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I think I really need to say this...

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
I think NRS nerfed sub zero not because he deserved it but I honestly think its cause they wanted to take a jab at Tom Brady...they did that shit on purpose to mess with hm. A sick joke as it may.

I also came into MK later than most. I came on the back side of MKD. MKD was retarded with noob smoke infinates(d1 throw, d1 throw, d1 throw) that rules had to be made in order to keep players honest. Same thing in MKA and the same thing in MKvDC. If rules had to be made to make glitches playable then in my opinion it needs to be fixed.

This game however doesn't have any of that. There doesn't need to be rules because no one has an easy infinate even if they are there. If I can beat cyrax, smoke, Sonya, kenshi, kabal, kitana etc with NW then everyone needs to to just shut up!


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
good point .... we don't have theoretically 0-10 bad matchups due resets exploitation, so, anybody can beat anybody in a good day. It's how some people receive some defeats that creates a huge impact in "reset" polemic subject .....


Gaming4Satan Founder
I love this game to bits but this game NEEDS a hotfix. The consistency is out of whack.

I feel Sub-Zero deserved to lose his damage exploit. It was a load of bullshit.
However, I can't for the life of me understand why Jax, Smoke and Cyrax got to keep their damage exploits.

Things that NEED to be changed:

-All fixable glitches (maybe excluding Shang's damage boost after the round) need to go.
-Throws should be breakable while blocking.
-Throws should render both characters invincible from anything outside of the throw (Clones, Mega Force Balls, Bombs, etc.)
-Sweep should become untechable knockdowns.
-Jax's and Smoke's Enhanced OTG moves should not pop up high enough to combo from.
-Cyrax second net in combos removed (the Sub-Zero's can't freeze you twice).

Character changes:
-The characters without armor or an invincible move need to get one:
•Mileena = Neckbite
•Sektor = Flamthrower
•Sindel = Hair Whip or alternatively. Make Hair Whip drain meter AND let Cartwheel have armor.
•Noob = Teleslam
•Cyber Sub = Ice Beam
•Ermac = Not Sure
•Sub Zero = Already has armor but kinda needs it on ice beam.
There are other characters but I'm not sure.

Instant Air Fireballs:
-Kitana's Air Firball now 6%
-Kabal's Air Fireball now7%
-Skarlet's unchanged
-Mileena's Unchanged
-Liu Kang's I'm not sure.

Those are legit changes and I think we should start tweeting and hassling NRS to get them made, because we all know a lot more than we did last EVO and shit is gonna get real. People actually said Mileena was the best character last year. It makes you think, right.
yes, give Smoke armor plz. On EX smoke bomb, preferrably.

Make him god-tier.


24 Low Hat!
The thing that I find annoying, is that everyone is making a MASSIVE stink about Sub Zero losing allot of matches, and having problems with limited damage, no come back factor, low hit box characters, inconsistent Air to air with JP 22 Freeze or slide...The truth is, he isn't an amazing character, he is not a top 10 character, but so what? There are other characters that struggle in this game that are also not top 10 and its never a big deal like it is when it comes to Sub Zero. There is Jade, Kano, Stryker, Sindel, Sheeva, NW, Baraka, CSZ Noob, etc, but it nevers causes a big of fuss over it, more than Sub Zero, Is it because he is the poster boy for MK and he ''SHOULD BE'' top tier?, or because he all had him wrong when he first played MK9 and he really was never as good was we first thought, what is it that makes Sub Zero struggling in this game special?
People bitch about subzero for three reasons, i find
a) EVERYONE plays him. His character design and combos are so simplistic that half of the people who play MK9 have at least some experience with him. And there is always some percent of the population who complain about their character, its just that since there are so many people playing sub zero that the amount of whiners for sub is greater than the norm. This wasnt helped by the fact that we was a much better character when the game first came out. People got f'd up by ice clones, nobody knew how to deal with them (online at least). His damage midscreen was really high too, comparable to Ermac and Rain's... now he's got one of the lowest midscreen damage outputs. He was a better character when the game came out, and now the people who main him are stuck with lots of experience with a weaker character.
b) He's friggin cool, and people want their awesomely cool characters to be good as well. unfortunately hes not really, but i maintain that he's fine where he is. Or at least, IM fine where he is.

Lastly, people will always complain about video games. the more competitive the more complaining, thats why call of duty gets trashed by every kid around the block. Its not just the mortal kombat scene that needs a reality check; its half of the gaming community as a whole.

Helter Skelter

Ermac, Rain, CSZ, Subzero, Jade, Baraka, KL and Kabal would all get fucked with that, obviously including Kitana.
Throws in this game are a guess. That's not even the worse thing about them, they aren't even educated guesses.

In Soul Cally the throw breaks are a guess, but characters can ring out and wall splat depending on the grabs themselves. So essentially at high levels and with enough character knowledge you can actually safely predict certain throws in that game.
That's why you can break throws while blocking in that game. However, in this game not only do you have to stop blocking to break a grab (which isn't a problem) but you also have to guess afterwards. That's stupid and it's a bad gameplay mechanic.

It should either be:
-1+3 breaks both forward and backwards throws but cannot be done while blocking.
-1 breaks a forward throw and 2 breaks a backwards throw but can be broken while blocking.

The throw system is almost as bad as Marvels TAC mechanic.

Throw breaking in this game should either be reaction or a guess. No both at the same time.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
i dont agree with this post. In the old days we coudnt do crap about the game we bought. it was what it was... now that we do have a chance to evolve the game we should be quiet ??? if we have the possibility to improve the gaming experience we should just not bother ?? so we gather all this knowledge about a game we sign in to forums and gaming communities and we should be quiet ??? im not saying we need to cry as much as we are crying but... it is gaming evolution at its best and what you are saying is... dont use it ???... stupid post... i am a crappy player and im not into it even 50% as much as other players here but i still find this post, nonsense.... IMHO. dont dake karma from me
I'm not saying they shouldn't patch the game at all. If they are able to fix things that need to fix, by all means do so.

