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Anime discussion thread

How have i just now found this thread? I have watched more anime than anyone on this site.
Answer to the OP: Blood+ is really good in my opinion.
If you're Somewhat of a masochist and like to watch absolutely horrible things you might also want to check out the "sequel" (extremely loosely related if at all) Blood C.

Currently I'm only watching One Piece and Naruto Shippuuden because i havent had much time, but when i free some up i should get back up to my average of 14 shows a week. :D


I just finished Durarara!! it was pretty good but it left a lot of questions unanswered. I'm looking for a new show to start, any recommendations?


Up the Irons!!!
So I recently started watching Future Diary/Mirai Nikki, and holy crap this show is weird. The best way that I can describe it (and how my friends described it to me), is that it's a weird mix of Death Note and the Hunger games.

Link for the plot of anyone is interested: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Future_Diary#Plot

This is probably one of the weirdest anime's I've watched, and definitely one of the most violent, like

In the last couple episodes I watched, the person that Yuki and Yuno were supposed to kill was an effing 4 year old boy. At the end of episode 7, Yuno ends up stabbing him in the chest with a kitchen knife (you don't see the stabbing) but then the camera comes up on the kid and you see a knife sticking out of his chest with blood pouring down the stairs.

Here's a link to what I was talking about in the spoiler:

Unfortunately it's not subbed, but what they're saying doesn't matter.

Has anyone else watched this? If so, does it get anymore fucked up?

On a side note, FUNimation recently announced the cast for the English dub of Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trails, and they're bringing back the entire original cast!! So hyped for this :D


So I recently started watching Future Diary/Mirai Nikki, and holy crap this show is weird. The best way that I can describe it (and how my friends described it to me), is that it's a weird mix of Death Note and the Hunger games.

Link for the plot of anyone is interested: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Future_Diary#Plot

This is probably one of the weirdest anime's I've watched, and definitely one of the most violent, like

In the last couple episodes I watched, the person that Yuki and Yuno were supposed to kill was an effing 4 year old boy. At the end of episode 7, Yuno ends up stabbing him in the chest with a kitchen knife (you don't see the stabbing) but then the camera comes up on the kid and you see a knife sticking out of his chest with blood pouring down the stairs.

Here's a link to what I was talking about in the spoiler:

Unfortunately it's not subbed, but what they're saying doesn't matter.

Has anyone else watched this? If so, does it get anymore fucked up?

On a side note, FUNimation recently announced the cast for the English dub of Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trails, and they're bringing back the entire original cast!! So hyped for this :D
I've seen Mirai Nikki. It was good for like the first 7 episodes, I really liked the whole dark/horror tone it had for those episodes but everything after that was kinda meh. I don't want to spoil it for you but you might want to check out the manga's ending after you finish watching the anime, they are equally dissapointing :| (in my opinion).


El Psy Congroo
Started Rosario+Vampire because I think I've seen everything else worth seeing on Netflix (anime wise). Not exactly impressed. Found a little humor in it here and there. Hopefully something better will show up on Netflix soon.

Edit: I'll look into Corpse Princess, now that you mentioned it, ShadowBeatz
The majority of the anime on Netflix is awful.

Even the better stuff isn't always good because the dubs are a complete toss up whether or not they are bearable.

Gurren Lagann, FMA Brotherhood, Soul Eater, Claymore, Trigun, Afro Samurai and Samurai Champloo all have pretty good dubs from what I remember and they're all pretty solid animes but most people have seen them all. Elfen Lieds dub is pretty bad, not sure if Darker Than Blacks is good, I watched it subbed but it's on there as well and is pretty good. Eden of the East and Gungrave are also good. Again, not sure about the dubs. I've heard good things about Mushi-Shi, never seen it myself. Still annoyed they removed Clannad off Netflix but have After Story there. Kinda pointless to have a sequel to an anime but not the original.
Been watching Date-A-Live/Mondaji-Tachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sou Desu Yo. Loooooooooooooooooving Date-A-Live so far, read most of the LN and its gewd. Mondaji is a nice change of pace for me, since lately I've been either watching super disturbing/mind-breaking anime or drama/cute anime, and I haven't seen enough "Overpowered characters doing Overpowered stuff" shit lol. I really want to start Dantalian no Shoka since eyepatch characters>>>>>>>>>>> characters without eyepatches, anyone know if its good?


Dualshock 2 User
My favorite is One Piece. The heroes and villains are really something. If DBZ was still airing I'd rate that as #1 or #2.
Other animes you might like
Toriko (It's like a fighter anime mixed with the food network lol)
Magi: The Labyrinth Of Magic
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Sword Art Online
Outlaw Star
Cowboy Bebop
Samurai Champloo
Hunter X Hunter (2011)
Code Geass
Death Note
Highschool of the dead
Yu Yu Hakusho
Valvrave the Liberator
Attack on Titan

check out shanaproject for anime dls, you can automate them hd torrents


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Only have a passing interest in the thing.

I've watched Cowboy Bebop and Clannad+After Story.

Currently watching Milky Holmes though.

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
Personal recommendations from my favs list:

-Death Note
-Code Geass

All of which are fantastic :3
Yo Cat Planet Cuties is the best anime ever =3
But I don't know why the cat chicks have human ears with cat ears. The whole 4 ear thing really messes with my boner you know?