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I think I really need to say this...

My biggest gripe with tech hoarding is not that people use it as a secret weapon. As someone stated, we are a small community, we as a group don't look good when we're all against each other. If we want MK to be taken seriously by other potential players and fighting game fans, we need to make our game look as good as possible. By hoarding "tech" and winning only because the opponent didn't know that, for example, move A, when timed properly, goes straight through move B due to a glitch, we look terrible. Now lets say the player using move A, who we will now refer to as tech whore, goes on to win this tournament using a glitch, now other communities will cite tech whore as an example as to why MK sucks, and we look horrible. Now let's say it's not a glitch, just a good strategy we hadn't thought of, who's to say there isn't a better way to use the tech? We miss a chance to better the game because someone wanted a slight advantage for one tournament.
I personally believe that if we want to ever be taken seriously, we must make sure our player base is as informed of the intricacies of the game as possible, if a character has a frame trap that makes there rush down god like, then everyone should know, not just 3 people who want to be a step ahead of everyone for a few weeks. I may not find much, if anything worth sharing in this game, but i know that if I ever do, my first reaction will be to share it with my fellow players so we can either deem it useless, better it, or make it common knowledge. Just my 2 cents, use them as you choose.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
CD jr

Save that shit for MLG, mang. Then you can get your $20k or whatever it is, and they'll likely never want MK to return again! Yay! Really, I actually laughed out loud at you trying to compare Detroit's 'hidden tech' which everyone knew about far before NEC; you're right...a damage glitch which lasts for a short duration is totally comparable to a 100% reset that you can land off a d1. #delusional

Smokesmokesmokesmokesmokesmokesmokesmokesmokesmokesmokesmoke! ;)

lol @ gimmicks over skills. Oh wait, this is MK, I forgot...:eek:


I really love this game. Its very balanced. I don't mind resets or damage exploits as long as the character is build around it. Example Quan Chi would be garbage should he not have his Rune Trap and Cyrax has not won a major with his extreme damage exploit. Resets are fun, they add another dimension to the game. That being said Jax and smoke have to be fixed. I was playing unpatched MK the other day and you cannot do the resets. I forgot what version it was but the Smoke reset came about by accident because of the recent patches. It was not meant to be in the game.

CD jr

I think I'm done revealing Kabal tech to the public. I mean, what's the point? Everytime I find a piece of Kabal tech every other week, I post it up just to have people go "OMG KABAL IS BROKEN AND #1, SHUDNT HAVE DAT, NERF IT". So fucking dumb. I'm only gonna tell the people I play with in person and my Kabal brothers from now on.
dude i think this my last post on this website lol im tired of the bullshit.yeah dude do the same man dont reveal any of your shit they wanna talk shit about our character ok fine let them do it we just not gonna show anyhing we find,unless is people from new york or players from philly like STH and teef.i dont know what the fuck i did that everyone now is talking shit about me but is all good.the smoke reset is bs and i have been saying since waaaayyyyyyyyyyyy back the major fucking reason that i havent revealed it yet is because you gonna start seeing a bunch of fucking scrubs winning with smoke because of it not because i want to win a major or anyhting like that.you guys really wanna start seeing a bunch of random smoke fucking you up online with a reset? i dont think so.i have the right to use it if i fucking want to cause I FOUND IT! im helping the community by not revealing this shit and at the same time im helping myself because i know how to do it and i can use it at a tournament.my first big tourney was wcg and i lost to a kabal player 3-0. my 3rd major i lost to a fucking glitch and i fucking took the L yea i complained but then after talking to detroit and learning the matchup i was like ok i see why is ok for him to have it.and now people are giving me shit for something i havent even used yet? can ya understand how fucking mad i am at that?people that know me in person know how i am and im always trying to help people better up their game.if i reveal this tech there is no way you gonna be able to learn how to fight against it TRUST ME! whats going to happen is at future tournaments you gonna see players using smoke that never even liked the character and you know what?im not gonna be the one making that shit happen.so to everyone that is mad about me not revealing the tech this is for you,STAY SALTY and take it personal yay.goodbye testyourmight i will be back in a few months.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
dude i think this my last post on this website lol im tired of the bullshit.yeah dude do the same man dont reveal any of your shit they wanna talk shit about our character ok fine let them do it we just not gonna show anyhing we find,unless is people from new york or players from philly like STH and teef.i dont know what the fuck i did that everyone now is talking shit about me but is all good.the smoke reset is bs and i have been saying since waaaayyyyyyyyyyyy back the major fucking reason that i havent revealed it yet is because you gonna start seeing a bunch of fucking scrubs winning with smoke because of it not because i want to win a major or anyhting like that.you guys really wanna start seeing a bunch of random smoke fucking you up online with a reset? i dont think so.i have the right to use it if i fucking want to cause I FOUND IT! im helping the community by not revealing this shit and at the same time im helping myself because i know how to do it and i can use it at a tournament.my first big tourney was wcg and i lost to a kabal player 3-0. my 3rd major i lost to a fucking glitch and i fucking took the L yea i complained but then after talking to detroit and learning the matchup i was like ok i see why is ok for him to have it.and now people are giving me shit for something i havent even used yet? can ya understand how fucking mad i am at that?people that know me in person know how i am and im always trying to help people better up their game.if i reveal this tech there is no way you gonna be able to learn how to fight against it TRUST ME! whats going to happen is at future tournaments you gonna see players using smoke that never even liked the character and you know what?im not gonna be the one making that shit happen.so to everyone that is mad about me not revealing the tech this is for you,STAY SALTY and take it personal yay.goodbye testyourmight i will be back in a few months.
Your sheer arrogance is just baffling. Whether or not YOU reveal this tech or not, people are already digging for it, it's going to be found. You honestly think you're THAT good that nobody's going to find it? Some ego you got there. If you wanted people to NOT USE IT in tournaments; you'd reveal the damn thing SO THE T.O.'S CAN FUCKING BAN IT.

