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Dominance and Fear will strike the West Coast in June

Which side do you think will become victorious?

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damn the uk vs usa should be at evo because of ketchu and mustar but the east coast vs west coast has to be at MLG we need to have some kind of 5v5 at MLG and i want to play safe some thing for me REO @cdjr Maxter and CD you guys are selfish :mad:


"Strength isn't everything"
damn the uk vs usa should be at evo because of ketchu and mustar but the east coast vs west coast has to be at MLG we need to have some kind of 5v5 at MLG and i want to play safe some thing for me REO @cdjr Maxter and CD you guys are selfish :mad:
Defiantly try rock this at MLG.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Lord Reo has spoken, i have to follow his guidance and gladly obey his commands.
Shalt we get a fifth Member or should we "the 4 chosen ones" get the job done against all of them?, i mean "All of them'?.
Shalt we go full strength against them this time, or is it not necessary?
Shalt we be in need of any sort of divine intervention or Possibly dark magic, or is it not necessary?
Shalt riu48 or KT smith intervene or is it not necessary?
Shalt Tom Brady be the obvious secret fifth destroyer or is it not necessary?
Shalt DetroitBalln313 stands on their side or shows where Detroit is really located on the Map?
Lord Reo, light my way.

Thou shalt, O Lord, descend,
And all the kingdoms bless;
Throughout the earth Thy realm extend,
And judge in righteousness.

Give your best Egp, WC whoever you are

Holy shit.

That is all.

Still rooting for the hometeam.
Krayzie, Denzell, Shorry, Tyrant, there's no shortage of talent and brute murderous strength that could step forth.
But VSM can't be put down. They're the fucking Yankees.
They go where hope is highest for their defeat, and they take that hope, crush it, put it in a bottle of Jagermeister, pass it in a circle until all hope is consumed, and obliterate cities and states using that very same hope against them.
They're like what the end of Lord Of The Rings would've looked like if Frodo hadn't miraculous survived like 319 bullshit near-death experiences and been destroyed, and Sauron had gotten back the ring and covered the world in a thousand years of darkness.
If Luke had missed the shot that blew up the Death Star and the Empire had reigned supreme.
If Myotismon had defeated the Digidestined and conquered the world on the first try.
The Black Mamba. Death Incarnate. Gargantuan.

This is gonna be a very, very interesting year...Let's see who can kill the proverbial Bill.

Tim Static

Just saying, if Arizona is West Coast, then Ohio is East Coast too.

Not that it matters, just saying.

OneBoxyRobot We should come up with a site infraction for posting Disturbed songs. lmao

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Just saying, if Arizona is West Coast, then Ohio is East Coast too.

Not that it matters, just saying.

OneBoxyRobot We should come up with a site infraction for posting Disturbed songs. lmao
I must concur, sir. There's only so much of playing the same song for 12 years I can take.
If you played an unfamiliar someone 2000 Disturbed and 2012 Disturbed, they wouldn't know the difference.

If there's enough people on each side, they could do an entire tournament that way.
MLG: East VS West. Bring everybody. Regular double-elim, 2 outta 3/3 outta 5 rules.
1 East V 16 West, 2 V 15 and so forth...it'd be fucking epic.
The big show is the big show, but this'd be a great sideshow for side supremacy.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Everytime I watch west coast, I am dumbfounded and don't understand how they think they can compete with NY.

Tyrant is a very good player and so is kraziebone...so is chef but in my honest opinion the only guys that I think stand a chance are:


This has nothing to do with my gameplay because I already know Im better than NY and Vegas and Cali combined. So suck a hatchet!

Tim Static

What's funny is that WC needs multiple states just to compete... EC gets this powerhouse team with just NYC/LI when there other EC players like Death, Pig, Curbo, Big D, etc
Well it is West Coast vs East Coast, not NY vs WC but yea, just the state of NY would be impressive against anyone.


