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Her Majesty's Kouncil Episode 14 - Post Evo Recap


>>R2 - BF4 = Unblockable.
3 man show this week as Justin Xavier joins us once again to share some interesting thoughts on Mileena and just how bad on a scale of 1 to MK9 Stryker is the lovely Jacqui Briggs? Usual goodies below:

MP3 Version


Evo - Pools, experiences, matches, top 8 etc
Tremor - Thoughts and predictions.
Kombat pack 2 speculation.
ESL season 2 thoughts.


So if Sonya and kenshi had a baby, firstly,Johnny would be a bit annoyed. But I would get a telekenitic military stance. Full screen. Sounds fine right? Completey fair?


The anticipation is killing me
So if Sonya and kenshi had a baby, firstly,Johnny would be a bit annoyed. But I would get a telekenitic military stance. Full screen. Sounds fine right? Completey fair?
Sounds fair lol.

@YOMI RM SaltFace

I would appreciate if you could listen to a segment of the podcast as it was mentioned we will tag you to get your opinion. If you want to listen to the whole thing then great but the main focus is on the segment from 36:20 - 47:15

We flit in and out of the topic but the main focus is Mileena's current standing as there are some interesting views.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Ok so I finally got to listen to this lol.

@Madzin might want to have a listen :p

As for DJT I completely agree with Gab. To me it didn't look like he was playing his absolute best at EVO, I've seen him play better before. He just seemed really laid back in pools and it seemed to kinda carry over to top 8, but even then in saying that if him being laid back gets him 5th place at EVO then....jesus christ.

Justin, will Tremor be banned at VS Fighting or not? I assume not since there's nothing broken about him but just checking.

Also L O FUCKING L at the barmaid story JTB, goddamn!

Tremor is STILL not available on my Xbox -________- Even so I got 1st in the Tremor tower lmao. I went into the store, to the Kombat Pack and downloaded him but when I go to practice or fight and hover over his space it still says "Tremor coming soon". I also checked the store for his bundle and it was strangely named "Tremor-bundel" so I don't know what the fuck's up there but I can't play him on my Xbox lol.
I did get to play him when Scott came over last though and I think he has decent anti-air if anything of him is decent. Obviously not the fastest, farthest reaching or safest normals or projectiles but he doesn't get completely destroyed. I'm interested to see how he'll do in tournament but I have a feeling he'll probably be getting buffed in some way.

I can't even connect to people online any more. I don't know what the hell they did in the Tanya patch and the patches proceeding that one but holy shit it's impossible for me to play anyone any more. Whenever anyone invites me it disconnects me from online then takes 5 minutes to connect to online again before trying to connect to the game where it then tells me the game isn't available. I believe everyone's referring to it as LSoD (Loading Screen of Death) right now. The bottom line is I don't know if I'll be able to compete in ESL season 2 after having competed in season 1 every week :(

My 2nd Kombat Pack would be MOTHERFUCKING FUJIN WHO SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN ANYWAY, Sareena (because lbsh they're going to have a female), Havik and either Darrius (because his spinny moves in Deception were cool) or Skarlet bae (who probably won't be in it for the same reason Rain won't be in it but I can dream).

On the topics of characters having babies, I don't know who he did it with but Kano has a son that he's raising to be just like him so I see a new character in the works for the next game #Kreygasm

PS. Stop downplaying Scorpion JTB :DOGE:DOGE:DOGE

PSS. I will try and get down there again asap so I can whoop your asses (after I get used to the damn lagless monitor) with my main Fujin who will be out by then in the second Kombat Pack :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


The anticipation is killing me
MOTHERFUCKING FUJIN WHO SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN ANYWAY, Sareena (because lbsh they're going to have a female), Havik and either Darrius (because his spinny moves in Deception were cool) or Skarlet bae (who probably won't be in it for the same reason Rain won't be in it but I can dream).
Darrius?! I greatly disapprove