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Tech - Reptile Reptile (all) safe combos/resets, and armor wake up breakers by DOOMZDAYTiME


Beware my power.
Was messing around in training. The same wake up attacks that can punish F4,1,2 ~ Reptilian Dash (whiff), F4,1 ~ force ball also punish F4,1,2 ~ Reptilian Dash (whiff), F4,1,2 ~ force ball with the only difference is that for F4,1 ender you must roll while the F4,1,2 ender cannot be rolled if you want to punish. Essentially the F4,1 ender is good against people who don't know about the roll thing or can't do it consistently but you can also mix up the two options to check the opponent's reaction times (one must be rolled to punish, the other cannot be rolled or it won't punish at all).

Cancelling either into EX force ball, EX Acid Spit, Invisibility, or the Noxious thing cannot really be punished by anyone except an extremely specific situation involving Ronin Takeda (which nobody plays).
is there any way we could get a video? I kind of know what you mean but i have a hard time following


Ya, claw swipe does a delayed knockdown...you can roll tech after a certain amount of time. In the corner it's not an issue because if they roll tech they eat a full combo. However, midscreen...I try to end as many combos as I can in 1,4 or f2,1-1+3.
But after the claw ender you can reptile dash f41 , and you will hit them with overhead even if they try to roll wakeup(also it gives nice wall carry).Only thing they can do is armor, block or backdash.
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But after the claw ender you can reptile dash f42 , and you will hit them with overhead even if they try to roll wakeup(also it gives nice wall carry).Only thing they can do is armor, block or backdash.
Eh. Klaw ender just isn't worth doing at all. If you are not going for force ball set ups, then you might as well stick with F2,1,1+2 for ending combos with.


Eh. Klaw ender just isn't worth doing at all. If you are not going for force ball set ups, then you might as well stick with F2,1,1+2 for ending combos with.
But I'm just curious, why? Note: I'm talking only about launcher from b2,run, f41, claw, reptile dash xx mixup. It gives more damage, pressure, wall carry. Mabye I'm missing something, but how is b2,f2,1,1+2 is better?
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But I'm just curious, why? Note: I'm talking only about launcher from b2,run, f41, claw, reptile dash xx mixup. It gives more damage, pressure, wall carry. Mabye I'm missing something, but how is b2,f2,1,1+2 is better?
F2,1,1+2 does not allow the opponent to get a tech roll at all. It doesn't sound like that big of a deal, but Reptile wants to keep close so that that he is in range for his B2 overhead (second fastest overhead in the game at 11 frames). Klaw Slash allows for the opponent to have the option to roll...but he can also choose not to roll which means you have more options you have to guess.

F2,1,1+2 is a hard knockdown. The opponent's options are to either stand then block, use a wake up attack, or delay their stand up.

Klaw ender is a soft knockdown. The opponent's options are to stand then block, use a wake up attack, delay their wake up, tech roll backwards, or tech roll backwards then use a wake up attack.

Essentially by using Klaw ender over F2,1,1+2 you are giving the opponent an additional 2 options you have to be aware of. Yeah you get less damage in the short run of things, but having to account for less of the opponent's options on knockdown can translate to more damage from your next mix up.

Also, you can choose to meter burn F2,1,1+2 to rebounce the opponent up for a bigger combo.

These are all just my opinions of course. I could be wrong lol...
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Klaw Slash allows for the opponent to have the option to roll...
But like I've said, reptilian dash,f41 take away roll option, they are forced to block overhead after they roll, and if they try roll wakeup attack, they'll get launched. Only option is armor or backdash. And speaking of backdash, it is the most annoying thing I've met while playing reptile, they can just backdash on wakeup all day midscreen.
You have the point about b2 tho, you're right.
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Full Combo Punishable
Bit off topic, but speaking of Klaw Swipes, is there ever a good time to use Klaw Pounce ... like ... ever? I'm not being a smart ass, I'm actually asking. You can see and hear it coming from a mile away and the recovery time feels like eternity. I'd love to add it to my arsenal, but I can't find find a use for it besides a Hail Mary (ultra unsafe) long distance overhead and/or rare ender when absolutely nothing else connects.
Bit off topic, but speaking of Klaw Swipes, is there ever a good time to use Klaw Pounce ... like ... ever? I'm not being a smart ass, I'm actually asking. You can see and hear it coming from a mile away and the recovery time feels like eternity. I'd love to add it to my arsenal, but I can't find find a use for it besides a Hail Mary (ultra unsafe) long distance overhead and/or rare ender when absolutely nothing else connects.
Well, with B3 you can cancel into it for a low then overhead attack.

Other than that, it is really good against getting over certain types of projectiles if you use the long distance one. The EX version has armor and grants a combo on hit, but the combo will be less impressive than EX Klaw Slash.


Full Combo Punishable
I'm scared to use it for anti-zoning. Maybe I should stop be chicken shit with it.

In general (not versus zoning), I suppose one could launch a forceball, then follow it up with either a slide or a pounce. Make your opponent guess. Even if he's right, the FB should cut short the punish and possibly allow you to convert. Maybe? Feels like a waste of FB pressure though.
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Bug of tater's
I think a lot of reptiles don't under stand that the force balls are best used at a distance and you run up to your opponent and pressure, mix up, or jump kick for aa into the force ball.. it works. f4,12 force ball is good against almost everyone. But you need to really just mb the ball so you recover super fast.

Don't use 2 meter combos like this. It's not worth it unless you were just doing those to have fun.


Bug of tater's
Why do none of us talk about the 141 ender and the opponent gets shoved in the corner then you force ball and stop it. It traps them in the corner and it's pretty good. It can also give you combos like of theirs a force ball stopped in the corner on the opponent. b3,4 will get them hit by the ball and you can continue the combo.

I'll be in the lab to make this more viable soon and see if I can make it less conditional


Full Combo Punishable
Yeah man, Rep has a number of strings that end with him shoving his opponent a good distance away. I assume they are designed/intended to setup FB shenanigans. I look forward to your findings.
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