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Making Cetrion Safe


Motor City Warrior
Most of our strings are - on block, and all of our special moves are as well. How do we keep ourselves safe?


Proud follower of the church of Cetrion
212 and 213 are good safe strings to use. 11 is -1 and hitconfirmable. F2 is safe on its own and a well spaced f2 wall/hell beam will have a lot of pushback with no gap. F2 amp wall has a gap but is -5, f23 amp hell beam has a gap but in a diffent spot and gives you a ton of pushback. A well spaced f2 amp hell beam is safe against pretty much everyone. And finally f23 on its own is like -10 but most people aren't ready to punish it because they're looking for the other follow ups.

Groove Heaven

Baconlord gave a bunch of really good options. 112 is good, f2~AMP beam is good, conditioning the opponent to respect f234 is a good way to get away with f23. A lot of her strength is using all of her various options to keep the opponent guessing and respect options that are less safe like rock wall and f234.

She's not meant to be a rushdown character with a million safe pressure options, she's a zoner/keepaway big-tiddy goddess.


Motor City Warrior
I wasn't asking for buffs or anything like that. It's more that I have a half-assed understanding of frame data.

If you are at 0 that means it's a neutral state and the players contend each other.
If you are - it means your turn is over.
If you are + it means you can continue pressure.

Do I have it right?
If you are at 0 that means it's a neutral state and the players contend each other.
If you are - it means your turn is over.
If you are + it means you can continue pressure.

Do I have it right?
Basically yes but it would be ideal to not generalize and adjust to specific situations. Minus 1 is basically neutral, and you can still continue pressure from minus or neutral if you think you’re going to hit the opponent faster or read they will block

I’ve been doing some cancels with wu shi kang that are -9 to -12, but most players still can’t jab or poke react to a follow up because they’re just not expecting it