Not so you can just randomly pull it out and win a major with it.

Helter Skelter

Sub Zero would be almost unzonable by some characters if the ice beam had armor. If you are full screen and Kano or Noob throws a knife or tackle, take the hit, tech-roll, block dash forward, and combo. The same is also valid for Cyrax and his net, for example.

In my opinion, a suggestion like this disqualifies you from any serious MK gameplay discussion.
Well, it's a matter of opinion. Personally you think Mileena is one of the best characters in the game, but I could give you so many reasons why I disagree. I may not be the best player but I have a decent understanding of the game and I can't think of any other way to help the Zeros out of their terrible matchups.

Scorpion has armor on his slide and spear while at the same time having access to hellfire and teleport.

You can't give the Zeros chip damage on ice, so what do you suggest? At the moment Zeros are praying to trade ice and when they do they might only ever get a slide.

Only other suggestion is for them to have better recovery on ice and have 'stupidly' fast dashes.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
dude i think this my last post on this website lol im tired of the bullshit.yeah dude do the same man dont reveal any of your shit they wanna talk shit about our character ok fine let them do it we just not gonna show anyhing we find,unless is people from new york or players from philly like STH and teef.i dont know what the fuck i did that everyone now is talking shit about me but is all good.the smoke reset is bs and i have been saying since waaaayyyyyyyyyyyy back the major fucking reason that i havent revealed it yet is because you gonna start seeing a bunch of fucking scrubs winning with smoke because of it not because i want to win a major or anyhting like that.you guys really wanna start seeing a bunch of random smoke fucking you up online with a reset? i dont think so.i have the right to use it if i fucking want to cause I FOUND IT! im helping the community by not revealing this shit and at the same time im helping myself because i know how to do it and i can use it at a tournament.my first big tourney was wcg and i lost to a kabal player 3-0. my 3rd major i lost to a fucking glitch and i fucking took the L yea i complained but then after talking to detroit and learning the matchup i was like ok i see why is ok for him to have it.and now people are giving me shit for something i havent even used yet? can ya understand how fucking mad i am at that?people that know me in person know how i am and im always trying to help people better up their game.if i reveal this tech there is no way you gonna be able to learn how to fight against it TRUST ME! whats going to happen is at future tournaments you gonna see players using smoke that never even liked the character and you know what?im not gonna be the one making that shit happen.so to everyone that is mad about me not revealing the tech this is for you,STAY SALTY and take it personal yay.goodbye testyourmight i will be back in a few months.
Man...with all the good players up at the top, you don't even have to worry about some scrub winning tournaments with it lol. Scrubs are scrubs for a reason.

