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MK 11 Gameplay survey.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Hey guys, as tradiction around this time when a game is on the verge of being announced, i like to play around a bit of the developer role and create a thread with what we expect to see gameplay quality wise for the game and if it can present a challenge the devs can tacke on, sometimes it works all too well and devs go above and beyond the scope what you, me, or anyone else, adds into these threads and we not only get what we want in the game as well was we make some of the most broken characters and mechanics ever (Looking at you flawless block).

But before i do that, i though it would be nice to make a little survey for your opinion mechanically on the game.

Give the late "success" that was MK11, i would like to make a forum survey to indentify general opinion on gameplay mechanics regarding:
  1. What do you think it worked well?
  2. What do you think it didn't?
  3. What did give you mixed feelings and yet you believe it can be improved, nerfed a bit, or buffed?
  4. What was a step forward?
  5. what was a step backwards?
  6. What should be scrapped?
  7. And finally, what do you preview for MK12 based on what we experienced in MK11?
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D'Vorah for KP2 copium
What do you think it worked well?
-Utilizing a softer approach to balance changes by keeping things relatively short and sweet on change patches. Every patch felt like the same game but with advancements towards a more cohesive balance state (as opposed to MKX becoming a different game each patch).
-Iterating on core design items as the game went on. Armor breakers, poke revamp, custom variations, throw KB nerfs, Fatal Blow armor nerfs, reversal input window, etc.
-Characterization and customization. This is the best every single one of these characters has looked, felt, and acted. Intros, round taunts, costumes, gear, fighting styles, etc.
-One of the single most gorgeous games I've played. Animations, backgrounds, physics, facial mocap, general graphical fidelity, special effects -- all of it is so damn amazing.
-Being one of the biggest love letters to its series fans. Movie skins, finally bringing in Spawn, easter eggs, references, Tagawa Shang, etc.

What do you think it didn't?
-Keeping a consistent gameplay flow and speed. Everything was clearly designed to be slow, grounded, and methodical. Meanwhile, characters like Joker, Fujin, Cetrion, Jacqui, Rain, Mileena, Kabal, Robocop, and Kotal can fly around the screen at hyper speed (either literally or via insane wave dashing). I know characters like Rain and Mileena aren't considered good, but it's still SUPER jarring seeing them dash about in ways that they feel they're able to play the game entirely differently.
-Leaving things behind during balance changes. The natural issue with taking the slow, soft approach to balance is that not everything / everyone gets "appropriate" attention. The game may be pretty well balanced outside of a couple outliers, but there's still glaring problems in the final state of the game (yada yada custom variation system was left to rot yada yada my usual spiel).
-Archetype power fantasy nuance. This mostly ties to the above point of some things getting left behind, but it also ties to the more controlled environment MK11 offers. When everyone's power level is relatively low compared to prior games, balance is that much more important. Characters aren't wildin out near as much so characters that are too similar suffer greatly from issues of strictly outclassing / being outclassed by others. Cetrion is the premier zoner not just because of her great zoning options, but because she is a stagger monster with hyper mobility. Kitana is a great zoner and has explosive KBs, but her movement is abysmal and her stagger game is ass so Cetrion effectively outclasses her in almost every way. Liu isn't just a great close range fighter who plays MK11 excellently, I'd argue he's also the premier grappler of the game due to having throw KB in both directions, a command grab custom special, and amazing staggers that can enforce strike/throw and command grab pressure (all of which loops into itself). Terminator is a fantastic 25/25/25/25 mixup + grappler machine, but he does basically nothing else so Liu effectively outclasses him by access to way more options.
-Releasing the final pack of characters in a decent state. Hot damn is it weird that Rain, Mileena, and Rambo all came out together holding hands in the bottom 5-10.
-Handling the Sheeva stomp issue with grace, dignity, and thoughtfulness. One of THE most neejerk reaction patches I've ever seen in a game. I still laugh when I see she has 950 health.

What did give you mixed feelings and yet you believe it can be improved, nerfed a bit, or buffed?

-Fatal Blows. Lowering of the health threshold and maybe removing their ability to regenerate in the same round if whiffed/blocked could bring these in line to be a more manageable comeback mechanic.

What was a step forward?
-Recognizing some core mechanic issues that plagued MK9/X and attempting to address them. Three most notable ones were X-Rays -> Fatal Blows, meter -> regenerative meter, meter -> split offense / defense bars. I like all of these changes WAY more than their historical counterparts because they work better as a baseline. They could use some more tweaking, but that's what a new game in the series is for at this point. I will be so sad if we go back to building meter off specials and block strings again.

What was a step backwards?
-Variation system. Be it the public outcry or internal discussions, NRS just did not handle the variation system well whatsoever. 2 variations per character then 3 variations per character then custom variations available but almost no balancing to make it work. They also didn't have near as much clear identity as MKX's.
-Not so much a step backwards as a step to the side to something just as bad but in different ways: swapping Armor for Flawless Blocks. I'd like for characters to have only one armored / invincible something in the future that's akin to wakeup / reversal U3: quick hit of damage, leaves you slightly plus on hit, is meter intensive, typically is unsafe if read, gets the opponent off of you, and doesn't lead to insane damage like old armored reversals. No flawless block needed and no armored launcher shit like early MKX. Just a quick "Get off me."

What should be scrapped?
-Variations. MKX had trouble most of its lifespan with set variations and their balancing. MK11 had trouble its entire lifespan stripping variations of any identity until customs were allowed, yet then failed to deliver an actually dynamic system due to no balancing after letting variations loose.
-Flawless Block. Cool idea in theory, annoying as fuck in practice just like SF3 parries. Completely fucks with the flow of a game that's already slower than its predecessors.

And finally, what do you preview for MK12 based on what we experienced in MK11?
-Cop out answer here in that there's no way to tell. MK9, MKX, and MK11 are all wildly different so who knows.


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Love the question. When I can log on proper at a computer I’ll try and give an answer.


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  1. What do you think it worked well?
    • Despite a few glaring exceptions, the overall balance is pretty great. I main Sheeva, generally regarded as the worst character in the game, and am able to compete against almost any character. The amount of character variety we see in R1ps Arena is really impressive. Overall, I'm very happy with the game's balance despite the few overpowered tools that exist.
    • I'm surprised to say that I greatly enjoy kustom variations. I do wish support had continued so they could have dealt with a few issues that were created when kustoms were allowed for kompetitive play, but overall I find it to be a lot of fun to mess around with different variations of characters.
    • I really like the regenerating meter system. It functions more like a cooldown mechanic than a traditional fighting game meter system. I get why some players hate it, but those players don't remember fighting Batman in Injustice 2. Characters like him could zone you out while building tons of meter and not giving you a chance to build any, creating an entirely lopsided matchup situation. This solves that completely. And meter management is still an enormous part of high-level play. You still have to pay attantion to your meter as well as your opponent's, you just can't actively increase your build rate or prevent your opponent from building their's.
    • Brutalities. I love brutalities, and it's insane that almost every day in R1p's Arena I see a brut that I'd never seen before.
  2. What do you think it didn't?
    • The breakaway system is just dumb. Breakaway should reset the neutral, it shouldn't be a tool you can use to punish your opponent for landing a kombo on you. The armor break system was just a bandaid that heavily favored specific characters without addressing the core issue.
    • While I generally enjoy the game's visuals, I do wish it would be a bit more vibrant.
    • I really dislike the realism of the fatalities. I'm not sure what MK is going to do as the games get more and more realistic, but I don't want to see intestines falling out and eyeballs popping out.
    • The soundtrack...
    • Accidental interactables. I have no idea why they didn't just make the Stance Switch button the Interactable Button, but it's currently way too easy to to try to amplify a special and end up accidentally flying across the stage because you were too close to the jump interactable.
    • KL is just nonsense.
    • I should be able to unlock things by playing the game, and I mean actually playing against other players, not dicking around in the Krypt or playing those god-forsaken towers. It's insane that I could spend a hundred hours playing sets and not be rewarded for it with new costumes or accessories.
    • Fatal Blows. Good god, what a stupid mechanic. Some characters, like Erron, Frost, and Kabal, just completely shut down the entire match once they gain access. You literally can't press a button. The system heavily favors characters who can deal more than 30% damagae, as they can kill you without ever giving you access to FB; meanwhile the low-damage characters will always have to deal with it. And the fact that they come back if you waste them is just straight up bananas. If you throw out a random fatal and it gets blocked or avoided, that should be it for you. But nope, you can just throw it out willy nilly and get chance after chance to land it. What a scrubby mechanic.
    • Flawless Block attacks. I have no problem with Flawless Block and think it's an excellent way to reward high-level play. You can make some safe attacks unsafe and can prevent cancling pokes into specials. Brilliant! What I hate is getting punished for taking my turn. Fighting someone who is good at doing flawless block punishes is one of the most infuriating experiences in this game. Fighting games are essentially turn-based, and flawless block attacks completely break that ecosystem.
  3. And finally, what do you preview for MK12 based on what we experienced in MK11?
    • I think kustoms, interactables, regenerating meter system, and flawless blocks will be making a return, as far as game mechanics. Of course we're going to have fatalities and brutalities. Hopefully friendships make a return.


What do you think it worked well?

