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PS5 Matchmaking


The future of law enforcement.
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The PS5 Matchmaking thread! Post your PSN tag here, along with any other relevant information, like your region and wired or wifi! And feel free to ask for sets!

My PSN is ttv-r0b0c0p87. I'm NA wired.


Retired account
PSN: TheJokersPoem

I have only played like 3 kasual matches so far, no main but Scorpion is place-holding. Definitely down to run some sets soon. Been waiting for the P1 advantage bug to get a fix to really invest time into online. Feel free to add me, just let me know you are from TYM.
I've never seen the forums so barren before. Have not frequented TYM since the time of MK9 and part of MKX, but I feel as if threads like this were always filled with people looking to get sets in and work on things, etc.

PSN: oTheFirstAvenger
Main: Sub-Zero/Sonya

Always looking for people to play consistently with when time allows. I'll look at adding some of you guys who have posted here already.
PSN: Geoff_Bedlam_II

I'm in Australia, so anyone outside of Oceania I probably won't connect well with, if at all lol. I play Liu Kang, Mileena, Havik, Nitara, Baraka, Raiden, Scorpion and Shao. Yes, I am in the middle of a character crisis.


The future of law enforcement.
Former Owner
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Anyone down for some 1v1's? Trying to learn Sindel. Shoot me an invite if you're down. NA Wired ttv-r0b0c0p87


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
PSN: V-SlayerMK

I'm eastern time zone, play usually around 6-7 PM during the week. Whenever during the weekend.


My PSN name got flagged so for now I have a temp gamertag that's a bunch of bullshit numbers but if anyone ever needs Tanya experience hit me up and I'll shoot you the digits (my PSN was BillyHenntai for years those pussies ruined my brand)

Located in Kentucky and wired


The future of law enforcement.
Former Owner
Premium Supporter
I'm on right now if anyone wants games. NA Wired ttv-r0b0c0p87