It sucks you won't be posting here, though. I wish you would reveal it though, not so I can use Smoke in tourney lolololol, but moreso to help the community learn whether it'll make Smoke the best character in the game or not. The more people know, the more people can learn how dominating stuff is.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
so CD Jr thinks smoke is an auto win button now? lol, ok
the major fucking reason that i havent revealed it yet is because you gonna start seeing a bunch of fucking scrubs winning with smoke because of it not because i want to win a major or anyhting like that.you guys really wanna start seeing a bunch of random smoke fucking you up online with a reset? i dont think so.i have the right to use it if i fucking want to cause I FOUND IT!


Zoning Master
Well, it's a matter of opinion. Personally you think Mileena is one of the best characters in the game, but I could give you so many reasons why I disagree. I may not be the best player but I have a decent understanding of the game and I can't think of any other way to help the Zeros out of their terrible matchups.

Scorpion has armor on his slide and spear while at the same time having access to hellfire and teleport.

You can't give the Zeros chip damage on ice, so what do you suggest? At the moment Zeros are praying to trade ice and when they do they might only ever get a slide.

Only other suggestion is for them to have better recovery on ice and have 'stupidly' fast dashes.
I think Sub Zero's corner game is one of the best in the game. Despite complaints from Sub Zero players, Sub Zero's weaknesses to zoning are well-deserved. Without these weaknesses, he walks almost every zoning character into the corner and keeps them there for the entire fight. I would keep his weaknesses in tact for the most part but buff other aspects of his gameplay. I would buff EX clone, which would "break" armor and void the proximity rule. I would also allow him to combo after EX slide with slide.

I believe some of these exact same changes have been suggested by Tom, but NRS said no. If EX clone voided the proximity rule, you would be able to perform a point blank clone and freeze your opponent by throwing him. That is how the regular clone functioned in the beta. LOL.


A prop on the stage of life.
Yea, then you just need to worry about grabs, d3,d4, and sweep kicks. Every bit of damage counts in this game. Yea I'm not a smoke expert but I've been bent over by him more than enough to comment on his shenanigans. Its too bad Reo and CDjr are jumping on the tom brady bandwagon. No disrespect to any of you three, but because a few randoms get their panties in a bunch over smoke/subzero/kabal you're not going to post here anymore? Hell you guys have the authority on the characters. If some tard wants to say "herp derp..kabal is op because he can just f3(or 4..idk), 2, ndc you to death and you can't get out of it herp derp" I actually love that my friend is using kabal at a much higher level than when the game first came out. NDC's and projectiles are a pain in the ass to deal with. Its hard enough getting in and then I actually have to make something of it too. Now I'm incorporating dash blocking into all my games to fuck with my opponent and force a quicker response. Its all about pushing one another to get better. I'm glad TB still posts here because he knows his shit, just please don't stop sharing because some people can't deal with Kabal. Nothing feels better than dominating my friend's kabal for a match and rubbing it in. I don't want him dumbing his skill down either, I have a vegeta complex like that.


to all moderators, i have a list of trouble makers on testyourmight that will be posted later, these are the same guys that open threads only to talk negative things about characters and players, and are always involved on all threads just bitching about the game, people who never support the community on compete professionally, we need to clear these forums from some of these plagues or at least give them a warning, thanks static for closing that thread talking crap about josh vs lord of the fly, josh360 is a good guy that always help the community and doesnt deserve to be treated this way saying he won because of a tech and not because he was the better player, we have the tournament players trying to help the community out and these guys only criticize them wtf people other community tourney players dont even bother on forums or try to help the lower level players? why so much curiosity in knowing of some stupid tech? what about if you didnt even know it existed, still even tho you see it you wont be able to do it, there is a trick to it, people can do whatever they want with their techs specially if they wanna use it in tournament, the tech is not broken and you cant do a reset out of a simple smoke bomb, it needs a setup to start it, i've beat cd jr with it many times i dont consider its broken, CD jr dont worry this tech wont make any smoke better, the essence of a good smoke doesnt depend on this to win, we really need to clear these forums from garbage talk about the same issues, cyrax, smoke, jax resets, quanchi rune traps, kabal iagbs spamming, kung lao down hat, sonya mixups, whatever the issues is competitors are not getting any credit for their knowledge of fights and placing high on tournaments, i was gonna quit these forums also, but if they start warning, and banning these trouble makers, this forums will be a better place to visit for sure, i'm convincing cd jr not to let these trolls affect his mind and keep posting, but he is tired so am i and bunch of others, ive been advised not to post and just play, these guys will never give up,

