injustice 2

  1. Darth Mao

    Donnie Tech - Remote Doom-Ba "ignore list"

    List of all the moves that are ignored by Remote Doom-Ba [4]. Based on this thread: @Cursa thanks bro Atom bf1 bf1 MB df3 df3 MB db3~f, df3 db3~f, df3 MB db3, df3 MB Aquaman bf2 Atrocitus bf2 bf2 MB...
  2. D

    Remote Play

    How many of you here have ever tried playing on remote play? The lag is obviously insane. As an above average player, it's unpleasantly humbling to get your ass handed to you by the scrubbiest of folks this way. Has anyone improved the responsiveness of remote play on the ps4 at all or is this...
  3. bcfighting

    [TODAY] BCF4 is LIVE with Injustice 2, Tekken, MvCI, Street Fighter, and DBFZ Show Matches

    TODAY -- Join the Body Count Fighting team for BCF4 -- a series of Dragon Ball FighterZ, Street Fighter V, Tekken 7, Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite, and Injustice 2 show matches where players compete for bragging rights and championship belts in their respective games. Injustice 2 matches include...
  4. scarsunseen

    ScarsUnseen's Enchantress Setups (video)

    Hey, guys! I just wanted to make a compilation video of all the Enchantress setups I've found so far. I also highly recommend you check out other setups found by Kandarr and SonicFox (check Twitter). I'm sure others out there have found some goodies too. This character is extremely fun and can...
  5. HellblazerHawkman

    Video/Tutorial Push Block Paper Scissors: The Art of Pressure with Darth Arma

    A lot of us understand what frame data means at the basic level: if you have a bigger number than the other guy after your hit, you can do a thing first. But how many of us know how to apply it? What to do when you are under pressure from plus frames? How to manipulate your opponent into...
  6. HellblazerHawkman

    Enchantress FT10 Mirror: Beyond Toxin vs. Jackal on PND K&M

    In honor of Enchantress being released, PNDKetchup and PNDMustard hosted a FT10 on their weekly stream between PsrK Beyond Toxin and BxA Jackal. We've got parries hitting for 300+ damage, we've got draw-offs, we've got everything Enchantress is capable of doing two days in. More of a character...
  7. P

    Starfire Match videos

    Vs foxy. Unfortunately this is only the second half of the set bc I ran out of memory. Pls note this is only his day 2 enchantress I have a lot of recent stuff on my youtube
  8. Error

    "A combo thread indeed' - Black Adam combo thread

    Since the current Black Adam combo thread hasn't been updated since the vanilla patch days I'm making a new thread with most of the current optimal combos for Black Adam. Credit goes for my apprentice @Red Raptor for putting this video together and writing out all the notations so I don't have...
  9. Romanova

    Have a Seat: First to Ten kicks into kombat and victories with Meryluna

    This week the blog is back interviewing one of the NRS scenes top lady competitors who has made a few top 8 appearances this year. I love Mery's personality so much she is fierce, competitive, and a sweetheart. I hope you all enjoy this interview with her...
  10. Jhonnykiller45

    Injustice 2 Unused Gears - Possible Future Release?

    So an user on reddit apparently has found the models for unused gear sets for multiple characters hidden deep inside the game's files in the PC version of the game (they're likely to be on console too) Images for every character found so far can be seen here: As you...
  11. bcfighting

    Replays from Injustice 2 Body Count Fighting Online Tournament

    Hi Everyone, Yesterday Body Count Fighting held its first ever online tournament in Injustice 2 -- today we've posted all of the replays from our stream which can be found in this neat playlist: & here's our Grand Finals between Tweedy (Superman) vs. Emperor Flappy (Black Adam) We are...
  12. Roy Arkon

    Injustice 2 Wins, "Best Fighting Game" at The Game Awards 2017!

    Injustice 2 was recently nominated for the "best fighting game" category for "The Game Awards". The Game Awards is an annual game awards ceremony created back in 2014. Since its creation, The Game Awards has become a very prestigious event. With that said, just yesterday Injustice 2 was crowned...
  13. SpecOps2013

    Is Deadshot still viable?

    This character has been nerfed hard over the past few patches. The question is, is he still viable? I still think he's somewhat viable and I'll explain why. -Midscreen dmg is ass but at least u have 50/50s to keep your guessing. Combos off b1 and f2 still leave ur opponent fullscreen, where...
  14. Marinjuana

    Brainiac S1 whiffing issues

    Braniac's S1 is a 7 frame high and his D1 grants 12 hit advantage. Despite that, Brainiac can only get his S1 to jail from D1 on big body characters. For every other character in the game it will completely whiff, which prevents him from getting pressure using his S1 strings like most other...
  15. Roy Arkon

    Who is Your Favorite Ninja Turtle?

    Here is something for fun. Now that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are officially in IJ2, I think it will be nice to see among TYM members which Turtle is their favorite Turtle. This has nothing to do with gameplay in IJ2 that each Turtle might have. This is based about your favorite Turtle in...
  16. standoffstance


    Hi guys. I am a huge fan of the FGC and considered myself to be pretty good on MKX. I was top 10 in ranked online matches for a while, have played various sets with pros, and was able to play everyone in the cast at a high level. Then Injustice 2 came out. I got it today, and after having...
  17. Oonaugh_

    Injustice 2 - Scarecrow Combos And Setups

    Hello and welcome to my second combo video! In this video, I demonstrate setups, and general combos with Scarecrow! You can find my first combo video here: Subscribe for more <3
  18. Roy Arkon

    Alternative Versions of Raptor's Corner 50/50 for Sub-Zero

    2 weeks ago, Raptor made a video of a Left/Right Corner 50/50 for Sub-Zero as you can see here: I've checked it in the lab and I've found some alternative versions to this 50/50. In addition to jump backwards before jumping forwards for a FJ2, you can also go for NJ2, before you go for the...
  19. MyNameIsNotGio

    Need help getting better at injustice 2?

    Sup guys, GIO here. For the newbies that keep getting their ass kicked and don't understand why, theres a few major things you want to do when stepping into any fighting game really. 1. If you dont know your matchups, you're going to lose to someone who does. Learn what frame data is, what it...
  20. ADsolo

    Circa Forever King Interview: talks Batman, his thoughts on his ELeague performance and more!

    Hi there! I wanted to share my latest interview with Circa Forever King. We discussed his thoughts on Batman, his ELEAGUE experience, and more. Feel free to check it out and please like the video if you enjoy! Click to view!:) AD