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Hey vagrant B23F2 off your frame trap will put him back at full screen, you never used it once. :[

I know. bad muscle memory.

For the longest time I've been using the wrong followups to the frame trap and havent had time to retrain my hands. You are right though bro.



Is it better to do f23 after a jump 3? I've been going straight into 50/50 or f3 or crossover jump 3 but I never used f23.

I actually should probably stop doing it.

Sometimes it whiffs and if it does I'm in some deep shit lol.

Ji3 has just as much advantage if you do it low enough on block. F23 is just programmed into my muscle memory from day one when my brain said "oh shit!, frame trap, use that shit!" . Although I do use it against people I havent played before to see if they know its a frame trap or not. if they dont know and try to counterpoke or something they'll get blown up.

I would just go with j3 and followup with your mixup from there.


Not the Milkman.
So Vagrant, just watched that match. Just a few tips if I may (even though I'm sure you know what you're doing):

After a blocked F3, I've began to skip the F23 and just go for the mixup directly (B1/B2). It's VERY hard to link F23 into a 50/50 since it has pushback nd has 1 less frame of advantage compared to F3.
I think you might have been better off investing into more low shots than quick fires, especially against Lobo and dat crouch dash.
F3 into Ji3 is actually not guaranteed, so be a bit wary with people who have good AAs or D2 to stop you.
Also, I say use Ji2 more. It's severely underrated IMO. It's a free mixup just like F3 on block.

Great match though.


So Vagrant, just watched that match. Just a few tips if I may (even though I'm sure you know what you're doing):

After a blocked F3, I've began to skip the F23 and just go for the mixup directly (B1/B2). It's VERY hard to link F23 into a 50/50 since it has pushback nd has 1 less frame of advantage compared to F3.
I think you might have been better off investing into more low shots than quick fires, especially against Lobo and dat crouch dash.
F3 into Ji3 is actually not guaranteed, so be a bit wary with people who have good AAs or D2 to stop you.
Also, I say use Ji2 more. It's severely underrated IMO. It's a free mixup just like F3 on block.

Great match though.

I use ji3 after blocked f3 if I read backdash becasue j3 will blow lobo up in his backdash recovery frames


Here's a run back I had with Curley Shays Nightwing. He had beaten me the week before 2-1 because I freaked out and quit playing the matchup correctly.

Stuck to the gameplan here, played keep away, and won 2-0, couple funny mistakes but felt like I had control for most of the match.



Some recent tourney footage recorded couple weeks ago. Since then looked at the proper range for b1 and f3 so I won't whiff so much. Hopefully one day I or someone else can put together a complete DS with 23 ender for oki and f23 sword flip for distance.



Not the Milkman.
Good matches Sunny54. Just be sure not to miss any opportunity to full cobo punish a blocked Lightning Charge. Block all MB Lightning Charges low since the second hit hits high. You won't be at a huge frame disadvantage if you do this. I'm not 100% sure about this, but I think it's combo punishable if blocked low.

Other than that, I like your use of F3 frame traps. Just be careful with the interactables, they got you punched a couple of times :p


Heres my match against Heroic Legacy (Who bodied m2dave at UFGT and knocked him out)
Couldn't resist the pop off at the end lol.

G4S Silent Jay

I enjoy hurting you.
So, here are some matches from Tuesday night. Wish I could honestly say I was playing at my best, but, nerves still get to me whenever I go to The Break

Wish I could say I had a damn clue on the Bane or Flash MU. But it's my first time ever playing against Flash, and honestly, Arma had the first competent Bane I've ever played against.

Finally got a DS match recorded from tourney play. Tourney was CEO Never Sleeps I came in 5th with WW/DS.

Please forgive my dropped combos, I have been using WoWo more lately.

The motorcycle troll was the most hype moment.
Last edited:


Man, his rifle needs a buff. I don't even see people use it anymore; heck, I barely use it myself. What's the point?


Zoning Master
Man, his rifle needs a buff. I don't even see people use it anymore; heck, I barely use it myself. What's the point?
20+ frames of start up. Highly unsafe. No chip damage whatsoever.

Worthless special, or as Slips calls it "solid".

Just kidding.


Not the Milkman.
Man, his rifle needs a buff. I don't even see people use it anymore; heck, I barely use it myself. What's the point?
It took me a while to understand it, but I've got it now.

It, like all of his other gun moves, is a counterzoning tool. DS literally has just about every counterzoning tool barring an actual projectile counter (ala Raven).

Quick Fire is to reversal punish unsafe projectiles (Iceberg, From the Deep)
Low Shots is to dodge+punish high projectiles (Heat Zap, BANG!)
Assault Rifle is designed to win projectile trades against mid projectiles that are safe on block (Novablaster, Batarangs)

Of course, with the startup, you're going to have to make a good read. AR does more damage than most projectiles in the game (without MB). Most mid projectiles hit for 8%. AR hits for 11%. If you read correctly, the opponent will constantly lose projectile trades with DS until they try something else. If you're a little late, AR will get 4/5 bullets out for 8% (even). If you're REALLY late, you hit with 3 bullets or less, meaning you lose the trade.

Simply put, use it when you predict a projectile trade, and win the trade.


Found these match videos of my DS at Naptown Clutch last month. Pretty straightforward stuff. Kinda found my grove as the matches went on. Bunch of drops and some tourney nerves at first. against Saucy Jack and 16 Bit I just psyched myself out. Wasn't DS's fault.

Match against Semi Evil Ryu was by far my favorite.


"The smart stuff"
It seems the problem with f3 vs. the females is it will randomly crossover and whiff. Can't blame you for not using it more vs 16bit.


It seems the problem with f3 vs. the females is it will randomly crossover and whiff. Can't blame you for not using it more vs 16bit.
Blessing and a curse. Blessing that they dont know which way its going to hit. Curse is that I don't know which way its going to hit. Catwoman is so slippery that I play a bit too conservative against her. Especially against Steve, who punishes really consistently.


Death is my business
I'll be posting more in the next weeks , feel free to brainstorm a few things i do in the matches



The future of law enforcement.
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Here's some footage of my Deathstroke vs @Compbros' Lobo and Superman. I haven't been focused on DS too much lately so a lot of my punishes weren't really on point, but I feel like I still gave the character good representation. I do think Compbros' Superman would have ruined me if I hadn't gotten Atlantis. I'd say the main thing I need to work on would be defense, followed by maximizing punishes, followed by input accuracy. Enjoy!

Hmm, that "embed at current time" doesn't seem to work. Deathstroke comes in at 10:42.