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A different type of post....will we get new brutalities?


A different type of post for a change.

I REALLY REALLY hope 'follow-up exam' and 'history lesson' (df2 & db2) get brutalities. I can just imagine Geras teleporting to the other slide and instead of doing a clothesline.....
  1. grabbing them by the throat from mid-air, pulling their head off, and slamming it into the ground.
  2. grabbing one arm, while the clone grabs the other, and they both tear the body in half.
anymore suggestions? LOL!


The last Saurian from Zaterra - Syzoth - Reptile
Judging purely from the amount of ripe opportunities for MKX and MK11 to have brutalities added for movies that seemed perfect - don't get your hopes up.

But. When they release the story expansion or whatever they'll likely add a few new ones. Perhaps one per character.