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Tech Instant J2 CrossUp/Non CrossUp

Captain Oxygen

The end of one combo is the beginning of another
I tried this out in training mode and I thought this would be a cool technique.
In a lot of fighting games and this one with some characters you can do a Jumping attack fast enough to hit on the way up and it'd be an instant overhead. A lot of characters in Injustice can do something like this i.e. ManHunter

Obviously Lobo's J2 is really good at crossing up, when you jump over the opponent they obviously have to block the way you jumped from. One thing you can is you can a J2 fast enough to hit the opponent on the way up and they'll have to block on the side your jumping TO. You can do the J2 to hit on their head to be VERY ambiguous

And J2 has a lot of hitstun, to where you can easily get a Standing 1 when you land on the other side and get a whole combo off of it.

Obviously this gets blown up by ducking, but if your opponent blocks a lot of your cross up J2's, this can throw them off.

>When you cross up with J2 and they block it, you can throw this out.
>You can do this with J1, and J3 but you can't combo off of either of them unless canceled into an air Intractable, Like the chandelier in Wayne Manor.
>You can jump out of the corner and do this and get the two 113's in the corner with Lobo, making an instant jump out of the corner into a combo with them in the corner.


you can get full combo punished for this, you have a lot of hit stun but you use up all your block stun recovering in your jump