soon i'll make a non post list so these guys cant post anymore, or at least give them a warning and if they keep doing it it will be logic they have mental problems,


missiles are coming
Just reading three things and wanted to share a quick opinion.

Honestly, it holds the game back when people sandbag information. But at the same time, why would you want to keep helping people who just spit in your face on return. It feels like the better you do with your character, you have to fear the possibility of him/her getting nurfed due to complaints about how well you have been doing. I was going to make a Sektor video detailing my thought process during a tournament match; there's no way I'm going to now because the same people will jump in saying that I'm garbage and Sektor should be played like this or that. They don't know the character as well as I do and only two other players come close to the track record I have with the character in the world, yet they're the master. This applies even more to people like CDjr or Reo. They help the community and in return you want their characters nerfed because they found some good tech concerning them. I bet if CDjr or Reo took a month or so with some of the mid-tier characters they would find something just as good with them. People should go into the lab themselves more often. Last night AC1984 and I looked at all of Sektor's pokes to see if one had random advantage and found out one did about 30% of the time. We already know Jax and Cage do, I'm sure others do since this game is broken as fuck. I'm more than happy to share information with those who have actually helped this community gain further knowledge, people like Somberness, Mayo, Usedforglue, Fly, Pig, Reo, CDjr, Teef, Ketchup, Mustard, J360, Brady, ect. People can't except everything handed to them when they provide only insults in return.

The Smoke reset is too easy to do and can be done in many situations. While it's not a free win button like some may make it sound to be, it honesty had me thinking about picking Smoke up as a secondary since he's a great character even without it. I completely agree with CDjr for not showing it; I can tell you now if I was tempted to pick Smoke up because of this I can promise others will. In my opinion there should be a way to report something like this to NRS behind doors so it can just be taken out before it's exploited. You can't really ban something like this in a tournament. Banning a specific character makes the game look dirty unless the character was designed to be a playable boss character. Banning a move during active play is crazy!

Secondly, Sub Zero with armor on freeze would be game breaking! As much as I would love Sektor to have armor, putting it on EXTU would be retarded! It's a free god damn combo from anywhere on the screen. I do think that since there are only a few characters who don't have armor that they probably should get it - since looking at the characters who don't, plenty are low tier except for Mileena, Ermac, and Sektor (who all don't really "need" it). For those playing high/top tier character's it's always easy to stay stop bitching about needing buffs. I'm playing a mid-tier character and I'm stick of hearing the Sub Zero bullshit.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
dude i think this my last post on this website lol im tired of the bullshit.yeah dude do the same man dont reveal any of your shit they wanna talk shit about our character ok fine let them do it we just not gonna show anyhing we find,unless is people from new york or players from philly like STH and teef.i dont know what the fuck i did that everyone now is talking shit about me but is all good.the smoke reset is bs and i have been saying since waaaayyyyyyyyyyyy back the major fucking reason that i havent revealed it yet is because you gonna start seeing a bunch of fucking scrubs winning with smoke because of it not because i want to win a major or anyhting like that.you guys really wanna start seeing a bunch of random smoke fucking you up online with a reset? i dont think so.i have the right to use it if i fucking want to cause I FOUND IT! im helping the community by not revealing this shit and at the same time im helping myself because i know how to do it and i can use it at a tournament.my first big tourney was wcg and i lost to a kabal player 3-0. my 3rd major i lost to a fucking glitch and i fucking took the L yea i complained but then after talking to detroit and learning the matchup i was like ok i see why is ok for him to have it.and now people are giving me shit for something i havent even used yet? can ya understand how fucking mad i am at that?people that know me in person know how i am and im always trying to help people better up their game.if i reveal this tech there is no way you gonna be able to learn how to fight against it TRUST ME! whats going to happen is at future tournaments you gonna see players using smoke that never even liked the character and you know what?im not gonna be the one making that shit happen.so to everyone that is mad about me not revealing the tech this is for you,STAY SALTY and take it personal yay.goodbye testyourmight i will be back in a few months.
The argument for releasing and/or not releasing certain tech that a certain person found has been around for awhile. On one hand the argument against releasing the info is like you said you don't want people to abuse it in tournaments. However, I think not releasing the info is more dangerous.