Loved dash cancels over run button. Going back to MKX after playing MK11 it feels so sluggish. I liked the slow footsie based gameplay of MK11....at first. I hated MKX. I thought it was too wild and nasty. But, I can't lie and say I didn't play it way more. I liked the attempt at making a street fighter-esque MK. But, I think one try was enough for me. I liked flawless block U2/U3 being a thing. Walking up and parrying a wakeup only to flawless block U2 felt awesome. Maybe the least annoying wake up system in a MK game?

What do you think it didn't?

The variation system has worn its welcome out. I don't like having characters legacy movesets gutted to try and fit them arbitrarily into a variation. As I said, the game wasn't nearly as gripping as MK9 or X. Even though I think MKX is trash, it was more fun and I ended up playing it way more than 11. I quit playing MK11 around Shang's release. I came back a few times, but wasn't really feeling it too much. Also the meter system sucked. The breakaway system sucked.

What did give you mixed feelings and yet you believe it can be improved, nerfed a bit, or buffed?

The wake up system. I like having a more universal way to approach wake ups, but they still suffered from imbalance. I like the concept of krushing blows but they were either too powerful or too weak. Probably can't be tweaked to make both effective and balanced, unfortunately.

What was a step forward?

The footsies felt good, walking in and out of ranges and whiff punishing throws.

what was a step backwards?

They removed too much of what makes MK MK. Needs to be faster paced in some sense. Doesn't have to have stupid 50/50s like MKX but an advanced poke system like mk9 would have done wonders.

What should be scrapped?

VARIATIONS. Please... I'm so sick of these things. Also keep interactables in injustice man. Stop mixing the two game's mechanics.

And finally, what do you preview for MK12 based on what we experienced in MK11?

I think they are going to try something entirely different. MK9, X, and 11 were all so different. I am not even sure if I'm going to buy the next game. The gameplay has to really wow me. I haven't really played Injustice 2 or MK11 nearly as much as the prequels to those, so I'm very apprehensive on buying a new NRS game I may not like.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Ok, my thoughs will be on this thread, loving your feedbacks so far.
Since this focused solely to gameplay, i will leave things related to graphics as i have no objections over it and i think MK graphics did pushed the envelope to the limit as back in the days when we used to look at UMK3, MK1/2 etc, it was a masterpiece

  1. What do you think it worked well?
1. Training mode: currently at it's peak, i does everything a training mode should do and far better than most fighting games functions, i personally think this time MK11 training mode it's the one to beat and Tekken and SF have to work to even match it's features, and i hope they keep it without changing anything, only adding to it if necessary.

2. toogle-able input timing, negative edge, crushing blows and input shortcuts : I personally think this was revolutionary, and i even considered them as assists, i played the entire MK11 with them turned off, and i think this it's the most beautiful thing NRS added to the game to brige the gap between execution players and someone who has never played a fighting game before.

3. Tutorial Mode: Another revolutionary idea with basic to advanced fighting game concepts bridging that gap between someone who has never played a fighting game before, and the most credible way to know your way into the game, fighting game haven't got something this cool since virtua fighter 4 Evolution, on top of that, there is a small guideline to each character goal which is good (but obviously some tools are too much contraditory, but still an amazing first try).

2.What do you think it didn't?
1. Variations system: I think their approach despite of good intentions, this approach wasn't the right one as it ended up killing one thing i think MKX did well, which is expression of players who main such characters, everything is so down to earth that the game feels bland, equiable moves and such are the big culpurit as there is very little to work with, it didn't felt inspiring and some characters traits seemed a bit weird in general or lacking.

2. Poke throw Meta: This time around there is too much enfasis on throws, on top of being very dificult to avoid in this game, the intentionally designed the game and even made the throws with amazing animations with some of them even having crushing blows in it, that was a strong part of the game i personally didn't like because there was very few ways to avoid being glued into someone's pressure in this game.

3. Breakaways: Oh, easily one of the worst offenders of MK11, which was attached to another thing that made this obnoxious enough to eliminate management as everyone can escape damage he would have take for making huge mistakes, MK11 would survive better without breakaways considering the meter already refills itself (which i will touch on it soon)

4.Shop: The shopping mechanic was a disaster, don't even get me started on slotted pallete costumes instead of actually different ones which we could colour it ourselves (Huge disappointment)

What did give you mixed feelings and yet you believe it can be improved, nerfed a bit, or buffed?

What can be improved:
Krushing blows: I think some where very overused and others did not, though i think the easiest ways to implement it's by having a general rule instead for character that have a specific amount and that no character should have all KB outside of the Uppercut and punish maybe, the requirements should be around:
a) Whiffed a high uppercut KB
b) 11f Kounter Hit Krushing Blow Launcher
c) punish or whiff punish Krushing Blow Launcher
d) Failed to Break a throw Krushing Blow
e) short hop overhead whiff punish KB. new

Krushing blows should be non breakable launchers, and instead of doing massive damage in one hit which sounds way too easy deal against anyone, they should just do less scale into a combo characters can't break for example, if a combo does 30% damage, with a KB launcher should scale less and allow the combo to go 10% to 15% damage more, and the punished shouldn't be able to break.

Short hops: I feel like they tried but maybe out of pride, they updated short hops in the wrong way, the move should have invincibility startup against lows and special mids (which is what d1 should have been) instead are the short hop attacks that have this possibility, i think this change wasn't a good one in the end, but i do like short hops in general, i was just expecting the mecanic to be a bit more fluid.

High Jail mechanic(turn highs into special mids): Its a mechanic that went under the radar in MKX and if you haven't played specific characters in MK11 i but you even noticed it was there, i like it for what it does, as it helps characters with less fast and strong mids to condtion better when their move hits, however, just hope they give these characters better highs next time to actually make high jail a bit more relevant in the game, or better high jail special cancels for that matter.

Commitment strings with better goals: I defend the usage of dificulty in a game as a barrier to something that should be strong, in MKX the perfect commital string was Kung Lao's 1,1 212, 4 string, as it was crucial to his pressure game, buildng meter, break armor and really just a good overall offence tool, it was a challenge to use and if you did, you would unlock part of Kung Lao MKX amazing offence.
However in MK11 his comital string doesn't have any purpose, i mean the first 3 hits are high and duckable and don't jail on block which doesn't led the string flourish in to the flurry fist part which is supposed to make it's usability good, this was a bad idea.
Kitana Komital string (B231) suffers the same problem, as it does nothing for her ouside of having a bland offense as it's not diable and it's easily her only good string in the game which is locked behind uncessary execution.

Commitment strings should have purpose and not just being made for the sake of being there, this is how it felt in MK11

What should be nerfed or re-thinked
Advancing strings: I hate it, and i think they have been more ridiculous the further NRS advances as a game, it kills the concept of proper spacing and when the use normals, instead almost every character can advance 10 to 15 feet into the opponent with a 10 or 11 frame command normal, that leads to a string which each attack covers absurd distances, sometimes you jump over these and you see them moving across the stage and can't even be whiff punished properly.

Strings that look like a wall , with hitbox all over the place: On top of ridiculous space coverage some of these strings can't be ducked or jumped off once they're used, the hitbox is just all over the place and can clip you if you jump, duck in most scenarios, we even obviously had moves hitting at the back of some characters

Flawless block attacks: I loved the idea and i still do, and i think they are an alternate way of use armor (which i think they could return), but i also think they went a bit too far with this one, when i first though about flawless blocks, the idea of a perfect defense in the game was to negate chip, and prevent the opponent to build any meter if a move is flawless blocked, and that was it, that was the solely purpose.
Instead we have flawless block in a game where meter regenerates on its own, and has a launcher option and a anti pressure option, even if i still to like them, flawless block clearly should not be aplicable when a character was supposed to be on a jailed situation, which unfortunately does, and there is no such thing as a frame trap in the game, hopefully if the mechanic returns flawless block needs to be tweaked and for the love of god no more uber fast flawless block attacks that can't even be countered even if predicted with reversals.
What was a step forward?
Match Data: Easily the most usable thing in MK11, each game you do, the game catalogs everything, your hit rate,, which move propriety you hit your opponent the most with (high, lows mids and even throws, projectiles or normals), the amout of times you flawless blocked anything, punishing rate and so on, i can see their building upon this as it work as metric data players can use to further improve themselves in certain matchups or more.

what was a step backwards?

Meter System (building on its own): I know i will probably be crucified for this, as we've seen an explanation of how obnoxious batman was, but this "soluction" isn't great either, which instead not only reverses the roles but brings other issues into the game which i will gladly highlight:
a) 0 consequence of Meter Management: With character who were little to no dependent of meter, some of these were also really good at keeping opponents at bay to not only build such bars but to always have at the disposal when commiting some risks, and when they were to get caught into a big launcher they always had breakaway at their disposal, killing the momentum of that one chance they had.

b) Characters with insane offence having their meter refilled even without touching you, liu Kang, Cetrion, Jaccqui which ended up being who they were in the game., well rounded, and in a game with meter they would probably be meter hunger and be a bit more passive of their offence, but in MK11, they just hack away, their amplified attack is so good that it builds back on its own.

c) Breakaway having a bar of it own, which was once mixed and required management, now well rounded characters who can spend their offense bar as much as they like because it builds back up, will mostly have breakaways as well as meter management it's no longer a concern.
The idea of splitting this bar into 3 brought huge problems to MK11, it made the game very toxic and it definitely didn't help this game, specially when all of them build back up and some of these amplifieds or fatal blows radius are broken.

