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The official Tom Brady new main speculation


If you all saw the latest Bradycast Tom Brady states that his 2 new mains are:

1)The one with the dead forums
2)Used to have a face

Here's the Bradycast

So here's what I think:

1) Jax , Kabal , Stryker , Baraka , Quan , Raiden
2)Kung Lao

So what do guys think?By the way, Je sais c'est qui mais je ne le dirai pas.

EDIT: He took down the video and made a new Bradycast.

Used to have a face...? Krueger might apply


Salt Proprietor of TYM
I think it's Mileena. Pig doesn't main mileena anymore he said it straight up at revival that he is now a kenshi player and he is the best kenshi player out there imho, but i just have a feeling that's who he is talking about.
i think its Scorpion. He doesnt have a face, and Tom is good friends and sparring partners with PerfectLegend who happened to put Scorpion in his list of top 5 characters. I'm betting that Tom secretly has an amazing Scorpion that PL really respects.

I dont know why else PL would put Scorpion in his top 5. there isnt any high level players besides Slips that play him, and PL had no problems at all /w Slips and seemed to know the Scorpion matchup really well somehow...
Scorp does have a face, his name is Slip...

I think the best kenshi is hard to determine considering there are so many good kenshi players. Blackula, teef, sabin, under the mayo, ect


Random foreign guy
Used to have a face...? Krueger might apply
M2Dave is going to murder you inside your own dreams.


Not KL then... Ok, i'll go with smoke,with mileena as a backup.


OJuggernautO Tom Brady fanboy? Really?

He has been saying this for quite some time actually, since the video he goes crazy on a gas station or something and it's all over the thread. That video even got posted on portalversus.com.br, not my fault that this guy makes a lot of noise.


Ok so Tom said we have never seen him play with this character before.....so that rules out Lao, Kano, Sub Zero, Cage as far as I know. He also said he's super lame and a super-tier character and that the character has no real face representation.

I was going to say Jax (remember the S++++tier?) but CD Jr mains him and also he can't really play SUPER lame. Kabal has a face. Cyrax has a face.

Well anyways I could see it being Sektor (although there are some top level players playing him) or dare I say it......QUAN CHI.
You never know, the cheapness of Quan Chi and perhaps Tom has found a way to make him super lame.


M2Dave is going to murder you inside your own dreams.


Not KL then... Ok, i'll go with smoke,with mileena as a backup.

@OJuggernautO Tom Brady fanboy? Really?

He has been saying this for quite some time actually, since the video he goes crazy on a gas station or something and it's all over the thread. That video even got posted on portalversus.com.br, not my fault that this guy makes a lot of noise.
Lol.....Lets all pretend that didn't just happen.....
He's playing cyrax. Anyone who's listened to him talk on streams during a cyrax match should be able to figure that out.


Random foreign guy
In fighting games it is the idea to be as lame as you can possibly be. Especially when you're a pissed off Tom Brady.
One thing I know for sure, if there is someone who can possibly make this character lamer, that person is Bill. I'd still have to see it with my own eyes tho, cyrax is pretty much the materialization of that idea you mentioned.


@shanxterx follow me hoes

and as far as "has no face goes".. there are ppl who used a character ONCE and are "the face" of a character? i have used sub-zero from day 1, by far the most successful with him, and im was never the face of the character lmao.. can someone even define what makes someone the face of a character" lmao... popularity contest is all that is.

in the end, being the "face" of a character doent matter, only wins and losses regardless of what character someone chooses.
Get it people, Tom just gave it away here

It is raiden!!!

he said It is stupid that people labeling someone the face of a certain character even though he just uses it once...obviously he is talking about people saying PL is the face of Raiden now even though he only used for one single day/tournament

So Tom's new main is Raiden

and Raiden is the definition of Lame


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
OJuggernautO Tom Brady fanboy? Really?

He has been saying this for quite some time actually, since the video he goes crazy on a gas station or something and it's all over the thread. That video even got posted on portalversus.com.br, not my fault that this guy makes a lot of noise.
Haha I was joking man. :p
Get it people, Tom just gave it away here

It is raiden!!!

he said It is stupid that people labeling someone the face of a certain character even though he just uses it once...obviously he is talking about people saying PL is the face of Raiden now even though he only used for one single day/tournament

So Tom's new main is Raiden

and Raiden is the definition of Lame
who the hell said i was talking about PL? i actually wasnt even thinking of that. i cant tell you how many times i see someone mentioned as "the guy" for a certain character, and "the guy" mentioned had yet to have ever competed in even one event lol... that is what i was referring to.


Random foreign guy
PL's Raiden was too sick, doesn't matters if he decides to drop the character today, he is the best Raiden i've ever seen. And I doubt he will drop raiden anytime soon.


So he's never played this character before offline(Rules out Sub, Lao, Cage and Noob), this character is like really high tier, supposedly whoever is considered the "face" of this character right now hasn't competed in offline events, and the forums for this character are nearly dead.

Probably Smoke, Kano, Stryker or Ermac. (Smoke most likely since he's considered higher tier than the other three)


Confirmed Seeker
Gonna have to go with Smoke. Super lame character. Don't get me wrong; he's a great character, but totally lame.