
  1. CanoCano

    Match-Up Discussion - Alien Punish That! A thread of every Alien move you can punish

    Insipired by the @Shenles videos on MK1, this thread and others i'll be making will focus on listing every move a character has that's punisheable and how to do punish it, if anyone has a pressure sequence that you'd like to know the counterplay to just ask me Like i said earlier i will...
  2. Kiss the Missile

    MKX Documentary Announced

    TimeStamped here A mini documentary from the same guy who worked on the Killer Instinct documentary. They're getting NRS devs to talk about the unique challenges that went into making this game. This shit is tight. MK11 will never be remembered like this.
  3. HiddenSelectCounterPick

    MKX Xbox Best Kano 2021 random clips

    So I can't really help myself to play any other game anymore I guess I'm a Necromancer with this game. I have to change my name a bunch because people decline matches. My Bojitsu Kung Jin is also a ProblemX. Here's a video of my random clips with Kano and other characters I made. I threw it...
  4. LawAbidingCitizen

    Energy Drinks and Mortal Kombat reaction increase?

    I'm wondering how many energy drinks everyone is getting for release? I'm planning on stalking up on Monster Java Mean Bean and Starbucks Tripple Shot Vannila's. I'm gonna see if I can get a case deal from local store that sells 12 for $22. I've noticed they make a difference in my lab times...
  5. UGL Preon

    Video Playing Mortal Kombat X Ranked Blindfolded! #KenshiChallenge #BirdBoxChallenge

    Now I know that everyone is excitedly waiting for the launch of MK11 and has every conspiracy theory for their main being announced committed to memory. However one thing no one sees coming is playing MKX blindfolded! I took that challenge to ranked to see what would happen. "If one cannot see...
  6. DubiousShenron

    Breakthrough - Commando Going Kommando. Rate my Kano!

    Getting prepped for MK11 with some online Kano again. Some sick kounters in here. Let me know what you guys think about Kano in MKX and if you think he has a chance to make MK11.
  7. Roy Arkon

    I am an NRS Trophy King!

    Just wanna share this with you. Two years ago, I got the all the trophies for MKX, when I got with my main, Noxious Reptile, the Dragon King set along with the No Loyalty AND Platinum trophies all at once while playing the Arcade Mode! You can watch that in this video I did 2 years ago, before I...
  8. Amplified$hotz

    What is NRS best game, visually?

    While Injustice too from a competitive standpoint is the best NRS, a lot of people just don’t find it fun. Personally I think it has a lot to do with how the game looks. For me MKX was the best to watch for visuals and MK9 for mechanics and combos(Cage, Reptile, Kabal, Smoke :D) . In this thread...
  9. Roy Arkon

    Mortal Kombat X Goro Fatality Easter Egg in Injustice 2

    I've found an MKX Easter Egg in IJ2, and this one is related to Goro. If you look at the far left corner of the Joker's Playground stage in IJ2, you will see that there is a doll sitting there, with it's head stuck in a cavity in it's chest. That is a direct reference to Goro's Peek-A-Boo...
  10. standoffstance


    Hey Guys, With all of the recent hype for MK11 I wanted to be a little nostalgic and bring back some clips from MKX. I'll post my own personal favorites from my experience in MKX, and I would love if you guys posted yours...
  11. Roy Arkon

    What is Injustice 2 truly all about?

    I know that this question might be sound dumb to some people and it have been answered somewhere else here, but I at least didn't find an answer to it so I hope you guys can help me. A couple of days ago, @STB Shujinkydink made a new tier list vid for IJ2: But it's not the tier list I wanna...
  12. E

    MKXL (or any fighting game) on Linux?

    Hi, all. I've been a Windows user all my life and I want to switch to Linux (Mint or Ubuntu) as my main OS for home use. I like the idea of a free and stable OS that's not that full of bloatware like Windows. Plus on my observation Linux is pretty light on computer resources (I used to use...
  13. Romanova

    Have a Seat: First to Ten kicks into kombat and victories with Meryluna

    This week the blog is back interviewing one of the NRS scenes top lady competitors who has made a few top 8 appearances this year. I love Mery's personality so much she is fierce, competitive, and a sweetheart. I hope you all enjoy this interview with her...
  14. Roy Arkon

    Question Can Zoning be a Type of Offense?

    OK I know some people are gonna scratch their heads by me asking this, and it's probably gonna be a dump question, and maybe I'm missing something that is way too obvious, but I still feel I gotta ask this question, due to some information I got over the past several weeks, so please hear me...
  15. Gweedo888

    NRS Community Discord

    Hey guys its been a good min since I have posted in this forum but myself along with others in the community have created a discord to better serve everyone This discord is a little unlike others as it is separated by regions not characters we are trying to help every...
  16. Mgo

    Mortal Kombat 4 20th Anniversary Tribute Mortal Kombat 4 20th Anniversary Tribute (1997 - 2017)

    On this day, October 15th, but 20 years ago, saw the light Mortal Kombat 4 Arcade for the first time. An amazing game for his great graphics, the novelty of seeing more realistically (and terrifying) 3d fatalities, and superb soundtrack. MKIV is one of my favorites Mortal Kombat games, and for...
  17. Roy Arkon

    NRS/WB should bring back the Variation System for MK11 - Here's Why

    I know that some people will harshly disagree with this, and some might say that this topic is overdone, but please hear me out on this one. I love MKX, IJ2 is a hell of an awesome game, but MKX is still for me the best game NRS has done so far overall. One of the things that love about MKX is...
  18. Roy Arkon

    Video Hidden Hebrew and English Phrases in Mortal Kombat X

    The Mortal Kombat games are known for their weird phrases that usually are just gibberish, but sometimes there some real world existing phrases from several languages hidden in the games. After @Mgo have discovered some hidden English and Spanish phrases in both Mortal Kombat 4 and Mortal...
  19. SoundsLikePAUSE

    [June 24, 2017] NORTHERN FIGHTS - $24, 000 MKXL Tournament (Toronto, ON)

    MKX lives! Tune in this Saturday to see 16 players from both Canada and the US compete in Mortal Kombat for a $10, 000 Grand Prize and a Trip to Evo! Some notable players who qualified offline and online include... Noble Dragon Biohazard Honeybee STB Shujinkydink Armed_Calf EMPR SoundsLikePAUSE...
  20. I

    Match Footage - Killer 2shay Presents Leatherface

    Since Injustice 2 is right around the corner, I wanted to properly bid farewell to my boy Leatherface, seeing it as I'll be putting time into a new game. I had a lot of fun playing this character and I am extremely thankful that NRS put such a unique character in the game. I present you guys...