can also flawless block punish too which makes them even more scared to contest you. If you establish this, your -2 staggers start to feel plus to the opponent and you can start throwing or just looping your pressure. The chip is significant in this game from bullying with normals.

Hope this helps, it's just a small window but you can destroy the best players if you master just these options right now. But you need all of them to come together.

If you want recent footage, watch ninjakilla in the most recent tournament. He essentially does the same thing with a -7 string repeatedly with Liu Kang. Yours will be easier to enforce as jaqui with more damage potential. Liu Kang does get a counter to mind game with though. Contrary to popular belief you really don't need an overhead to open people up. You have one to throw out once you are murdering them with the attack or no attack game.


Wakanda Forever!!
Here is some more practical advice. Most basic break down of just one tool.

F3 is 9 frame mid that can string to safe combos hit confirmable and -2 on block

So you get in and you do a string and they contest with D1 after your string. A few things happen at this moment. Most D1 will be -3 or worse. Your pressure just got better. Essentially you have plus frames to build on. You have one of the best mid in the game at 9 frames and extremely good staggers.

Options are
F3-you stuff most characters challenging you and you hit confirm to your standard combo, on block f31 is -2. You can stop there and be in a similar situation where they would want to D1 you. Or you do f314 and if they D1 they get hit and you confirm to the ender. Or they blocked it and you are -6. They now have a turn to poke or do a fast mid.
The stagger f31 at -2 means they essentially have 2 frames to decide on using said D1 before you can D1 to contest. It's basically a guess for them as long as you mix your options enough. Raw f3 is the exact same thing too. Everytime this exchange happens you are slowly winning because your strings do more chip then their D1. In addition, jaqui gets very easy hit confirms so you will typically be out damaging them from a safe position.

Next option is throw 10 frames
They either get thrown or read and punish. Back throw leaves them a bit closer. To stay on them.

D1 option
Guarantees you stuff any option besides them cancelling into something from their D1. On hit you are +10 so you have several options that jail or just f3 since it's 9 frame. Or you can throw again.

She has several options that mimic this scenario that she can force onto the opponent. After any of your staggers you can also flawless block punish too which makes them even more scared to contest you. If you establish this, your -2 staggers start to feel plus to the opponent and you can start throwing or just looping your pressure. The chip is significant in this game from bullying with normals.

Hope this helps, it's just a small window but you can destroy the best players if you master just these options right now. But you need all of them to come together.

If you want recent footage, watch ninjakilla in the most recent tournament. He essentially does the same thing with a -7 string repeatedly with Liu Kang. Yours will be easier to enforce as jaqui with more damage potential. Liu Kang does get a counter to mind game with though. Contrary to popular belief you really don't need an overhead to open people up. You have one to throw out once you are murdering them with the attack or no attack game.

Man that is a really good explanation, can I ask you something? In my opinion Jaqui demolish Geras, at least the command grab one, New Era ( I believe that is the name) do you have any tips to counter her pressure. With Geras I want to be close in the face of my opponent yet vs Jaqui I feel that all her bottons are WAY better than mine. I might be downplaying my Geras but I truly dont think so, I have a full understanding of how my character works and cant beat her!

Any help would be really appreciated!