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Guide General Zod Community Combo Guide


Stay Puft

1 = Light
2 = Medium
3 = Hard
4 = Trait
MB = Meter Burn
u, d, b, f = Up, Down, Back, Forward
j = Jump
ji = Jump In
nj = Neutral Jump
xx = Cancel
Blue text = Overhead Starter
Green text = Low Starter
Special Moves
Side Arm = bf1
Kryptonian Rifle = db1
Fast Kryptonian Rifle = db1f
Slow Kryptonian Rifle = db1b
Zod Charge = bf2
Ground Blast = db2
Close Ground Blast = db2b
Far Ground Blast = db2f
Phantom Strike = bf3
Low Starters:

Overhead Starters:

- Midscreen Combos -

Traitless Combos
d2, j2 (Air) Kryptonian Rifle, dash, 123 Zod Charge - 24%
213, dash, 112 Zod Charge - 25%
b23, b23, f213 Zod Charge - 30%
b2 xx Close Ground Blast MB, dash, b23, 123 Activate Trait - 31%
f21u2 (Air) Kryptonian Rifle, ji2, f213 Zod Charge - 33%
b3, ji3, f213 Zod Charge - 33%
f21u2 (Air) Kryptonian Rifle, ji3, 112 Zod Charge - 35%
b2 xx Close Ground Blast MB, dash, b23, f213 Zod Charge - 35%
22 Slow Kryptonian Rifle MB, dash, b3, j2, 213 Zod Charge - 36%
f21u2 Kryptonian Rifle, 21 Close Ground Blast MB, dash, 112 Zod Charge - 37%
b12 Close Ground Blast MB, ji3, f21 Zod Charge - 37%
Close Ground Blast MB, ji3, f213 Zod Charge - 37%
21 Close Ground Blast MB, ji3, f213 Zod Charge - 38%
d12 Close Ground Blast MB, ji3, f21 Zod Charge - 38%
f21u2 Slow Kryptonian Rifle, ji2 Kryptonian Rifle, dash, 123 Zod Charge - 38%
b12 Kryptonian Rifle MB, dash, b3, ji3, 112 Zod Charge - 38%
22 Slow Kryptonian Rifle MB, dash, b3, ji3, 123 Zod Charge - 38%
b23, f2 xx Close Ground Blast MB, ji3, 112 Zod Charge - 39%
213, dash, 12 xx Close Ground Blast MB, ji3, d12 Zod Charge - 39%
213 Ground Blast MB, dash, b3, ji3, 213 Zod Charge - 40%
f21 Close Ground Blast MB, ji3, f213 Zod Charge - 40%
112 Close Ground Blast MB, ji3, f213 Zod Charge - 41%
f21 Close Ground Blast MB, dash, b3, ji3, f2, 123 Zod Charge - 44%
ji2, 112 Ground Blast MB, j3, f213 Phantom Strike MB - 47%

Trait Combos (trait activated before combo)
f213, Trait, 112 Zod Charge - 32%
db4/df4, b3, ji3, f213 Zod Charge - 34%
f213, Trait, 112 Zod Charge MB - 37%
db4/df4, Fully Charged Ground Blast, b3, j3, f213 Zod Charge - 38%
f21 Close Ground Blast MB, Trait, j3, 123 Zod Charge - 42%
f213, Trait, f213, Trait, 112 Zod Charge - 43%
b12 Kryptonian Rifle, Trait, Trait, b3, j3, 123 Zod Charge - 44%
f21, Trait, b3, ji3, f112 Zod Charge - 45%
Ground Blast MB Trait, Trait, db4/bf4, b3, ji3, f213 Zod Charge - 46%
f213, Trait, f213 Zod Charge MB - 47%
f213, Trait, 3, Trait, 3, Trait Zod Charge - 47%
b12 Close Ground Blast MB, Trait, Trait, dash, db4, b3, ji3, f213 Zod Charge MB - 48%
b12 Close Ground Blast MB, Trait, Trait, db4/bf4, b3, ji3, 123 Phantom Strike MB - 49%
ji2, 112 Ground Blast MB, Trait, Trait, Trait, j3, f213 Phantom Strike MB - 54%
j3, 3, Trait, 3, Trait, 3, Trait, 3, Trait, 12 Zod Charge - 55%
f213, Trait, f213, Trait, f21 Super - 58%
ji3, 11d2, Trait, f213, Trait, f2 Super - 63%

