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Cal Poly's Super Winter Game Convention Jan. 13-16


Crazy 88 Co-Leader
PolyCon’s Super Winter Game Convention
Jan 13-16, 2012
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

Fri 5pm – 10pm Building 8
Sat 10am – Sun 11pm University Union
Mon noon – 5pm Building 8

Weekend pass: $10 for weekend pass for Video Games. Plus there will also be a BBQ Sunday that this covers. (All Proceeds go to Game Theory/Poly Con)

Tournament Entry Fee: Pre- Registration $10 per game ( Tourny fee goes towards prizes)
Late = $12
Pre-Register at: http://showdowntournaments.org/?page_id=93*
pre- Registration is strictly for tournament games. *The venue fee will still need to be paid at the door. ( We are working on getting our playes a discount on the weekend pass so I will keep you informed.)

Online pre-registration will be closed the morning of January 9th. You can still pre-register on Friday, January 13th, in building 8 at Cal Poly from 5:00 to 10:00

Friday: 5:00 - 10:00 Casuals

3S: 11:00
Sc2: 12:00
UmvC3: 12:30
SSF4: 3:00
MK9: 5:00
Casuals when finished

3S Finals: 12:00
UMvC3 Finals: 2:00
SSF4 Finals: 4:00
SC2 Finals: 6:00
MK9 Finals: 7:00

Games will be played on the XBOX360
MK9 Will be played on PS3


Mk will have a $100 Pot Bonus for 1st place.

Live Stream


Slight possibility of a Starcraft 2 tournament stream pending contact from the Cal Poly Star League.

Besides Video Game tournaments there will also be:

7 Wonders
Magic The Gathering
Warhammer 40k
Nerf wars

Pretty much board, card, miniatures, video and role playing games galore.


Twztid (possible)
Kamikaze 88
Michelangelo 88(possible)
H20 Farmer 88
Kaleb 88
Krazie Bone ( possible)
Wonder Chef ( Possible)
Wraith 88 (Possible)
Wound Cowboy 88 (possible)
Xblades (possible)
CaliJokerStyle (possible)
Mosp (possible)
Lethal Legend (possible)
Red Reaper (possible)
4-8 Cal Poly Students


Crazy 88 Co-Leader
Ok just checked with the other TO's and unfortunately we will not be able to provide converters. HOWEVER, H20 Famer is bringing down 1 of his so If anyone has a another one they can bring we can make sure all PS3 players will be taking care of. I am also in talk about getting at least a 100$ guarantee 1st place prize for MK. I am pretty sure that will be going down because I am donating my future prize winnings for local tournys to it.

Right now MK has the biggest hype going into the tourny. With big names from NoCal and Socal coming down MK will be the Main Event if everyone comes down. I will update this thread with confirmed and possible entries. If I get more confirmed players I will try to raise the guarentee prize money. I'm Hype for this and so are the TO's. I want MK to be the main event and be the Hypest game there. Thanks for the Love Guys and looking foward to meeting everyone and seeing Chef and Bone again.


Crazy 88 Co-Leader
Mk will have a $100 Pot Bonus for1st place.

Edit: SSF4, UMvC3 and Starcraft 2 will also have $100 Pot Bonuses, Plus if we get some more sponsors the pot bonus will increase!


Crazy 88 Co-Leader
Yes you can register at the the door. I am talking with the TO's about the ps3 setups. Would you and everyone else be cool though using the 360 and converters for finals and streamed matches because all of our streaming equipment is set for the xbox


Crazy 88 Co-Leader
Ok guys so we are now going to be running MK on the PS3 now since a majority of mk players are on that system. We will switch out s systems so we can stream the matches.

Also the pre- Registration is strictly for tournament games. The venue fee will still need to be paid at the door.


Crazy 88 Co-Leader
Also guys I'm the MK T.O./ Spokesperson for our scene up here. So if you have any questions or possible request let me know and I will do my best to accommodate.

Also if you preregister let me know and ill update the entry list.


Crazy 88 Co-Leader
First Post Updated!

Online pre-registration will be closed the morning of January 9th. You can still pre-register on Friday, January 13th, in building 8 at Cal Poly from 5:00 to 10:00