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Final Character Select Screen Confirmed

Well this totally reminds me of MK3 and DA roster, people are not too happy about it.

And everytime these happened NRS did an ultimate version of the game with more characters that didn't made the cut.

I need to get this off my chest, this is the last time i'll complain:

Sektor head was severed, so he is dead in this timeline, this is understandable, but we could at least get cyrax.
Leaving Skarlet out was a bad choice IMO, she is a character that needs to be fleshed out, NRS failed a big chance here to put her on the plot even if she didn't fought the main battles there could be a lot of things going for her from seeking revenge on Shinnok and Quan Chi, or into a quest mission to find a way to restore Shao Kahn.
no Fujin, not even as DLC, this sucks
Rain was left out, again...
No Bo Rai Cho
Enenra should've been Smoke's next evolution, doesn't he a being who reincarnates from death? why his revenant is claming to be Enenra, IMO if Smoke was to be called Enenra he should've been very different from Smoke.
Quan Chi bitches should've been playable, i've been waiting for the sisterhood trio since MK4, yet NRS keeps toying and toying with nothing going from them (seems they only still have eyes for Sareena, Sadly, Honestly i think Kia and Jataaka are still equally awesome)
Why is Tanya not black? like WTF? Did she got the Michael Jackson treatment?

Kung Lao, Kitana, Jax, Liu Kang, should've stayed dead, as i said before, there are characters that didn't die who would've been far more interesting to have, like Noob Saibot, IMO there was some really bad choices of characters in the roster. Da fuq is tremor doing here?

Now that i took that off my chest:

I will still buy it and play the hell out of this game, even if it didn't go as i expected, maybe i expected too much.
And now you can take a nice long breath. hahah