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Question - Kobu Jutsu How do I punish?


Recently I went to a tournament in my city at a common hangout where Honeybee, Doctor Stabs, Biohazard, and a bunch of other Canadians showed up. I ended up getting top 8, and got to play many friendlies with Honeybee (In which I had an astounding 2 wins and got a flawless in one round, than lost the game) and Biohazard. After this tournament I felt a lot more confident about my play. About a month later I went to a smaller tournament in Rochester. The winner of that tournament was a Kobu Jutsu Tanya who 3-0'd me. I seemingly couldn't get anything started no matter how many strings I would block than try to punish. I play Tempest Lao, Boneshaper Shinnok, and Full Auto Jacqui. I know this is a rather general question, but how do I punish Kobu strings?


Always Training
^Lmao , yea that about sums it up.

She's cheap tbh homie
I'm can't go to lab because I didnt buy her
But... Try a armored wake up or
Try back dashing if not on the corner
Try your characters quickest poke

All the options i told you probably won't work. Lol but hey go for it.
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Ex Phase
the blockstun on fully delayed 3 rekkas make it impossible to punish but you can backdash the last one iirc. Other than that you can try to armor through delayed rekkas.

Sadly that's what it comes down to when your in that position lol, making the read and if you guess wrong your back to square 1.

Saltea Moonspell

"Mind Over Matter" I dont mind, and X dont matter
Just ex spin her out of everything. Next time, she breaks and then apply your pressure, end game - more less.


Infused with Greatness
If you see a Tanya teleport cancel a lot, and you suspect that she is gonna cancel and start her string again, you can low poke her while she cancels her teleport and it stops her pressure, the key is to stay calm and look for gaps. If you have enhanced meter just ex spin her every time and, you can low poke her out of her delayed rekkas. Go in the lab with her and do her B1 2+4 string with three delayed rekkas, do one B1 2+4 with a teleport cancel too, if Tanya doesn't delay her rekkas there's nothing you can do to punish it BUT if the rekkas are not delayed, then they aren't as safe, so try to get her with the ex spin after the 3rd one it should work I believe but im not sure. If a Tanya adds an ex tonfa throw in her pressure you can duck because its a high, low poke her while she is retrieving the tonfa again.

That's the stuff I know, of course its a guessing game as well because she can do her low starter B 3,1 with all the options above.

She is very hard to punish in Kobu Jutsu sometimes, but I hope this helped you a little bit :)

Saltea Moonspell

"Mind Over Matter" I dont mind, and X dont matter
What if he doesn't have bar.
Delayed Rekkas have gaps, none delayed rekkas are punishable. If Tanya wants to be safe she has two options. One: delay rekkas. Second: mb the last rekka hit. Its not that big of a deal. Its not You are playing Scorpion vs NDC Kabal at high level. You have fast strings, fast spin. Its all you really need to handle this "insane" pressure of hers.


i just knew that within the 1st few comments someone was gonna call Tanya cheap...gtfo with that bullshit. have not took the time to figure out a character and how to play against them, so lets take the easy way out and blame our loss on the character being cheap


Infused with Greatness
i just knew that within the 1st few comments someone was gonna call Tanya cheap...gtfo with that bullshit. have not took the time to figure out a character and how to play against them, so lets take the easy way out and blame our loss on the character being cheap
Thank you for that!
These little whiners are the reason that NRS has nerfed Pyro and Naginata to death.


My blades will find your heart
Recently I went to a tournament in my city at a common hangout where Honeybee, Doctor Stabs, Biohazard, and a bunch of other Canadians showed up. I ended up getting top 8, and got to play many friendlies with Honeybee (In which I had an astounding 2 wins and got a flawless in one round, than lost the game) and Biohazard. After this tournament I felt a lot more confident about my play. About a month later I went to a smaller tournament in Rochester. The winner of that tournament was a Kobu Jutsu Tanya who 3-0'd me. I seemingly couldn't get anything started no matter how many strings I would block than try to punish. I play Tempest Lao, Boneshaper Shinnok, and Full Auto Jacqui. I know this is a rather general question, but how do I punish Kobu strings?
You want a simple answer to a complex question lol.

If she does a string into tele cancel, you can usually armor through any followups(if she does both hits of f2 into tele cancel she can b2 to break armor). If she just does b1 2+4 you can armor out of that too. B31 is +2 but even then you can armor through most followups. If she delays the rekkas you can armor through BUT if you try to punish any rekkas she can cut the rekkas short and EX rekka to break any armor attempts. The only exception is characters with 6f reversals which can deal with her way easier.

If you're Tempest Lao and you try to EX spin between most of her gaps it will work unless she continues the rekkas with no gaps to fake you out. Its still a little bit of a guessing game but he is by far her worst MU and handles her really well.


b31 TC and b12+4 TC are both -9

Every character in the game can interrupt her for a full punish without using meter.

She has other cancels that are safe or +1/2 but b31 and b12+4 are what you'll see most Tanya players using.

You have to let her know right away that you won't tolerate those tele-cancels. Punish her on reaction, and she'll stop using them.

The yellow flash at her feet is on screen for about 25 frames before she recovers, so it is definitely reactable if you're looking for it.