Take, for example, the Parry Glitch that I discovered. It wasn't even around long enough for it to be a problem. But even when it was, the tournament organizers knew about it and it was banned. Mind you, this was even before the PDP tournament. And the PDP tournament rules banned it as well. Imagine if I had not made it known to the public. Yes, I am THE one responsible for finding it and exposing it just a few weeks before the PDP tournaments. When no one knew about it, NO ONE knew how to beat it. I found out how to beat it too. It would have been used and abused at tournaments. I know this because I used it online and no one not even the top players knew how to beat it. Yes by exposing it, it made the game look bad but how would it have looked if some random busted it out at a tournament and won because of it? And that could have happened if it wasn't exposed, because it was very easy to beat if you knew about it, impossible if you didn't.

Withholding tech just never has turned out positively. You don't want to be "the one" who reveals it? Then tell it to someone else and let them expose it. But somewhere along the line you have to suck it up and take a hit for the betterment of the community. As someone highly respected as yourself, I would think you'd be more than willing to "take the heat" on this one assuming there's even going to be any. And even if there is, who the fuck cares? Why does the opinions of people who obviously don't know what they're talking about affect you so much? Just let the scrubs be scrubs and the real players will thank you for being a top player and sharing your knowledge to advance our community.


Your sheer arrogance is just baffling. Whether or not YOU reveal this tech or not, people are already digging for it, it's going to be found. You honestly think you're THAT good that nobody's going to find it? Some ego you got there. If you wanted people to NOT USE IT in tournaments; you'd reveal the damn thing SO THE T.O.'S CAN FUCKING BAN IT.

Not so you can just randomly pull it out and win a major with it.
The amount of bickering and bitching for the smoke tech that no one has seen is really surprising. Mortal Kombat 9 has problems but it is still a great game. If the resets, your lack of innovativeness, or the glitches are to much for you to handle then stop playing the game. Frankly is annoying reading the forums now. IF other people can find it let the other people find it. The fact that he let people know that there is a way to land it 100% of the time is enough and smoke players should be thankful. He comes across and amazing discovery and you want him to reveal it so they can ban it? The fact that there's people that will post retarded shit like this is just another reason for top players not to post on this site. He will reveal the tech eventually, he's holding it until his next tournament, what is wrong with that? What all you noobs, online warriors, tournament unknowns, trolls and even some battle tested tournament players are doing is scaring away the innovative minds that have helped this game evolve.


so everyone thinks smoke is an auto win button now? lol, ok
You played Lao early on in the game, so you already know how it plays out.

Me personally, I have played the Lao vs Smoke matchup many times against my twin brother subzerosmokerai, and to be honest the only time I ever lose is if the other player genuinely outplays me.

From the beginning of the game, Smoke was never an instant win character, even with the reset. And blocking high against Smoke is ideal condition for Kung Lao. If people start choosing Smoke after CDjr's next tournament, if people want battles that are easier than others vs Smoke, choose Lao.

I know I'll get grilled for this, I know people will dismiss me as an unknown player who doesn't know what he is talking about. However, the point of this post is to say, of the fighting games I have played in my lifetime (however short it is), Mortal Kombat 2011 is the most balanced. And if you can't get past something, you just aren't making that much of an effort to get to know the game itself. Sorry, but I have to be blunt.

As Juggernaut's little message under his username(I have no idea what it is called) says, "Lose Without Excuses."