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Cyborg Combo Thread

Cyborg pressure game in my opinion focuses on countering the opponent as opposed to 50/50s. You generally are trying to condition your opponent to respect your cancels and plus on block strings to open them up. He also has some good trait/TA pressure in this thread listed below, so check it out:

Cyborg Pressure Concepts:

Remember, if they are respecting your cancels, you build a ton of meter, so it's good if they are respecting it. You can then open them up with throws, and when conditioned to tech throws you can neutral jump after a cancel to punish or in some cases let SD rip to blast them away and continue zoning. You generally get your opponent to press a button when they should and punish them hard for it.

As for tick throws, I tend to use d1 tick throw primarily since it catches counterpoke attempts. 11 tick throw is also good if you condition your opponent to respect the overhead option 112 (keep in mind this can be blown up by MBF3/B3). It should be used rarely, and generally if you know you've conditioned your opponent to counterpoke.

Also @Marlow mentioned bounce cancel which is also a good option. For example a lot of times I do 12b2 SD cancel into d1 but it's negative. If I know my opponent keeps poking out, then I can throw out a bounce cancel at the end [12b2 bounce cancel] to catch them pressing buttons (shoutout to @pretty flocko I picked this up from him. If they block it, your plus and can follow with f22, b12, or a short walk forward into 23 or d1 into SD. Another gimmick I use is d1 XX BC. It's good for catching reversal throws, and counterpoke attempts.
Thanks man, yeah ive been all over that thread and @Kekoa blockstring and punish vids ive pretty much got those down pack and those are the blockstrings i get alot of respect on lol. But i didmt think of the f3 bc into f22


Yeah im actually slowly working bounce cancels in. Its easier with cyborg than cheetah (as far as having the meter to do it)
To me it just seems a natural part of his gameplan. I'm mostly a beginner, but my read on how to play Cyborg is to use his projectile, TA, safe strings, and getaway mobility via grapple to pressure the opponent and build meter, and then use the meter to fuel his offense or use for things like push block, roll, roll escape, whatever. Obviously easier said than done, and I have no idea how viable that strategy actually is the higher one gets up the competative ladder. At this point I'm at the bottom rung, but that's how I envision trying to play Cyborg going forward.


+ on block 50/50s
Found a damage optimization after b3 and f3. There's some timing involved to get the proper height. It seems less strict from bounce cancels. *Using the OP notation.*

f3 j2 j2 12b2 PF (342.12)

b3 j3 j2 12b2 PF (376.25)

Some damage comparisons:
11 qcb BC j3 j2 113 PF (412.74) vs 11 qcb BC j3 j2 12b2 PF (434.11)

f2 qcb BC j3 j2 113 PF (444.00) vs f2 qcb BC j3 j2 12b2 PF (466.50)

3 qcb BC j3 j2 113 PF (486.67) vs 3 qcb BC j3 j2 12b2 PF (509.17)


So whats the reason behind sd cancels instead of nb cancels? NB has faster startup 12f SD has 19f but......the nb has 37 cancel frames but the SD has it listed as N/A so which is best?
Good point. NB cancels are probably better in some situations. I use SD cancels mostly just because it's something I already use off of block strings. So the muscle memory is there and it's easy if I'm block confirming. And sometimes I like to just hold SD at the end of block string then realase it after a second, catches people off guard and hits them all the time, so after that they're used to not pressing buttons when they see SD. In theory I don't know which one is better and I haven't experimented enough with NB cancel to really say


Crossplay Username: ProbablyMinus
So many supergirls for me. What's her mu vs cyborg
I'd say 6-4 cyborg losing, considering her damage buff, if she gets you in the corner similar to supes ur gonna blow a circuit with his very late invincibility frames on TT her zoning is better, but ive been working on using UP SD against her as she air dashes towards me with some success but, its only on read sometimes it doesn't even hit supes for some reason. Block her tele and go for full combo never 112 or 113 go for 12b2x mb PF x ender x into ta or ta cancel.
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Found a damage optimization after b3 and f3. There's some timing involved to get the proper height. It seems less strict from bounce cancels. *Using the OP notation.*

f3 j2 j2 12b2 PF (342.12)

b3 j3 j2 12b2 PF (376.25)

Some damage comparisons:
11 qcb BC j3 j2 113 PF (412.74) vs 11 qcb BC j3 j2 12b2 PF (434.11)

f2 qcb BC j3 j2 113 PF (444.00) vs f2 qcb BC j3 j2 12b2 PF (466.50)

3 qcb BC j3 j2 113 PF (486.67) vs 3 qcb BC j3 j2 12b2 PF (509.17)

I tried that, but I'm having too much trouble doing the J3 J2, so I've just been doing J2 J2. Seems like the damage is pretty similar.


That b3, j3, j2, combo is either character specific or much harder to do on certain characters. I haven't tested it on all the characters, so I just use j3, j1 which is consistent and seems to do the next highest damage


Crossplay Username: ProbablyMinus
If I'm mid screen I usually do

12b2 xx db2mb xx f2 into TA then b123 xx Df2 cancel into b123 df2, Builds almost a bar very big meter build.

Also if I hit a b3 I will

(j2 j1) /( j2 j2 )/ /( j3 j1)/ into 113 nova blast cancel into MBF3 [Overhead] (Armor) or B231 [Low] (Armor breaking ) xx into NB or SD


+ on block 50/50s
I tried that, but I'm having too much trouble doing the J3 J2, so I've just been doing J2 J2. Seems like the damage is pretty similar.
that's what I use don't want to risk dropping it
That b3, j3, j2, combo is either character specific or much harder to do on certain characters. I haven't tested it on all the characters, so I just use j3, j1 which is consistent and seems to do the next highest damage
From raw b3 the gravity is less forgiving. j3 j1 leads to 362.47 damage so you lose about 13 damage but consistency is more valuable than anything. Bounce cancel b3 seems to let you get the max damage just fine.


From raw b3 the gravity is less forgiving. j3 j1 leads to 362.47 damage so you lose about 13 damage but consistency is more valuable than anything. Bounce cancel b3 seems to let you get the max damage just fine.
So I messed with it some more and I think the issue is the range of the b3. Up close it's fine, but as you get closer to max range the j2 combo becomes impossible against some characters(I didn't test all of them but Bladam seemed like the hardest to land it on. If you try the combo against Blue Beetle and against Black Adam you can easily see a huge difference). In bounce cancels you're always close enough that range on the b3 isn't an issue. So my solution is going to be to use j2 in bounce cancel combos and use j1 off raw b3's

In the corner. 112 knock down into Target missiles then do standing 2 gh. The opponents character will spin in place like 3 times. Depends on how deep you hit 112 for cross up to take place.
This is sick


Crossplay Username: ProbablyMinus
I whipped up this very swaggy corner combo setup, if you guys could help increase the dmg output that would be great.

112-TA-B12~F4-D1~TA-B231.... Let's change it up!
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