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Black Widow (2021 Movie) SPOILERS!!!


The future of law enforcement.
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This thread is for discussing the new Black Widow movie that was just released. Please understand this thread will contain spoilers, so it's on you if you choose to read on and get anything spoiled. Enjoy!

Shania Twain

That Don't Impress Me Much
OMG. my nephew got it on disney+ cuz he is all about those marvel movies. IT IS SOOOOOOO boring! i had watched for an hour and had to shut it off. they beat you over the head with "call your avenger friends" and cliche' action. and black widow fights Cobra Commander and neo vipers but they all looked cool though....some scenes looked nearly shot for shot to Birds of Prey. GI Joe ROC/Retaliation.


Blind justice....
Im just gonna quote myself, since i already wrote what i think about this movie on my profile.

Just watched Black Widow and it was a total turd. Like a Captain Marvel level of turd. Not that i expected much from this but it was dumb, unfunny and clumsy. Im still thinking... wth i just watched... Save yourself 2h of your life and don't watch it.

It really is horrible, like seriously the whole plot is so obvious, characters outside of Yelena are one dimensional plank of wood, Red Guardian is a fat, old man with no purpose what so ever and Melina in the end is a hero no matter that she pretty much made the "mind controling thing" for the main villain and been working with him for years but who would care about that.

The main villain is like non existant for 99% of movie time and in the end he is just another fat, lazy man with no power what so ever. Don't get me started on the Snake Eyes copy cat. Also pferomones? Seriously? Not to mention Mason which is the nicest black market arms dealer i've ever heard of. Also it seems that FBI stops looking for you once you fly away on a plane, makes total sense...

Post credit scene was also rubbish; Julia Dreyfus was fine in Veep where she was an dumb, awkward yet funny vice president; here she's just awkward and annoying. If you thought Captain Marvel was dumb this easily ties it in that category.
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What a day. What a lovely day.
I enjoyed it, granted, I stan Black Widow. However, there were some issues I had. It slowed waaaaaaaaay down throughout the middle of the movie, and Taskmaster was tragically underutilized. I was specifically let down by their battle with the Red Gaurdian.

I felt the set pieces were pretty good though. Specifically the Widow vs Widows battle and the free fall scene.

I’d give it about 6.5-7/10. It isn’t going to blow anyways mind, but I was entertained. Still waiting on that female superhero movie that rivals the first Wonder Woman.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Red Gardian was useless in this movie, you can literally delete him from the movie.

Yelena on the other hand was amazing, i hope she is the new black widow.


The future of law enforcement.
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Poor Taskmaster lol. Has any Marvel character been butchered so terribly? We've had some major deviations from the comic versions, like Klaw in Black Panther, but even those were still fun and interesting takes on those characters. In this case, they needlessly gender-flipped him, completely reworked his entire backstory, and removed all of his agency as a villain via mind-control. And he looked more like he belonged in that 2002 Vin Diesel extreme sports movie, XXX.

At one point they mentioned that her dad was Crimson Dynamo, who was certainly not a super soldier, but more of a Russian Iron Man knockoff. It felt like someone just Googled "Marvel Russia" and threw together everything they could find on Wikipedia.


(X ౪ X )
didnt really added anything to either her or the universe beside of introducing new charackters which they could have done with the little short series like the did with wanda, wintersoldier and now loki.
I think my favourite aspect of this film is how it sets up the Hawkeye show and my anticipation for the moment Clint has to share with Yelena what happened on Vormir after she hunts him down.

As corny as a lot of the films are, I think they nail much of the emotional content in places, as well as certain character interactions. I eat that shit up.
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Sareena for MK11!
I’ve been waiting for a Black Widow movie since Age of Ultron, and I can say I’m not disappointed at all! We finally dove into her background which I feel like the movies really failed to do so(Hawkeye suffers from this as well, I’m excited to see what they do with his TV Series). The side characters were great and enjoyable.

I do wish this movie came out a bit earlier. I’ve seen many people criticizing the movie about this, but IMO that’s more of a “meta” standpoint. Yes, we know that Black Widow dies, but that should not simplify her actions and motivations as a character. Take anything that came out with a prequel years after the original as an example. Also look at shows like The Clone Wars. We KNOW how it’s supposed to end. We KNOW that Palpatine will rise to power with the clones. When season 7 came around, people weren’t saying “why does it matter if we know all these characters are dead anyways.” They were excited to see the narrative get expanded upon... And Black Widow is no different in my eyes.

I think a major problem with Black Widow isn’t because she’s dead in the timeline, it’s because Marvel didn’t really give a damn about her character, thus neither did the fans... So much to the point where they just killed her off. Which is a shame because I would’ve love to see what else they can do with a classic character like Black Widow.

Overall I give this movie a 7.5/10. The Taskmaster reveal I guess fit the narrative of the movie, but they should have just used a different character. I’m hoping that somehow the true Taskmaster is out there somewhere. Maybe the Red Room secretly created other versions of Taskmaster? We’ll see, but IMO that was the low point for me in the movie.
I think a major problem with Black Widow isn’t because she’s dead in the timeline, it’s because Marvel didn’t really give a damn about her character, thus neither did the fans... So much to the point where they just killed her off. Which is a shame because I would’ve love to see what else they can do with a classic character like Black Widow.
So I have a theory about this that relates to how the Loki show is going, and I feel that there is some potential for undoing the soul stone sacrifice via loophole.


Live by the sword, Die by the sword
It started off good then at the middle when I realized what type of movie it was going to be, it was just ok. I didn't even know who Taskmaster was but felt that had huge potential that seem to have been wasted at the end. After reading about the character and complaints, I realized the character got the Deadpool from X-Men Origins treatment.

The I felt the supporting characters did an excellent job but overall I rate it a 6.


bye felicia
interesting how many people thought the black widow prequel was going to be a taskmaster vehicle. I guess that's what dc movie writing will do to you.


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I've enjoyed most Marvel movies, so I'll probably enjoy this one too. At this point they seem to have the assembly line set up so well for making these movies that even a "bad" marvel movie these days is still solid enough for a Friday night stream.


bye felicia
I've enjoyed most Marvel movies, so I'll probably enjoy this one too. At this point they seem to have the assembly line set up so well for making these movies that even a "bad" marvel movie these days is still solid enough for a Friday night stream.
The worst thing this movie does is not be about Taskmaster, not be about the Avengers, and
not give any impression that OG Widow is coming back to the MCU. It does however give us a Black Widow replacement, and set up the Hawkeye serial.

Other than that, its a perfectly functional dumb spy action movie. Like a Bourne film with more butts and explosions.


This dream has a sad ending
I honestly didn't hate the film but honestly the only really cool scene was the part where the plane blew up and they were fighting on the way down. Other then that I kinda viewed it as a typical marvel movie, it wasn't great but it was flashy and fun to turn your brain off.