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A New Strider Game!!! <3


Head Cage
Double Helix Studios has been doing a lot to get KI fans input on their new games, and to make necessary changes to it in order to get the perfect KI game. When I first played a DHS game it was Silent Hill: Homecoming, and man I was pissed at how bad the game was. However, since then the studio has improved on a lot fo things and are trying to get in touch with the fan base of games they've been working on. One of their newest games, that was just announced today, is the new Strider title.

Gameplay Footge:

The game is to be played like the original Strider games, but with a metroid style map system, instead of a level based game like the previous iterations of the game.

I have hope that DHS doesn't fuck up on this game. They've been doing a lot to make sure fans are happy as of recent, which ultimately makes me happy they're the one working on this game.