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eh, I do remember seeing some "less faggy" Aquaman-esque character.

He had an eye patch, long hair and a hook I believe.

They would HAVE to have that rendition for it to even come close to working.
Either way, wtf are they going to have for him? Some kind of DarkStalkers moveset.

He was older than this though

Tim Static

I am hoping this is gonna be some sort of stage fatality for the DC heroes.

They are fighting on a stage next to the ocean or whatnot, and they summon Aquadork to feed them to the fishes.

Please god, dont put Aquaman in this game.....


Scheisse is right... the more I look, the more I see pics of Aquaman with a hook for a hand. His Justice League cartoon incarnation had the hook. Ugh..
I would rather play as Captain Hook as opposed to Aquaman...fish powers whoopy

I want a green lantern or that archer dooooood

Oh yeah I like how they use magic for the reason for mk characters to hurt superman, but how is batman not going to be able to do it without his kryptonite gloves???

But since Green Laterns like first weakness was yellow would Scorpion own him???