I dunno what they're going to do next, but if you have refilling meter in a game maybe they should not have breakway in the game game?
Maybe they should have adding refill time to certain moves instead of everything growing back faster than roots in every single move?

Very graphic violence on fatalites and what not: Meh, i don't cope with that and it made me feel disgust most of the time, every KB, Interactable KB and fatalities in the game were pretty disturbing (specially the fatalties) and really hope they done down a bit from that, most of the time i end up not using it, and when someone did i had to just head out.

Jumping: Jump in MK11 feels much worse compared to MKX and MK9 all together, it's very hard to anti-air in this game, even if you know the attack is coming, with the mobility nerf, it makes jump attacks even stronger and much harder to deal with.
There is also jump attacks that feels sluggish, as it doesn't allow you to jump specials or certain things on reaction and this is the worst jump felt in a MK competitve game

What should be scrapped?
Definitely fatal blows, i gotta be honest, on top of being an comeback mechanic, the cinematic gets boring overtime which kills the momentum of the game, in MK9 Xrays were fast and swift, which i loved it, but in MK11 Fatal Blows are just injustice supers with added time of stage transitions.
They also have pushback on block despite being unsafe, and grow back, making some toxic characters even more toxic to deal with.

Variations system too: I miss the time were we got complete characters, now we have them in portions and some of them are not even atractive enough to play the game.

And finally, what do you preview for MK12 based on what we experienced in MK11?
I honestly dunno what they are gonna do next, just hope they stablish some rules and stick with it, improve their mechanics based on data they have already gather instead of adding some new shit that will give us headaches later on.

If there is an MK game in the works, it will be hard to predict which direction they will take with it, considering what MK11 was, but more about that in a future thread.
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You ain't fooling us Eddy. So when did NRS hire you? Is the pay good?

  1. What do you think it worked well?
Anti airs, flawless block, the regenerating meter system.

  1. What do you think it didn't?
Fatal blows, breakaway

  1. What did give you mixed feelings and yet you believe it can be improved, nerfed a bit, or buffed?
Too many interesting setup character abilities suck right now. Throw break window needs 2 more frames.
  1. What was a step forward?
Input buffer on normals during blockstun. Flawless block. Anti airs have priority over air normals. Wakeups cost resources. NRS should not stray from these improvements. Armor is the least bullshit its ever been.
  1. what was a step backwards?
Stage interactions are lame and uninteresting. Wakeup options have been too good in previous NRS games and they're even more oppressive here.
  1. What should be scrapped?
Fatal blows.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
You ain't fooling us Eddy. So when did NRS hire you? Is the pay good?

  1. What do you think it worked well?
Anti airs, flawless block, the regenerating meter system.

  1. What do you think it didn't?
Fatal blows, breakaway

  1. What did give you mixed feelings and yet you believe it can be improved, nerfed a bit, or buffed?
Too many interesting setup character abilities suck right now. Throw break window needs 2 more frames.
  1. What was a step forward?
Input buffer on normals during blockstun. Flawless block. Anti airs have priority over air normals. Wakeups cost resources. NRS should not stray from these improvements. Armor is the least bullshit its ever been.
  1. what was a step backwards?
Stage interactions are lame and uninteresting. Wakeup options have been too good in previous NRS games and they're even more oppressive here.
  1. What should be scrapped?
Fatal blows.
If i was, i would be a nice bridge between TYM and NRS believe me and they would not need to pay high sums for this kind of job, i just love the franchise and as anyone who does i want the best for it
1. What do you think it worked well?

- Pre-launch they mentioned they set out to make a neutral focused game, one in contrast to Mortal Kombat XL. I feel they succeeded in doing so (whether you like the result is up to you). The game has a lot more back and forth and spacing capitalization than its predecessor.

- I like the regenerating Offensive and Defensive Gauge system. It's different, but feels more equal.

- The removal of the Run button. While certain characters have a Run mechanic based on certain equipped Kustom moves, running was removed and Dashing is back in proper, which I greatly prefer.

- Fatal Blows, as this game's "super move" are actually useful this time around.

- The training room is excellent, for reasons mentioned by others above. The Tutorial as well.

- Overall balancing. While not perfect, this game is quite balanced and feels very similar to Killer Instinct level of balance to me where every character is indeed viable.

2. What do you think it didn't?

- Breakaways and Armour Breakers, not resetting neutral properly as Kombo Breakers used to. If you Break, you shouldn't be punished for it in general except for being hit by an Armour Breaker.

- The Variation system in this game always felt unfinished, be it before or after Kustoms. The Variation system in Mortal Kombat XL worked, even if every Variation wasn't the best. I also liked how you could instantly tell a Variation in that game just by looking at a character.

- I don't like Flawless Blocking, personally.

- I personally find health balancing lazy. It's fine as a band-aid fix, but characters should all have a proper 1000 health. Currently, we have characters who have bonus health that really don't need it, and we have other characters who do or who lost health but should have it back.

3. What did give you mixed feelings and yet you believe it can be improved, nerfed a bit, or buffed?

- Krushing Blows, which I believe were meant to replace the crazy juggle kombos from previous games, are poorly distributed amongst the characters. More refinement here, better balancing, and I think it would be a well done mechanic.

- Fatal Blows. People often suggest they should be single attempt only, use it and if it whiffs or is Blocked and it's off the table, but I truly don't understand the why. This seems like a huge overreaction to me. X-Rays could be used multiple times per Match, but they required Super Metre. So have Fatal Blows require Gauge. The amount and of which Gauge could be played with, but this ties the mechanic to resources again and would prevent the spamming people complain about, while also penalizing by taking away other defensive/offensive options.

- The Get Up System, though I'm not sure how I'd tweak it mechanically. I do find it finicky and unresponsive though.

4. What was a step forward?

- Most of the new mechanics are, in my opinion, a step forward, but they're implementation was not the best. Further refined and they'd be better.

5. what was a step backwards?

- The Variation system.

6. What should be scrapped?

  • Flawless Blocking.
  • Unlocks being scattered across too many game modes.
  • Way too many unlocks in general.

7. And finally, what do you preview for MK12 based on what we experienced in MK11?

I'd expect the next game to be different, just as each game in the modern trilogy is different from the last. I expect it'll take some of the mechanics from Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate, but apply them differently. The overall pace of the game may be different as well.

On an aside, I've never played the PlayStation 4 version of the game, but I've been told by everyone that it has added input delay over the other three versions. While I understand why it's the Tournament Standard version of the game officially, the fact that it's the "lesser" version with this delay is pretty crazy. Input delay should not be in the "premier" version, and certainly after COVID hit and everything went online, another version of the game should have become the competitive standard.
Hey guys, as tradiction around this time when a game is on the verge of being announced, i like to play around a bit of the developer role and create a thread with what we expect to see gameplay quality wise for the game and if it can present a challenge the devs can tacke on, sometimes it works all too well and devs go above and beyond the scope what you, me, or anyone else, adds into these threads and we not only get what we want in the game as well was we make some of the most broken characters and mechanics ever (Looking at you flawless block).

But before i do that, i though it would be nice to make a little survey for your opinion mechanically on the game.

Give the late "success" that was MK11, i would like to make a forum survey to indentify general opinion on gameplay mechanics regarding:
  1. What do you think it worked well?
  2. What do you think it didn't?
  3. What did give you mixed feelings and yet you believe it can be improved, nerfed a bit, or buffed?
  4. What was a step forward?
  5. what was a step backwards?
  6. What should be scrapped?
  7. And finally, what do you preview for MK12 based on what we experienced in MK11?
Good idea for a thread, here's my thoughts:

What worked well:
  • Game reveal event.
  • Game pace, neutral, footsies based.
  • Graphics & face models, colors was definitely much improved over X.
  • Guest character Spawn, though cannot lie that Robocop vs. Terminator w/ voice of former and all these nostalgia elements for both was enjoyable AF.
  • Cary Tagawa
  • Krypt location w/ easter eggs
  • Nostalgia galore w/ Friendships, skins, stages and amount of Trilogy characters.
  • Aftermath expansion, story wise, its instant release w/ all characters.
What didn't work well:
  • Combo / string system - input so that it's basically a code to set a certain animation in motion rather than on the fly. Felt way too methodical.
  • Flawless block - enough has been said.
  • Sound effects & finishers being close to reality - I don't care if it was made to sound as accurate as possible, when it comes to gore I don't need to hear bones crack like in real life. Also really annoyed by the effects of Jade's weapon in particular, metal doesn't sound like it's hitting another piece of metal. It was too loud and shrill.
    • Fatalities looking almost real is also not something I'm in favor of. It worked in past games, because of the pixelated and cartoony / animated look, but with this new step in the direction where reality and graphics line is gone, they need to rethink their approach to finishers.
    • Add to this how devs developed PTSD from watching real life gore, killing, snuff films whatever. It's sick and it should never be practice so whatever it takes for devs to do their job without having to dive deep into the anatomy of the body and how it reacts to being stabbed, kicked etc. What made MK fun was that it was always silly, the amount of blood, and random guts falling out. Now that bodies are accurate, they need to find a way to make it silly or easy to digest. I'll get to this in could be improved with Fatalities.
  • Music - aside from Shang Tsung island ruins it was all forgettable. Did not care one bit for the string music either. That paired with the whiny sound after dying in the Krypt and a fatality just killed enjoying winning a match. X was much better in that regard.
  • Select screen and background - the whole time travel part of the background was a just a big no no...fading out animation like things evaporate w/ sand was just not MK. Then the select screen not aligned, grey revenant versions, unrecognizable faces.
  • Changing Kronika's stages to be practice stages for random interactables. Terrible decision. Either do a practice stage or don't. Plus the tournament had one already so...
Mixed feelings, could be improved:

