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B+1, 2 Lift?


Premium Supporter
Not sure how useful this is... if at all... but I never knew that Ermac could do the lift after this string, though the timing is very tight.

I did record myself doing a combo that I think 35% with this so it's nothing huge but I've never seen anyone do it before.



All of the following connect to lift AND registers as a combo:

1) F1,F1,4
2) 4,
3) 2, NOTE: 2,2 does not register as a combo *post-patch*
4) 3,1,
5) F1,
6) F2,

Work in progress*

ETC AdmiralAugustus

Grabble Frazzled
Its easier to do the jk teleport when you cancel the string... also you can do 22 after the port instead of 12. I like finishing the string because of the pushback on block though
yea I've noticed ermac has some odd links that dont account for much (yet...? who knows). I just landed two F2's in a row of a very deep AA. It looks cool but the damage is shit and timing is awful


Premium Supporter
yeah this shit differently isn't for a competitive level... I also noticed that Ermac can lift after just F2.
yeah i was playing an ermac that was doing all sorts of fancy stuff with b12, including a midair b12 xray lol. very flashy and also super damaging :(


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
IMO as an Ermac player myself, not worth it....good for messing around or for combo vids but not in a serious match.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yeah, I've noticed most of Ermac's corner combos are merely for eyecandy or part of combo vids, otherwise shouldn't be done in a serious match.