Everytime I watch west coast, I am dumbfounded and don't understand how they think they can compete with NY.
for real man, don't judge players based off what you see on stream. In all honesty every time i see CDjr's Jax i am dumbfounded at how people think hes good but hey, i think he has won a few games :coffee:

Also i will admit We don't have a TON of "high" level players. If someone is on stream it doesn't automatically mean they are supposed to be good, i know i wasn't when i first started playing and i got almost an hour of stream time at my first offline event


Makes women fap
It has been brought to my attention that there have been some misfortunate souls going around speaking nonsense about high caliber players who reside and prosper in NY. We now know who these detractors are, and now your death is nothing short of inevitable. You will all be handled and humiliated one by one, while we reclaim a new land that will be used as another terrestrial mark of dominance.

VSM has picked apart and blew up one third of the country, the west coast shall be no different. It won't make a damn bit of difference if we do this as VSM vs EGP, CA vs NY, or WC vs EC, the consequences for you commoners shall remain the same. How dare you lower-class fools even think of trying to snarl at legendary warriors such as us.

You all better be prepared. This is your last chance to gather and rise up together before you get struck down for good. We are your primary fear and soon to be executioners...

We are

Speed and adaptation - REO
Ruthless Tyrant - CD jr
Pernicious Terminator - Maxter
Proficient Mastery - CRAZY DOMINICAN

We will spare no one.
The only thing worse than a sniveling little rat using a thesaurus to sound like a...... a god... Is being from the east coast. Considering these disgusting fools are BOTH I have pity for them. My pity will run out though.. When the heat of June sets in and erupts the fiery soul of the west coast you insolent dirt clods will beg for mercy at our feet...

After the west coast BURIES you in Mortal Kombat we will LITERALLY bury each of you at one of our extravagant beaches.. Hopefully the crabs kill you before you drown under our beautiful west coast waves.
We will toy with you in such a manner that you think you'll have a chance.. Then we rip the rug from under your feet and you will lay there, on your back, looking foolish.
The salt that will flow from your cankerous talk portals will rival that of the dead sea.. There will be blood. There will be upsets. There will be tear.. there will only be one coast left after June.. Say goodbye to the Statue of Liberty.

I will leave you with one last thought.
Tupac has recently risen. Our west coast allstar.. Why hasn't Biggie? Because the west always prevails!!!


The only thing worse than a sniveling little rat using a thesaurus to sound like a...... a god... Is being from the east coast. Considering these disgusting fools are BOTH I have pity for them. My pity will run out though.. When the heat of June sets in and erupts the fiery soul of the west coast you insolent dirt clods will beg for mercy at our feet...

After the west coast BURIES you in Mortal Kombat we will LITERALLY bury each of you at one of our extravagant beaches.. Hopefully the crabs kill you before you drown under our beautiful west coast waves.
We will toy with you in such a manner that you think you'll have a chance.. Then we rip the rug from under your feet and you will lay there, on your back, looking foolish.
The salt that will flow from your cankerous talk portals will rival that of the dead sea.. There will be blood. There will be upsets. There will be tear.. there will only be one coast left after June.. Say goodbye to the Statue of Liberty.

I will leave you with one last thought.
Tupac has recently risen. Our west coast allstar.. Why hasn't Biggie? Because the west always prevails!!!

im picking Ermac in one of my matches today just for that


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
for real man, don't judge players based off what you see on stream. In all honesty every time i see CDjr's Jax i am dumbfounded at how people think hes good but hey, i think he has won a few games :coffee:

Also i will admit We don't have a TON of "high" level players. If someone is on stream it doesn't automatically mean they are supposed to be good, i know i wasn't when i first started playing and i got almost an hour of stream time at my first offline event
i wonder how CDjr wins majors with such a shitty jax, according to you at least. CD jr is a good player and is the best jax in the nation, i wanna see people prove that wrong......with evidence.


Can we please start calling this northeast vs socal/southwest because the real westcoast isn't even in this. Oh and come on now haven't we learned our lesson on VSM 5v5's? Its time to get real and focus on upsetting them in tournament not getting embarrassed in some team casuals.