  • Roster - my issues regarding the roster has very little to do with the characters they chose to be in this game, but rather how they played, the variation issue etc. Of course, not going to sit here and act like I liked again a Trilogy heavy roster w/ even less 3D representation than MKX. That needs to be addressed for MK12, big time!
  • Krushing blows - I liked them, but would like something more thrilling. I liked the X-Ray part the most and the attacks being fast. It was basically them taking X-Rays and making sure they are not some dragged out cinematic, so they separated it into Krushing Blows and Fatal blows. Why not have defensive krushing blows where blocking someone would trigger a breaking of the arm. Then lead to a quick stunned position? No matter what they do with them, I'd like there to be only a few that are just amazing, rather than the many we had in 11. Also balance out the requirements and damage they do. Some characters had too many options that were too easy to pull off.
  • Fatal blows - it's hard to deny how gorgeous they looked, but it was too easy to pull off, used to spam and win battles that would've otherwise been lost. Also too easy to pul off after missing on the 1st attempt. Finally it was over the top, rarely did something that was unique to a certain character, it was a mean just to show as much blood as possible.
    • It could easily be fixed if they used it as a finishing option, so you can only do it once an opponent has only 20% health left and the last blow is actually one that kills the character. Now that would be dope! So you flip it, instead of your health being the important factor, it's the opponent's that decides if you can do it or not. I'd love that cinematic for a finisher. Not so much in a match where it kills the flow. It would also actually be a FATAL blow.
    • If they decide not to use this option then at least have it as an optional thing. That you can turn them off for offline matches since that's just your decision and even in online matches have an option to switch it off.
  • Fatalities & Brutalities - two staple parts of the game at this point and while I appreciate the amount we got, sometimes less is more, and I prefer quality over quantity.
    • I want them to go back to the drawing board and just focus on creating Fatalities that work with lighting, camera angles and sound to make them more immersive and about the anticipation rather than how often can we kill a character in one Fatality. One example I envision is Baraka's classic Blade Impale fatality where the opponent simply gets stabbed and slowly slides onto the blades until death. Now think about if they simple gave us a very dark screen, just the eyes of Baraka and some spikes visible, the fire in his eyes while hearing his blade being sharpened as you catch a glimpse of the sharp point. Then the camera pans away for a sideview or in-between over the shoulder and side-view as Baraka inserts the blade, opponent spasms, spits up blood and slides down. Then for a final blow they could zoom in on the action again as Baraka takes the other blade where the opponent slides onto it (mouth / eye). This could also be viewed from the opponent.
    • Fatalities ending while a cool twist needs a bit of a tweak. Definitely do not want to see every finisher end with an eye-ball taken out or randomly flying about.
    • Brutalities in its current form were cool for the past 2 games to give us all these quick finishers, but I rather we go back to the original Brutalities which are my favorite finishers in the game. The button combinations were actually hard to get down and with the speed increasing and basically beating your opponent to a pulp - like in the trailer - is literally the most brutal it can get. And then the silly explosion w/ random amount of bones, guts and blood made it perfect. I love for them to go back to it.
    • As an alternative, I'd like them to introduce Brutality combos, where with each hit your opponent has less reaction time and you get in a sort of stand off - think DBZ - and it's about who's faster. If the opponent blocks once, that's fine, but let's say twice or thrice would break up this stand off. With each hit the speed increases and you have to hit buttons faster to keep up. These can be either triggered by stunning or grabbing the opponent or just requires a specific string of buttons that with the first 2-3 hits acts normal, but as they land actives this mode. Since these are quick hits and potential longer combos the damage is maximum 25-30% if everything hits. The final blow would be a nice smackdown and lands the opponent on his back if landed properly.
  • Faces & eyes - while I'm all for more accurate faces overall, I think for monsters like Baraka and Sheeva they need to find a way to make them look less human. For Baraka's face it worked out beautifully, also as he is somehow of a mutant race it might make sense he's more human than others like the Shokan. But to me the eyes in particular did not work, too human to my liking. Sheeva looked gorgeous, but as a Shokan we definitely could've used some changes to make here uglier, more like a creature, dragon, whatever. I mean, they managed to make Frost much uglier than her human counterpart so. Just need to make that distinction in my opinion. Then as far as eyes go, I disliked how they took away the orange / red eyes for Baraka, the glazed eyes for Scorpion - though they did give him for some skins - the white ones for Shang Tsung. And even the white eyes that they did have, somehow had this weird blueish glaze to them. Easily fixable I'd say.
  • Interactables - no separate button was a big mistake. Fix that and be more creative with it.
  • Stages - I'd like them to go back to be further away from the action, zoomed out, seeing far into the distance in stages like in MK9 and all previous games. Hate how we didn't get to see the Fire Gardens in its full glory, the Tarkatan War Kamp surroundings, the depth perception in the Shinnok temple etc.
    • I'd like them to be more creative with stages, maybe work in an option to zoom and out or have it as an option so close to battle, far away and something in between. This also counts for the colors and how it separates itself from the characters. Too often colors were still bland, using a lot of natural colors where characters just became part of the background. Either make characters pop even more or use a different style / technology.
    • Quality over quantity. I felt like where X had way too many generic stages and too few, 11 had too many. There was in general a lack of stages that really stood out, but that's also where music comes in. Shang Tsung island had proper music, Fire Garden was alright, but other than that, I have no clue what the music even was. 11 was at least an improvement in the stage locations, finally giving us one for Baraka for example.
    • But the issue with stages was the copy and pasted elements. Every stage that could have a hole or candles somewhere to bring in light, it did. Every single outside stage had clouds and once where the sun came through was an exact copy paste job. I rather get 10-15 stages that actually feel truly unique, make sense for the story, over almost 30 of which I only played in 5 regularly.
    • I would like interactables to actually be more immersive and make certain elements of the stage be part of the fight. For example in the Trap Dungeon, have certain parts break down - either because of an interactable part or as time progresses - and this leading to having to dodge broken pieces of wood or spikes and have parts lying on the ground that can be picked up. Think of the 3D era like situation where weapons were scattered around.
    • Stage fatalities were cool, but to actually only have 3 and show them all off in a trailer was underwhelming AF. So pissed they spoiled them! So in the future, they better be part of it from the start and not all be spoiled. The ones they gave us were off the chain though. I'm still for some type of 3D era situation where you can die in battle due to stage fatalities able to be performed during. This would tie in with the stage immersion and interactables above.
  • Weapon based fighting - We went back to MK4 and the 3D era with every character having a weapon and consequently their gameplay heavily focused on it. I hated this. Take Sub-Zero who already has freaking ice as a weapon, but no, they had to give him random axes and make it a big part of his gameplay rather than give us some of his classic moves and do something creative with his ice attacks. Or take Fujin, who has literally wind and air to use as a weapon, but no, they gave him TWO weapons. A freaking sword - how generic - and the silly crossbow. Now while I liked the nod to his original character, the crossbow was rather silly.
    • Don't even get me started on Baraka's flag and Sheeva's shield, so cheap and made them totally shallow as characters. It seemed uninspiring, lazy and out of desperation where they couldn't be creative with the weapons they already have. In Baraka's case his blades and spikes, Sheeva her ARMS, Fujin's ability to control air etc.
    • I want them to go back to use the abilities they already have rather than invent something new and not force weapons upon characters that already have certain abilities. This was tied into the customization part of the game which I will get into next.
  • Variations - where X actually gave us 3 very different types of characters, 11 just gave us a bunch of options that for some characters worked while for others didn't. It took away some staple moves for some, but not so much for others. I'm not in any particular corner, but am definitely in favor of them working out some type of system, do it like in X but improved or just not have it at all.
    • One idea I like is to have variations be more in line with 3D era where you could switch 'stances' in battle that came with different moves. Would solve a lot of the grievances people have. If they insist on it being a case of customization then the options should be minimal and perhaps all be the same or similar button configuration, that you lose ZERO abilities you have now. A customizable option overtaking a staple move is just a big no no.
  • Customization - great in theory, good in practice but paired with the grinding of towers, digital currency, random reward system and snake move of calling a color variation a skin made it awful in reality. The towers could've been fun, but just going through the motions just to get a random skin, intro / outro or whatever was not worth the hassle. People have lives and for so many characters, what do they expect, that we go through all those towers just for a skin or whatever? By the time I finally got a certain skin, intro or outro the allure was gone. Especially for DLC, who you want to enjoy in all their glory from the beginning.
    • I truly feel MK11 was catering to die hard gamers in general and or die hard gamers + fighting game fans and or MK fans. Not the average MK fan who grew up on it and just wants to play this game a few hours a week. There was no other option but to grind. At least they should've allowed us to choose a reward and have a few skins that we could then color in ourselves or give us the skin with all possible color options that they had pre-set.
    • To improve this it's really simple: have skins be actual skins, no more random rewards, no more tower grinding or AI matches for rewards. Then for example make training more extensive so you can practice each combo and have to execute everything for rewards. That way you actually truly learn to fight with a character and get rewarded for it. It would help to have a bad ass dojo or like in MK9.
  • Writing - it was actually not as bad as even myself make it out to be at times. Aftermath in particular was great, aside from the cringe husband and wife stuff, but I didn't mind Sindel's retcon there as much. In general shafting Kotal, giving D'Vorah retroactive relevance and changing the whole Edenia story was poorly done.
    • The premise of bringing back characters from the past is fine and the idea of an entity wanting to maintain balance is not inherently bad, but MK9 was already a hot mess and we had the latter through the introduction of the Order realm. Had they introduced the Order and Chaos realm into this game it would've been much more appreciated by fans. Order could've had a deity that had enough of imbalance and wanted to punish Raiden & Outworld's conquest so they intervened. Then as a counteract Havik could've been introduced as the big bad who wanted to maintain chaos by bringing fighters back to life, warping time to create a world where past and future literally collided and caused all these great mash ups of stages. Ironically, Raiden's line in the story about past and future colliding was basically false, since this was basically a multiverse story w/ different versions of characters and timelines abound.
    • I'm not going into details, but there was enough in established lore to work with. Instead, again uncreatively, writers chose to go outside the borders of MK and allowed their fandom of Marvel & DC influence their decisions by introducing titans. This along w/ the whole demi-gods thing and familial relationships for gods diminished the stature of Shinnok, Raiden & Fujin. On top of that introducing Greek mythology in a way that was unnecessary and again simplified. The latter I have no issue with if done properly.
    • Same goes for characterization in general, in story and through introduction dialogue. A lot of character were dumbed down to the point of being corny, stereotypical, silly, dumb, disrespectful and even filthy. Kano, Shao Kahn, Johnny Cage, Sindel, Kabal are good examples that come to mind. They need to stop forcing this simplified plot and characterization on us. As cool as Kollector was, how simple it was to just name him that. Cetrion being Shinnok's sister, how cheap. Raiden and Fujin as brothers is not that crazy, but again unnecessary.
    • What didn't help is Dominic Ciancolo doubling down on how he understands the One Being, Gods and their power dynamics whereas Kittelsen who co-wrote this whole thing actually had it right. That being said, Kittelsen revealing all the ideas they had for MK11 showed they really went safe, but at the same time that alternatives largely seemed ridiculous to outright stupid. We get it, these guys are obsessed w/ all the cool Hollywood stuff, but the fact that Boon thinks that what they're creating here is part of the issue too. They need to accept it's a video game and we will accept a story that is just heavily steeped in lore and doesn't have all these big time travel shenanigans. Fans will come no matter what.
    • So the solution is simple, but that will not happen, so the next best thing is to get Vogel and or Tobias back on board. The least would be to have a team of writers who have the freedom and power to write it without Dominic and Boon's interference. They can decide on big picture, but allow your writers to be creative and stick to MK's lore and the mythology that influenced it.
  • Guests - we know they are big ticket sellers and brings in new fans and audiences so they are here to stay. But please just let them be in line with the likes of Spawn and Kratos. Maybe even a Predator who totally fits the MK universe. Somehow all guests aside from Joker did fit and worked in this game given the original movie skins, Cary Tagawa and heavy 90s nostalgia factor. Not having the right Terminator skin is still dumb AF though that they should've explained. So for a future, especially given their fandom of DC & Marvel, I wouldn't mind if some of them made it in. As long as they fit. But generic movie characters, especially horror ones - save the few that actually fit - are a big HELL NO!
  • Advertising & announcement - now I'm all for an announcement just a few months before release as they did with 11, but since they weren't ready, I rather they just announce it roughly a year before they plan to release it without a release date. The trailer itself had of course the skin we all still waiting for and to me the pounding Raiden gave to Scorpion seemed to hint at original Brutalities or some type of move. Then the mess up of the DLC trailer, the announcement of the 1st pack in-game, Terminator skin we never got, there was some issues they need to learn from. It's simple, don't show or announce anything when you are not 100% sure if you can actually deliver.
  • Voice announcers - the heavy nostalgia did somehow not transfer over to the voice announcers. Not having Tagawa was the biggest WTF of the whole game to me. It's literally asking a person to say a few names, I don't buy it that he was too expensive or somehow too busy to ask him for later DLC. You could always ask a guy to pronounce all possible names, probably around 50 since there's plenty they don't even discuss or are serious about bringing back. But my guess: they never asked. Also no original Trilogy announcer or even a 3D era one, big fail. I do like they gave us several options.
Expectations for MK12

