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Question Backup File for PC?

Hey guys,

I recently started to play on PC so and after a while i lost all my stuff from the game except for the win loss statistics.

Does anybody know which file i can copy and save as a backup in order to prevent me losing data for good?

Thanks in advance.
I hope you bought it from some 3rd party key seller for cheapest price possible, otherwise my condolences.

As far as I remember, backing up save data and putting it in directory did not work, back when it was loud about this issue. Hell, they still did not fix it...
I hope you bought it from some 3rd party key seller for cheapest price possible, otherwise my condolences.

As far as I remember, backing up save data and putting it in directory did not work, back when it was loud about this issue. Hell, they still did not fix it...

I was lucky only paid 10 bucks for it. Yes third party Key Seller.

On the MK Subreddit some kind fella helped me with this link:


From now on I will be safe.