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12-Hour ALS Charity Twitch Gaming Stream NOW LIVE

My real life friend is taking the ALS ice bucket challenge to a whole new level. Join us tomorrow as we pour ice down his pants while he simultaneously tries to play silly games, FOR TWELVE STRAIGHT HOURS. Stream link: http://www.twitch.tv/thechetstreams

So earlier today I made this announcement in regards to the ‪#‎alsicebucketchallenge‬

"So I was challenged to do this ALS thing, but just dumping a bucket of ice water on myself seemed boring. Instead I am going to do a 12+ hour stream on my Twitch.tv channel on Sunday where all donations made will be given to the ALS Charity. Every donation made will also have an icewater related consequence for me from a squirt gun to the face, to a cup of ice water in my under-britches all while still trying to play games. All being carried out with the help of Redacted Friend Name"

There were a few things I forgot to included in this.

The person that nominated me for the challenge was Redacted Friend Name

I hope to start Sunday morning before 11 am and continue on as late as possible, playing at least 12 hours under the ice-water fueled duress for charity and the world's entertainment.

My stream is going to have the list of "donation incentives" posted once we figure them out. I will also be open to ideas from people as to what we could have on the list.

You can go ahead and spread the word if you would like. I would love to see how much money we can raise for the cause.

You can follow my stream here : http://www.twitch.tv/thechetstreams
And my twitter here : https://twitter.com/thechetstreams

I will post updates both to here as well as twitter as I have them.
List of games to be played:

League of Legends, CS:GO, GMod, TF2, DOTA2, Chivalry, Dungeon Defenders, Killing Floor, Just Cause 2 Multiplayer Mod, L4D2

Also non multi player: Surgeon Simulator, Super Meat Boy, Dark Souls 1 and 2, One Finger Death Punch, Goat Simulator