While I still hope for some form of 3D gameplay, e.g. ability to dodge blows by stepping aside, moving your head etc. and mix in some close ups with more distanced view like in past games, I foresee them using MK11 as a base to save costs. It got easily more positive reviews over MKX gameplay, even if fans like to now argue otherwise. That somehow MKX was always much better and people liked it more, though X might have always been deemed more fun by most.

I don't think we'll see something revolutionary, maybe a tweaked version of the Fatal Blow or a new form of it with a new name. Fatalities are likely very different as they do look at different ways to improve them. I just hope they are not as realistic looking and sounding, quicker kills and less over the top. Definitely not hopeful somehow we get good side games, adventure game, a much improved Krypt and such. I could see us getting a better menu, select screen and better music. Graphics will probably be mind blowing again.

I think this game is really one where we have no clue where it will go story wise and roster wise. So much hinges on what they decide on that front. I do not expect a full on exploration of the origins with the Great Kung Lao etc. If they do explore it, it would be another Raiden vision that impacts the past and we switch between past and present. The arrogance of Dominic and Boon probably won't let them just scrap everything, so while I love Fire God Liu Kang, I don't see them getting rid of the likes of Jax, Sonya and whatnot nor just go back to a time before the new kids on the block were born. Also replacing Raiden is not going to happen and we know a Deadly Alliance is out of the question, so for the roster I think a safe bet are:

Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Liu Kang, Johnny, Sonya, Jacqui, Cassie, Kenshi, Takeda, Reptile & Quan Chi. Cary Tagawa as Shang Tsung was probably a one time thing, so I don't expect anything crazy like that again, though a reboot actor wouldn't be shocking and neither would Cole Young making it in. The rest is all up for grabs. 3D era I could see maybe 1 outside of MK4 in Havik / Li Mei / Nitara / Sareena, not counting Bo Rai Cho and Kenshi. Reiko is most likely to return and take over from Shao Kahn. I do not foresee Onaga returning in any shape or form nor any exploration of Edenia. We'll probably get a few more new characters than 11, but fewer than X. I'd say 4-6 is a safe bet.

I expect the game to come out in 2025 with something else coming in 2023 perhaps, either a simple re-release of the arcade edition or a different game altogether. If nothing else then we'll see it maybe in 2024.
What do you think it worked well?

Loved dash cancels over run button. Going back to MKX after playing MK11 it feels so sluggish. I liked the slow footsie based gameplay of MK11....at first. I hated MKX. I thought it was too wild and nasty. But, I can't lie and say I didn't play it way more. I liked the attempt at making a street fighter-esque MK. But, I think one try was enough for me. I liked flawless block U2/U3 being a thing. Walking up and parrying a wakeup only to flawless block U2 felt awesome. Maybe the least annoying wake up system in a MK game?

What do you think it didn't?

The variation system has worn its welcome out. I don't like having characters legacy movesets gutted to try and fit them arbitrarily into a variation. As I said, the game wasn't nearly as gripping as MK9 or X. Even though I think MKX is trash, it was more fun and I ended up playing it way more than 11. I quit playing MK11 around Shang's release. I came back a few times, but wasn't really feeling it too much. Also the meter system sucked. The breakaway system sucked.

What did give you mixed feelings and yet you believe it can be improved, nerfed a bit, or buffed?

The wake up system. I like having a more universal way to approach wake ups, but they still suffered from imbalance. I like the concept of krushing blows but they were either too powerful or too weak. Probably can't be tweaked to make both effective and balanced, unfortunately.

What was a step forward?

The footsies felt good, walking in and out of ranges and whiff punishing throws.

what was a step backwards?

They removed too much of what makes MK MK. Needs to be faster paced in some sense. Doesn't have to have stupid 50/50s like MKX but an advanced poke system like mk9 would have done wonders.

What should be scrapped?

VARIATIONS. Please... I'm so sick of these things. Also keep interactables in injustice man. Stop mixing the two game's mechanics.

And finally, what do you preview for MK12 based on what we experienced in MK11?

I think they are going to try something entirely different. MK9, X, and 11 were all so different. I am not even sure if I'm going to buy the next game. The gameplay has to really wow me. I haven't really played Injustice 2 or MK11 nearly as much as the prequels to those, so I'm very apprehensive on buying a new NRS game I may not like.
I would agree with most of your answers especially the part where you explain what was a step backwards
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Or take Fujin, who has literally wind and air to use as a weapon, but no, they gave him TWO weapons. A freaking sword - how generic - and the silly crossbow. Now while I liked the nod to his original character, the crossbow was rather silly.
Crossbow was a clear nod to MK4, although i agree it was superfluous to his abilities.