The problem comes into the fact that NRS possibly will not patch it no matter how much we ask for a final patch. It costs money and a lot of time and hassle to get it through. Some of this stuff can't be done with a hotfix...actual patches are required.

We can't count on them to fix it all for us.

But one thing you are also right about...the hiding of knowledge. Yeah, that shit needs to stop, because the hidden knowledge you guys hold back are pieces that keep the game from evolving.
Some people just want to play White Knight and discuss the game needs patching or 'it makes the game look bad', so it appears they are some MK messiah. While on the other hand tournament players have just been playing, most 80% complaints I see are just from random ass people. People that learn a few terms here and there of FGs and than go on to preach like they know every solution.

BTW, who the fuck said it makes 'the game look bad'? I've been reading this shit lately, what kind of fad is this? Have you looked at other games, they have equally as bad shit as MK.

The thing with this community is, that they like to fight within each other and with each other, even top players.

I browse the other FG forums, and everyone is usually just giving out advice or trying to improve the game by finding techs, or discussing the game instead of bickering and bitching like women.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
yes for sure i agree 100% what your saying over all.. :)

if there isnt a hotfix ever coming again then WE as a Kommunity need to STFU and deal with whatever nonsense this game has. play a game like MKD and MKA and then you'll know what nonsense is. mk9 has nothing on those 2 games and i still loved them LOL

Lt. Boxy Angelman

But one thing you are also right about...the hiding of knowledge. Yeah, that shit needs to stop, because the hidden knowledge you guys hold back are pieces that keep the game from evolving.
Fucking THIS.

There are those of us stuck in the middle of goddamn nowhere who haven't a human in sight to test this game on.

That's why I always get hyped when Mayo or Tony or whoever's got the floor at that moment come forward with new discoveries. Shit, Mayo and his vids are the whole reason I picked up Quan and Kenshi to begin with, and now I've got two potential new weapons in my pocket. All from one mayonnaise-based fellow.
Imagine how much more readily capable we'd all be if all the cards were on the table.
I strongly agree with this thread but.... Here's the thing!
Sub had a reset-Gone
Baracka had a 83% no meter-Gone

So why does jax, Smoke, and etc get to keep there's?
Fucking THIS.

There are those of us stuck in the middle of goddamn nowhere who haven't a human in sight to test this game on.

That's why I always get hyped when Mayo or Tony or whoever's got the floor at that moment come forward with new discoveries. Shit, Mayo and his vids are the whole reason I picked up Quan and Kenshi to begin with, and now I've got two potential new weapons in my pocket. All from one mayonnaise-based fellow.
Imagine how much more readily capable we'd all be if all the cards were on the table.
Discoveries are to be made my friend :) If only this game had a record mode...sigh. I don't have anyone to test things on just the lame old cpu and shitty online


Salt Proprietor of TYM
They weren't intentional and were found after the last patch, but the thing is NRS is starting to develop other things and are trying to put these things behind them. Would it be nice if they tried to fix these characters, sure it would, but us sitting here and but us sitting here and wondering why they have them instead of finding ways to stop the characters from using them is a waste.
u raise some interesting points, people will find any excuse they can think of as to why they got beat, nobody wants to beleave they just weren't as skilled as the opponent who beat them.. the only exception i can think of is saibot and smoke, seriously.. its obsurd how easy it is to win with either.


Zoning Master
Yeah people have been screaming for that since the first patch. Tom even had a big explanation explaining how that would hurt Sub's zoning but no one listens lol
Sub Zero would be almost unzonable by some characters if the ice beam had armor. If you are full screen and Kano or Noob throws a knife or tackle, take the hit, tech-roll, block dash forward, and combo. The same is also valid for Cyrax and his net, for example.

In my opinion, a suggestion like this disqualifies you from any serious MK gameplay discussion.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I agree, I don't have a problem with the resets people are complaining about or any character in particular, however, I have grown apathetic for other reasons. My issue is the glitches and inconsistencies in this game. Random dropped inputs, Negative edge ruining certain characters ie: (CSZ) Lack of frame data from the developers, Glitchy hitboxes on certain characters and just inconsistent in general, corner glitches, lack of a training mode to test out theories and scenarios, the one we have now is bug riddled and cannot be taken seriously, stages causing glitches and making matches unplayable, some characters getting random frame advantages on strings, some armored moves being inconsistent, All these bugs and glitches is what needs to be fixed, sure we could use some character rebalancing but for me it's these things that get me angry and I ask myself, why am I bothering to play this at a competitive level? NRS doesn't seem to have intentions of fixing any of it via a hot fix or a new installment, they just want to cash in on the next project. It was their intention of creating a competitive fighter wasn't it? If they had implied it was intended to a casual fanbase (which it clearly is) I wouldn't be upset. They really dropped the ball and left us hanging.



Brain Dead Bro
Sub Zero would be almost unzonable by some characters if the ice beam had armor. If you are full screen and Kano or Noob throws a knife or tackle, take the hit, tech-roll, block dash forward, and combo. The same is also valid for Cyrax and his net, for example.

In my opinion, a suggestion like this disqualifies you from any serious MK gameplay discussion.
Yeah I've never agreed with the armored Ice Beam either Dave. My only complaint on it is that it disappears when it's already more than half way across the screen...like I've guessed right on zoning but my projectile disappears into thin air? I don't like that.

As far as armor? No need for it.