- Corner Combos -
b23, b23, 1, 1, 1, 112 Phantom Strike - 30%
22 Kryptonian Rifle, d12, 1, 112 Phantom Strike - 31%
213, b23, 1, 1, 1, 112 Phantom Strike - 32%
b23, j1, Kryptonian Rifle, b3, j3 Zod Charge - 35%
f21u2 (Air) Kryptonian Rifle, nj3, 1, 1, 112 Phantom Strike - 35%
f21u2 (Air) Kryptonian Rifle, j3, d1, d1, d1, d1, d1, d1, d12 Zod Charge - 37%
f21u2 Fast Kryptonian Rifle, j2, Slow Kryptonian Rifle, j2, Kryptonian Rifle, f213 Zod Charge - 41%
(Trait active) 3, Trait, 3, Trait, 3, Trait, 3, Trait, 3 Phantom Strike MB - 47% (or end with d3 for 41% + hard knockdown)

- Interactable Combos -
213 Ground Blast MB, dash, b3 -> Stage Transition - 39%
(Trait active) Trait, j3, 3, Trait, 221+2, db4, b3, j3 Ground Blast MB, Interactable - Total damage depends on the interactable (up to 100%)

iKritikal ll Nooby ll Doombawkz Gooch Peencher
Maximilian Axysial Disaster FX Yinze regulas
Mintt fr stack Rai TimTim RebelzPlague Kiu
TheRFG EpitomicaL CKZaibatsu LumberZach
GoodLifeGodLike DominicanAddy94

ll Nooby ll

To Live is to Die
B3, Ji3, F213~Charge - 33%
B3, Ji3, 123~Phantom Strike - 30% doesn't reverse pos.
F3, deep Ji3, F213~Charge - 33%
F3, deep Ji3, 123~PS - 30%

Edit: Fixed F3 combo


Is it raining?
jip 22, db1b mb, dash up, b3, j2 ,213 bf2 - 39%
Not sure yet, but I believe the 22 can be replaced with b12 for a low starter

edit: nvm, the slow db1 doesn't connect fast enough and the normal db1 doesn't hit the final shot


You think you bad? You aint bad.
I can't even download him :(
He shows up on the dlc list but it says no content available when I click it

ll Nooby ll

To Live is to Die
112~EX Close Lazer, Ji3, F213~Charge - 41%
22~EX Close Lazer, Ji3, F213~Charge - 39%
F21~EX Close Lazer, Ji3, F213~Charge - 40%
21~EX Close Lazer, Ji3, F213~Charge - 38%

Gooch Peencher

XBL GT: Unikob
With Phantom Wraith Trait On : F213, 4, 112~MB Charge - 37%
It gets 40% with a JiP2

P.S. You can replace MB Charge with MB Phantom Strike for about the same damage

ll Nooby ll

To Live is to Die
B23, B23, F213~Zod Charge - 30%
213, dash, 112~Zod Charge - 25%
F21U2~Rifle (Air), Ji3, 112~Zod Charge - 35%
F21U2~Rifle (Air), Ji2, F213~Zod Charge - 33% (easier)

AeroGrunt 112~Charge does 1% more in combos that use 123~Charge. But for some reason the damage will stay the same for just the 22~Slow Rifle combo (38%)

Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
Someone upload some combo vids nowwww!!! :( I can't wait. BTW is phantom monster his trait??? How to block it???


Trust me, I'm a doctor
b.23 213 MB far beam is a great "get off me" for 27% that lets you set up a meaty normal fireball.