But overall I think Fujin's character design is great. They gave - what was a generic character with wind abilities - a little bit of interest with the wuxia aesthetic. Having the sword emphasises that, and the way they used his wind control to manipulate the sword ties both sides of his look/abilities together.

It also sort of harks back the older days where they used old Japanese/Chinese lore to create back stories or names of characters. Much more interesting than any of the Kombat Kids, esp. Jacqui whom i have 0 interest in her story, look or gameplay style.

It could easily be fixed if they used it as a finishing option, so you can only do it once an opponent has only 20% health left and the last blow is actually one that kills the character. Now that would be dope! So you flip it, instead of your health being the important factor, it's the opponent's that decides if you can do it or not. I'd love that cinematic for a finisher. Not so much in a match where it kills the flow. It would also actually be a FATAL blow.
This is a really interesting idea, except that FB's were a comeback mechanic, and now you've just given the aggressor another option to take out the match. Would be great visually, but it's highly unlikely the game wouldn't have a comeback mechanic, meaning that they'd add another something to replace it.

At first thought, maybe KB's could be that comeback mechanic. So unlike MK11 where KB's are available from the start, now they're tied to your health. But most KB's would allow for juggle opportunities and 25-30%+ combos, instead of just extra damage.

Thanks for the read, was a great in depth write up and thoughts.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Good idea for a thread, here's my thoughts:

What worked well:
  • Game reveal event.
  • Game pace, neutral, footsies based.
  • Graphics & face models, colors was definitely much improved over X.
  • Guest character Spawn, though cannot lie that Robocop vs. Terminator w/ voice of former and all these nostalgia elements for both was enjoyable AF.
  • Cary Tagawa
  • Krypt location w/ easter eggs
  • Nostalgia galore w/ Friendships, skins, stages and amount of Trilogy characters.
  • Aftermath expansion, story wise, its instant release w/ all characters.
What didn't work well:
  • Combo / string system - input so that it's basically a code to set a certain animation in motion rather than on the fly. Felt way too methodical.
  • Flawless block - enough has been said.
  • Sound effects & finishers being close to reality - I don't care if it was made to sound as accurate as possible, when it comes to gore I don't need to hear bones crack like in real life. Also really annoyed by the effects of Jade's weapon in particular, metal doesn't sound like it's hitting another piece of metal. It was too loud and shrill.
    • Fatalities looking almost real is also not something I'm in favor of. It worked in past games, because of the pixelated and cartoony / animated look, but with this new step in the direction where reality and graphics line is gone, they need to rethink their approach to finishers.
    • Add to this how devs developed PTSD from watching real life gore, killing, snuff films whatever. It's sick and it should never be practice so whatever it takes for devs to do their job without having to dive deep into the anatomy of the body and how it reacts to being stabbed, kicked etc. What made MK fun was that it was always silly, the amount of blood, and random guts falling out. Now that bodies are accurate, they need to find a way to make it silly or easy to digest. I'll get to this in could be improved with Fatalities.
  • Music - aside from Shang Tsung island ruins it was all forgettable. Did not care one bit for the string music either. That paired with the whiny sound after dying in the Krypt and a fatality just killed enjoying winning a match. X was much better in that regard.
  • Select screen and background - the whole time travel part of the background was a just a big no no...fading out animation like things evaporate w/ sand was just not MK. Then the select screen not aligned, grey revenant versions, unrecognizable faces.
  • Changing Kronika's stages to be practice stages for random interactables. Terrible decision. Either do a practice stage or don't. Plus the tournament had one already so...
Mixed feelings, could be improved:

