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Requesting sigs for a birthday.


Master of Quanculations
Hey TYM, there`s someone very special to me who lives far away. As in, another country. I can`t be with her for her birthday, but I still want to do something special. Her name is Nicole, she`s turning 26, she`s beautiful, and I want to get some happy birthdays for her from all my fellow mk freaks.

Her birthday is this Monday, leaving a few days to collect people and then I`ll surprise her with it then. So if you`re a fan of my work, if you know me, or you`re just a nice person, please write something here for me, I`d be really appreciative. Thank you!

- Mayo

Happy Birthday Nicole. :)

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
Nicole. I dont know you personally but anyone that Mr. Mayo here speaks highly of, we cannot deny you must be awesome! Have a spectacular birthday and best of luck in whatever it is you do!


Mid Tier
Happy B Day Nicole!!!! Hope you have a great day!! I remember when I turned 26 and it was deadly!

Have a great one!

<3 STB


Happy birthday! I'm jelous you get to hear happy birthday from Mayo with his smexy voice. Especialy if he sings it to you! Very lucky girl!


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Happy Birthday, Nicole. May all your rock n' roll dreams come true.


Happy birthday nicole i wish you the best in the world.
Felicidades que dios te bendiga y saludos desde republica dominicana.:)


Happy Birthday! May the amount of strangers wishing you a happy birthday be less than the amount of awesome that the following year will hold :).