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Idea for Kameo Gauge Revamp

Kiss the Missile

Red Messiah
Undeniably some Kameo attacks are just better than others. And the common solution is to buff the weaker ones, but I don't think that'll be enough on its own. It just shuffles around which move is the new optimal choice. I suggest kameo attacks be split into categories and each Kameo meter reflect that. An example would be Scorpion: His flame breath and overhead slam would share an attack Kameo gauge, and his spear retreat would have a Defense/Utility gauge. A character with a gauge timer like Janet or Sento summon could still act as normal and drain both gauges. A concept I came up with that showcases this idea better.


Since each gauge would be a single segment you'd have to rebalance some cooldowns.


I think for a first iteration, NRS did a damn good job. Having said that, it's safe to say some refinement is welcomed. Hopefully the expansion will bring some sort of upgrade to the system. Having 1 bar split in 2, feels a bit limiting for some kameos.

Another way of doing it could be like the EX bar system. Get rid of the cooldowns and auto-refill completely, and just have 2 bars that fill as you play. The only difference would be with each kameo the meter will fill at different speeds. Normal kameo moves would cost 1 bar, and special moves 2.