  • Roster - my issues regarding the roster has very little to do with the characters they chose to be in this game, but rather how they played, the variation issue etc. Of course, not going to sit here and act like I liked again a Trilogy heavy roster w/ even less 3D representation than MKX. That needs to be addressed for MK12, big time!
  • Krushing blows - I liked them, but would like something more thrilling. I liked the X-Ray part the most and the attacks being fast. It was basically them taking X-Rays and making sure they are not some dragged out cinematic, so they separated it into Krushing Blows and Fatal blows. Why not have defensive krushing blows where blocking someone would trigger a breaking of the arm. Then lead to a quick stunned position? No matter what they do with them, I'd like there to be only a few that are just amazing, rather than the many we had in 11. Also balance out the requirements and damage they do. Some characters had too many options that were too easy to pull off.
  • Fatal blows - it's hard to deny how gorgeous they looked, but it was too easy to pull off, used to spam and win battles that would've otherwise been lost. Also too easy to pul off after missing on the 1st attempt. Finally it was over the top, rarely did something that was unique to a certain character, it was a mean just to show as much blood as possible.
    • It could easily be fixed if they used it as a finishing option, so you can only do it once an opponent has only 20% health left and the last blow is actually one that kills the character. Now that would be dope! So you flip it, instead of your health being the important factor, it's the opponent's that decides if you can do it or not. I'd love that cinematic for a finisher. Not so much in a match where it kills the flow. It would also actually be a FATAL blow.
    • If they decide not to use this option then at least have it as an optional thing. That you can turn them off for offline matches since that's just your decision and even in online matches have an option to switch it off.
  • Fatalities & Brutalities - two staple parts of the game at this point and while I appreciate the amount we got, sometimes less is more, and I prefer quality over quantity.
    • I want them to go back to the drawing board and just focus on creating Fatalities that work with lighting, camera angles and sound to make them more immersive and about the anticipation rather than how often can we kill a character in one Fatality. One example I envision is Baraka's classic Blade Impale fatality where the opponent simply gets stabbed and slowly slides onto the blades until death. Now think about if they simple gave us a very dark screen, just the eyes of Baraka and some spikes visible, the fire in his eyes while hearing his blade being sharpened as you catch a glimpse of the sharp point. Then the camera pans away for a sideview or in-between over the shoulder and side-view as Baraka inserts the blade, opponent spasms, spits up blood and slides down. Then for a final blow they could zoom in on the action again as Baraka takes the other blade where the opponent slides onto it (mouth / eye). This could also be viewed from the opponent.
    • Fatalities ending while a cool twist needs a bit of a tweak. Definitely do not want to see every finisher end with an eye-ball taken out or randomly flying about.
    • Brutalities in its current form were cool for the past 2 games to give us all these quick finishers, but I rather we go back to the original Brutalities which are my favorite finishers in the game. The button combinations were actually hard to get down and with the speed increasing and basically beating your opponent to a pulp - like in the trailer - is literally the most brutal it can get. And then the silly explosion w/ random amount of bones, guts and blood made it perfect. I love for them to go back to it.
    • As an alternative, I'd like them to introduce Brutality combos, where with each hit your opponent has less reaction time and you get in a sort of stand off - think DBZ - and it's about who's faster. If the opponent blocks once, that's fine, but let's say twice or thrice would break up this stand off. With each hit the speed increases and you have to hit buttons faster to keep up. These can be either triggered by stunning or grabbing the opponent or just requires a specific string of buttons that with the first 2-3 hits acts normal, but as they land actives this mode. Since these are quick hits and potential longer combos the damage is maximum 25-30% if everything hits. The final blow would be a nice smackdown and lands the opponent on his back if landed properly.
  • Faces & eyes - while I'm all for more accurate faces overall, I think for monsters like Baraka and Sheeva they need to find a way to make them look less human. For Baraka's face it worked out beautifully, also as he is somehow of a mutant race it might make sense he's more human than others like the Shokan. But to me the eyes in particular did not work, too human to my liking. Sheeva looked gorgeous, but as a Shokan we definitely could've used some changes to make here uglier, more like a creature, dragon, whatever. I mean, they managed to make Frost much uglier than her human counterpart so. Just need to make that distinction in my opinion. Then as far as eyes go, I disliked how they took away the orange / red eyes for Baraka, the glazed eyes for Scorpion - though they did give him for some skins - the white ones for Shang Tsung. And even the white eyes that they did have, somehow had this weird blueish glaze to them. Easily fixable I'd say.
  • Interactables - no separate button was a big mistake. Fix that and be more creative with it.
  • Stages - I'd like them to go back to be further away from the action, zoomed out, seeing far into the distance in stages like in MK9 and all previous games. Hate how we didn't get to see the Fire Gardens in its full glory, the Tarkatan War Kamp surroundings, the depth perception in the Shinnok temple etc.
    • I'd like them to be more creative with stages, maybe work in an option to zoom and out or have it as an option so close to battle, far away and something in between. This also counts for the colors and how it separates itself from the characters. Too often colors were still bland, using a lot of natural colors where characters just became part of the background. Either make characters pop even more or use a different style / technology.
    • Quality over quantity. I felt like where X had way too many generic stages and too few, 11 had too many. There was in general a lack of stages that really stood out, but that's also where music comes in. Shang Tsung island had proper music, Fire Garden was alright, but other than that, I have no clue what the music even was. 11 was at least an improvement in the stage locations, finally giving us one for Baraka for example.
    • But the issue with stages was the copy and pasted elements. Every stage that could have a hole or candles somewhere to bring in light, it did. Every single outside stage had clouds and once where the sun came through was an exact copy paste job. I rather get 10-15 stages that actually feel truly unique, make sense for the story, over almost 30 of which I only played in 5 regularly.
    • I would like interactables to actually be more immersive and make certain elements of the stage be part of the fight. For example in the Trap Dungeon, have certain parts break down - either because of an interactable part or as time progresses - and this leading to having to dodge broken pieces of wood or spikes and have parts lying on the ground that can be picked up. Think of the 3D era like situation where weapons were scattered around.
    • Stage fatalities were cool, but to actually only have 3 and show them all off in a trailer was underwhelming AF. So pissed they spoiled them! So in the future, they better be part of it from the start and not all be spoiled. The ones they gave us were off the chain though. I'm still for some type of 3D era situation where you can die in battle due to stage fatalities able to be performed during. This would tie in with the stage immersion and interactables above.
  • Weapon based fighting - We went back to MK4 and the 3D era with every character having a weapon and consequently their gameplay heavily focused on it. I hated this. Take Sub-Zero who already has freaking ice as a weapon, but no, they had to give him random axes and make it a big part of his gameplay rather than give us some of his classic moves and do something creative with his ice attacks. Or take Fujin, who has literally wind and air to use as a weapon, but no, they gave him TWO weapons. A freaking sword - how generic - and the silly crossbow. Now while I liked the nod to his original character, the crossbow was rather silly.
    • Don't even get me started on Baraka's flag and Sheeva's shield, so cheap and made them totally shallow as characters. It seemed uninspiring, lazy and out of desperation where they couldn't be creative with the weapons they already have. In Baraka's case his blades and spikes, Sheeva her ARMS, Fujin's ability to control air etc.
    • I want them to go back to use the abilities they already have rather than invent something new and not force weapons upon characters that already have certain abilities. This was tied into the customization part of the game which I will get into next.
  • Variations - where X actually gave us 3 very different types of characters, 11 just gave us a bunch of options that for some characters worked while for others didn't. It took away some staple moves for some, but not so much for others. I'm not in any particular corner, but am definitely in favor of them working out some type of system, do it like in X but improved or just not have it at all.
    • One idea I like is to have variations be more in line with 3D era where you could switch 'stances' in battle that came with different moves. Would solve a lot of the grievances people have. If they insist on it being a case of customization then the options should be minimal and perhaps all be the same or similar button configuration, that you lose ZERO abilities you have now. A customizable option overtaking a staple move is just a big no no.
  • Customization - great in theory, good in practice but paired with the grinding of towers, digital currency, random reward system and snake move of calling a color variation a skin made it awful in reality. The towers could've been fun, but just going through the motions just to get a random skin, intro / outro or whatever was not worth the hassle. People have lives and for so many characters, what do they expect, that we go through all those towers just for a skin or whatever? By the time I finally got a certain skin, intro or outro the allure was gone. Especially for DLC, who you want to enjoy in all their glory from the beginning.
    • I truly feel MK11 was catering to die hard gamers in general and or die hard gamers + fighting game fans and or MK fans. Not the average MK fan who grew up on it and just wants to play this game a few hours a week. There was no other option but to grind. At least they should've allowed us to choose a reward and have a few skins that we could then color in ourselves or give us the skin with all possible color options that they had pre-set.
    • To improve this it's really simple: have skins be actual skins, no more random rewards, no more tower grinding or AI matches for rewards. Then for example make training more extensive so you can practice each combo and have to execute everything for rewards. That way you actually truly learn to fight with a character and get rewarded for it. It would help to have a bad ass dojo or like in MK9.
  • Writing - it was actually not as bad as even myself make it out to be at times. Aftermath in particular was great, aside from the cringe husband and wife stuff, but I didn't mind Sindel's retcon there as much. In general shafting Kotal, giving D'Vorah retroactive relevance and changing the whole Edenia story was poorly done.
    • The premise of bringing back characters from the past is fine and the idea of an entity wanting to maintain balance is not inherently bad, but MK9 was already a hot mess and we had the latter through the introduction of the Order realm. Had they introduced the Order and Chaos realm into this game it would've been much more appreciated by fans. Order could've had a deity that had enough of imbalance and wanted to punish Raiden & Outworld's conquest so they intervened. Then as a counteract Havik could've been introduced as the big bad who wanted to maintain chaos by bringing fighters back to life, warping time to create a world where past and future literally collided and caused all these great mash ups of stages. Ironically, Raiden's line in the story about past and future colliding was basically false, since this was basically a multiverse story w/ different versions of characters and timelines abound.
    • I'm not going into details, but there was enough in established lore to work with. Instead, again uncreatively, writers chose to go outside the borders of MK and allowed their fandom of Marvel & DC influence their decisions by introducing titans. This along w/ the whole demi-gods thing and familial relationships for gods diminished the stature of Shinnok, Raiden & Fujin. On top of that introducing Greek mythology in a way that was unnecessary and again simplified. The latter I have no issue with if done properly.
    • Same goes for characterization in general, in story and through introduction dialogue. A lot of character were dumbed down to the point of being corny, stereotypical, silly, dumb, disrespectful and even filthy. Kano, Shao Kahn, Johnny Cage, Sindel, Kabal are good examples that come to mind. They need to stop forcing this simplified plot and characterization on us. As cool as Kollector was, how simple it was to just name him that. Cetrion being Shinnok's sister, how cheap. Raiden and Fujin as brothers is not that crazy, but again unnecessary.
    • What didn't help is Dominic Ciancolo doubling down on how he understands the One Being, Gods and their power dynamics whereas Kittelsen who co-wrote this whole thing actually had it right. That being said, Kittelsen revealing all the ideas they had for MK11 showed they really went safe, but at the same time that alternatives largely seemed ridiculous to outright stupid. We get it, these guys are obsessed w/ all the cool Hollywood stuff, but the fact that Boon thinks that what they're creating here is part of the issue too. They need to accept it's a video game and we will accept a story that is just heavily steeped in lore and doesn't have all these big time travel shenanigans. Fans will come no matter what.
    • So the solution is simple, but that will not happen, so the next best thing is to get Vogel and or Tobias back on board. The least would be to have a team of writers who have the freedom and power to write it without Dominic and Boon's interference. They can decide on big picture, but allow your writers to be creative and stick to MK's lore and the mythology that influenced it.
  • Guests - we know they are big ticket sellers and brings in new fans and audiences so they are here to stay. But please just let them be in line with the likes of Spawn and Kratos. Maybe even a Predator who totally fits the MK universe. Somehow all guests aside from Joker did fit and worked in this game given the original movie skins, Cary Tagawa and heavy 90s nostalgia factor. Not having the right Terminator skin is still dumb AF though that they should've explained. So for a future, especially given their fandom of DC & Marvel, I wouldn't mind if some of them made it in. As long as they fit. But generic movie characters, especially horror ones - save the few that actually fit - are a big HELL NO!
  • Advertising & announcement - now I'm all for an announcement just a few months before release as they did with 11, but since they weren't ready, I rather they just announce it roughly a year before they plan to release it without a release date. The trailer itself had of course the skin we all still waiting for and to me the pounding Raiden gave to Scorpion seemed to hint at original Brutalities or some type of move. Then the mess up of the DLC trailer, the announcement of the 1st pack in-game, Terminator skin we never got, there was some issues they need to learn from. It's simple, don't show or announce anything when you are not 100% sure if you can actually deliver.
  • Voice announcers - the heavy nostalgia did somehow not transfer over to the voice announcers. Not having Tagawa was the biggest WTF of the whole game to me. It's literally asking a person to say a few names, I don't buy it that he was too expensive or somehow too busy to ask him for later DLC. You could always ask a guy to pronounce all possible names, probably around 50 since there's plenty they don't even discuss or are serious about bringing back. But my guess: they never asked. Also no original Trilogy announcer or even a 3D era one, big fail. I do like they gave us several options.
Expectations for MK12

While I still hope for some form of 3D gameplay, e.g. ability to dodge blows by stepping aside, moving your head etc. and mix in some close ups with more distanced view like in past games, I foresee them using MK11 as a base to save costs. It got easily more positive reviews over MKX gameplay, even if fans like to now argue otherwise. That somehow MKX was always much better and people liked it more, though X might have always been deemed more fun by most.

I don't think we'll see something revolutionary, maybe a tweaked version of the Fatal Blow or a new form of it with a new name. Fatalities are likely very different as they do look at different ways to improve them. I just hope they are not as realistic looking and sounding, quicker kills and less over the top. Definitely not hopeful somehow we get good side games, adventure game, a much improved Krypt and such. I could see us getting a better menu, select screen and better music. Graphics will probably be mind blowing again.

