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Jax's F413 String vs Cage

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Just found something interesting about Jax's F413 string. I'm sure everybody knew that you can poke (D1) Jax out of the string into combo, but when I was playing as Cage I managed to D4 him in between the string which launches him into a 24% nutpunch reset.

D4 ruins Jax so long as your character has a low hitbox because everytime he does the string you get it for free which means ur either gauranteed advantage or a combo.

As well as this we found out that Jaxs F413 is mid hitting against low hitbox characters so long as you cross them over first, it doesnt have to be from a JIP it just has to be swapping sides of the screen

Johnny Cage can punish any of Jaxs F4 variants.

On block:

F4 = 1 3 / 11 nutpunch
F41 = 1 3 / 11 / B3 ending in nutpunch
F413 any of the above

Or choose any move you want really you'll just get a free combo. The most strange part of this is that you dont have to respect any mix up option that Jax would have had from the string before hand, as soon as you block the F4 just mash B3 and you get a free launch, theres nothing he can do about it whatsoever.

w/ 12 Gauge


False Information Police Officer
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NetherRealm Studios
Only thing he can do after F4 is EX overhead smash that isn't beat

PND i2 Gaug3

NERF Everything, LEAVE Nothing
it seems like people who play cage aren't total assholes damn why couldn't everyone else be like this

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
I'm pretty torn on this...good discovery but man this hurts Jax. I've actually been picking him up to cover Cage's bad MUs, the fact that low hitbox characters can do this to him is pretty bad. I know CD Jr and Tyrant have discussed "alternatives" but he really doesn't have a lot of options...

Issue is, this even affects his corner game, big time.