I think this game is really one where we have no clue where it will go story wise and roster wise. So much hinges on what they decide on that front. I do not expect a full on exploration of the origins with the Great Kung Lao etc. If they do explore it, it would be another Raiden vision that impacts the past and we switch between past and present. The arrogance of Dominic and Boon probably won't let them just scrap everything, so while I love Fire God Liu Kang, I don't see them getting rid of the likes of Jax, Sonya and whatnot nor just go back to a time before the new kids on the block were born. Also replacing Raiden is not going to happen and we know a Deadly Alliance is out of the question, so for the roster I think a safe bet are:

Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Liu Kang, Johnny, Sonya, Jacqui, Cassie, Kenshi, Takeda, Reptile & Quan Chi. Cary Tagawa as Shang Tsung was probably a one time thing, so I don't expect anything crazy like that again, though a reboot actor wouldn't be shocking and neither would Cole Young making it in. The rest is all up for grabs. 3D era I could see maybe 1 outside of MK4 in Havik / Li Mei / Nitara / Sareena, not counting Bo Rai Cho and Kenshi. Reiko is most likely to return and take over from Shao Kahn. I do not foresee Onaga returning in any shape or form nor any exploration of Edenia. We'll probably get a few more new characters than 11, but fewer than X. I'd say 4-6 is a safe bet.

I expect the game to come out in 2025 with something else coming in 2023 perhaps, either a simple re-release of the arcade edition or a different game altogether. If nothing else then we'll see it maybe in 2024.
You sir surely did take your time and i read it all, thanks for an amazing read.

At this point i can see what is that really reasonated with everyone universally so far and what didn't, doesn't look good for variations

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
  1. What do you think it worked well?
The graphics and visual design of the characters is TOP FUCKING NOTCH. In my opinion, this is the best looking fighting game in video game history. I thoroughly enjoyed the Krypt as well. I've always loved the stories in NRS games and although this was probably the weakest so far, I still dug it.
  1. What do you think it didn't?
Game is boring as hell to play and even more boring to watch. I don't know if I have the patience or time to go into all the detail.
  1. What did give you mixed feelings and yet you believe it can be improved, nerfed a bit, or buffed?
Krushing Blows are a cool concept, but completely unbalanced. As a Shao Kahn main, I often forgot I even had them available to me. Meanwhile, characters like Liu Kang just get them for simply playing the game.
  1. What was a step forward?
Graphics, character visual design, the Krypt
  1. what was a step backwards?
The boring as hell, limited combo system. Removing breakers for breakaway.
  1. What should be scrapped?
I'd love to say Fatal Blows but that's going nowhere. I would really, really hate to see Breakaway return. God I hate that mechanic. Such a shitty idea. The armor breaking moves were a cool idea, but many characters don't even have a useful one. Auto-regenerating meter is also trash.
  1. And finally, what do you preview for MK12 based on what we experienced in MK11?
I assume this means predictions? If so, hopefully NRS listened to some of the gripes people had about MK11. I absolutely loved everything about MK11.....aside from the gameplay. This was my least played NRS game BY FAR. I realize they can't make everyone happy, but I really do hope they return to fast paced gameplay like MKX. At the very least, a happy medium between MKX and MK11.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
  1. What do you think it worked well?
The graphics and visual design of the characters is TOP FUCKING NOTCH. In my opinion, this is the best looking fighting game in video game history. I thoroughly enjoyed the Krypt as well. I've always loved the stories in NRS games and although this was probably the weakest so far, I still dug it.
  1. What do you think it didn't?
Game is boring as hell to play and even more boring to watch. I don't know if I have the patience or time to go into all the detail.
  1. What did give you mixed feelings and yet you believe it can be improved, nerfed a bit, or buffed?
Krushing Blows are a cool concept, but completely unbalanced. As a Shao Kahn main, I often forgot I even had them available to me. Meanwhile, characters like Liu Kang just get them for simply playing the game.
  1. What was a step forward?
Graphics, character visual design, the Krypt
  1. what was a step backwards?
The boring as hell, limited combo system. Removing breakers for breakaway.
  1. What should be scrapped?
I'd love to say Fatal Blows but that's going nowhere. I would really, really hate to see Breakaway return. God I hate that mechanic. Such a shitty idea. The armor breaking moves were a cool idea, but many characters don't even have a useful one. Auto-regenerating meter is also trash.
  1. And finally, what do you preview for MK12 based on what we experienced in MK11?
I assume this means predictions? If so, hopefully NRS listened to some of the gripes people had about MK11. I absolutely loved everything about MK11.....aside from the gameplay. This was my least played NRS game BY FAR. I realize they can't make everyone happy, but I really do hope they return to fast paced gameplay like MKX. At the very least, a happy medium between MKX and MK11.
Strait to the point, no BS attached


Motor City Warrior
  1. What do you think it worked well?
    Most of the game honestly, however the few things that suck, they suck really hard.

  2. What do you think it didn't?
    The balance, there is a handful of characters that with absolutely loaded kits, or really stupid gimmicks that you almost need to be playing one of them to really contend with the others. The game has several characters, and they are more or less well balanced, but 5ish of them are OP and render the rest useless if you want to play to win at all costs. Also the KB system is junk, and goofy. Fatal Blows are pretty scrubby sometimes. Lose that shit. Also the game was marketed as a neutral focused strategic game, in contrast with MKX's rushdown and 50/50 style... then they gave over half the roster "fuck neutral" moves.

  3. What did give you mixed feelings and yet you believe it can be improved, nerfed a bit, or buffed?
    Figure out what you want to do with variations and then stick to it. If that is to get rid of them, make them fully customizable or to confine them to a few presets. All is good but pick one and flesh it out. This game played patty cake with that concept way too much. Also give uppercuts upper body invincibility like Guilty Gear does, because jump-ins in this game get really stupid. Even though I know how to anti-air, I never feel confident doing it.

  4. What was a step forward?
    The gameplay as a whole was a step forward. This game felt better than any other MK game to date.

  5. What was a step backwards?
    Random Krypt, Fatal and Krushing Blow systems. Towers of Time. This is a fighting game, multiplayer online is the main draw. Let us earn things that way. Nobody wants to grind goofy-ass AI to unlock cosmetics.

  6. What should be scrapped?
    Everything mentioned in "what didn't work" and "going backwards" sections.

  7. And finally, what do you preview for MK12 based on what we experienced in MK11?
    Well, it's out now, and it looks to me like it's more gimmicks, less content, and more grinding, with minimal gameplay improvements if any, so I'm out.
1. What do you think it worked well?

- Pre-launch they mentioned they set out to make a neutral focused game, one in contrast to Mortal Kombat XL. I feel they succeeded in doing so (whether you like the result is up to you). The game has a lot more back and forth and spacing capitalization than its predecessor.

- I like the regenerating Offensive and Defensive Gauge system. It's different, but feels more equal.

- The removal of the Run button. While certain characters have a Run mechanic based on certain equipped Kustom moves, running was removed and Dashing is back in proper, which I greatly prefer.

- Fatal Blows, as this game's "super move" are actually useful this time around.

- The training room is excellent, for reasons mentioned by others above. The Tutorial as well.

- Overall balancing. While not perfect, this game is quite balanced and feels very similar to Killer Instinct level of balance to me where every character is indeed viable.

2. What do you think it didn't?

- Breakaways and Armour Breakers, not resetting neutral properly as Kombo Breakers used to. If you Break, you shouldn't be punished for it in general except for being hit by an Armour Breaker.

- The Variation system in this game always felt unfinished, be it before or after Kustoms. The Variation system in Mortal Kombat XL worked, even if every Variation wasn't the best. I also liked how you could instantly tell a Variation in that game just by looking at a character.

- I don't like Flawless Blocking, personally.

- I personally find health balancing lazy. It's fine as a band-aid fix, but characters should all have a proper 1000 health. Currently, we have characters who have bonus health that really don't need it, and we have other characters who do or who lost health but should have it back.

3. What did give you mixed feelings and yet you believe it can be improved, nerfed a bit, or buffed?

- Krushing Blows, which I believe were meant to replace the crazy juggle kombos from previous games, are poorly distributed amongst the characters. More refinement here, better balancing, and I think it would be a well done mechanic.

- Fatal Blows. People often suggest they should be single attempt only, use it and if it whiffs or is Blocked and it's off the table, but I truly don't understand the why. This seems like a huge overreaction to me. X-Rays could be used multiple times per Match, but they required Super Metre. So have Fatal Blows require Gauge. The amount and of which Gauge could be played with, but this ties the mechanic to resources again and would prevent the spamming people complain about, while also penalizing by taking away other defensive/offensive options.

- The Get Up System, though I'm not sure how I'd tweak it mechanically. I do find it finicky and unresponsive though.

4. What was a step forward?

- Most of the new mechanics are, in my opinion, a step forward, but they're implementation was not the best. Further refined and they'd be better.

5. what was a step backwards?

- The Variation system.

6. What should be scrapped?

  • Flawless Blocking.
  • Unlocks being scattered across too many game modes.
  • Way too many unlocks in general.
7. And finally, what do you preview for MK12 based on what we experienced in MK11?

I'd expect the next game to be different, just as each game in the modern trilogy is different from the last. I expect it'll take some of the mechanics from Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate, but apply them differently. The overall pace of the game may be different as well.

On an aside, I've never played the PlayStation 4 version of the game, but I've been told by everyone that it has added input delay over the other three versions. While I understand why it's the Tournament Standard version of the game officially, the fact that it's the "lesser" version with this delay is pretty crazy. Input delay should not be in the "premier" version, and certainly after COVID hit and everything went online, another version of the game should have become the competitive standard.
Just over 2 years later, and my above opinions still stand on the game.