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F Champ Receives Lifetime Ban, Racism in the FGC/USA, and Other Prevalent Social Discussions

Lt. Boxy Angelman

toxic shit happens everywhere in sports and gaming and at work. sometimes it goes to far and needs to be corrected but sometimes you just need to grow a thicker skin and move on. Im not gonna go to court everytime someone insults me or offend me which is pretty hard to do. I guess cause im white my opinion doesn't matter on anything related to race. To me there always been only 1 race humans. hopefully this will get resolve soon but i feel like people will move to the next shit to cancel people and it wont ever end.
I wouldn't say it doesn't matter. It's just not something that can be fully grasped without living it. I'm Puerto Rican l, have been mistaken for everything from Baltic to Arab, and have definitely experienced my share of terrible racially motivated bullshit, but I could never be able to wrap my head around being black.
Also, I will 100% acknowledge some people have been dragged for really dumb reasons, but THIS is definitely a case of He Had It Coming. And when they have it coming, I have no sympathy at all.
toxic shit happens everywhere in sports and gaming and at work. sometimes it goes to far and needs to be corrected but sometimes you just need to grow a thicker skin and move on. Im not gonna go to court everytime someone insults me or offend me which is pretty hard to do. I guess cause im white my opinion doesn't matter on anything related to race. To me there always been only 1 race humans. hopefully this will get resolve soon but i feel like people will move to the next shit to cancel people and it wont ever end.
"I Guess cause im white my opinion doesn't matter on anything related to race"
Of course it matters, you think black people can fix this on their own? They sure as hell didn't create this mess.

"To me there's always been only 1 race, humans" sounds like "I'm not racist so I don't need to concern myself with racism"

What do you expect to get resolved soon? Racism lol It ain't going anywhere with attitudes like yours.

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
I believe that when you are part of a company, you represent them even when not at work; therefore, if they decide they dislike your public behavior, they retain the right to fire you. Posting on social media (to me) is the equivalent of speaking publicly so it falls under this category (that being said, I am against digging through old tweets/posts made before the person was hired, then firing/cancelling them; it is the company's responsibility to research those they hire beforehand).

Having said that, I think people's sensitivity and outrage have reached comical, borderline parody levels. Things like university professors being fired for refusing to give black students bonus points on their weighted final is mind-boggling.

I know little about F Champ, and I care even less, but his is a public persona and if he wants to be on camera at public events, then he needs to mind what he says and does publicly. That aside, I think his tweet, while in poor taste due to current events, was completely benign. I don't think the tweet promotes hatred, violence, etc; it's just insensitive. Seeing people get outraged over #watermelonlivesmatter, but being perfectly fine with others calling for violence in suburbs, encouraging looting, and defending those that are harming innocents is something straight out of a dystopian novel.
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I 100% support f champ. Completely banning someone for life for a tweet is ridiculous no matter who it harms. Just go on twitter and look at all the black people in the fgc constantly making fun of white people and nothing happens to them bc they have immunity.

fucked up world we live in now that a tweet can end a career. Nothing pieces of shit like more than to see someone else fall from grace. It’s just entertainment for them.

you idiots are all sheep. The media wants black vs white, left vs right, straight vs gay et cet just to keep people focused on the wrong thing. It is a form of control by the government so you don’t raise hell about the crazy shit they are doing. Passing bills and giving millions to their brother in laws construction company last week, Panama papers, new surveillance guidelines passed two weeks ago giving the gov free reign over your phone, browser history and any social media. But hey... don’t look at that look at that over there. Don’t look at us.

The media on the same day, “don’t go out in public for large gatherings unless it is to protest”. Wtf do you think they run this narrative for?

so many idiot virtue seeking people on this site.
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Philanthropist & Asshole
Just going to throw in my 2 cents:

I have found that it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to change a person's sociopolitical stance on something. My >65 year old eastern-European parents have been discriminated against because of their ethnicity and religion, and at the same time they have some inherently racist views of their own. Can I spend lots of time and energy trying to enlighten them about racism and inequality? Yes. Will this ultimately create any real, tangible changes in their perspectives? Very unlikely.

But, me and my wife and my friends and all of you guys (that I am assuming are part of my generation), who are living through all this craziness now, have an ace up our sleeves in terms of creating real change: the next generation (i.e., our kids). Think about it: we are pretty much all in agreement that racism is bad and equality is good. We pretty much all agree that treating your fellow man with respect, regardless of what they look like/where they're from/who they love, is super important. As we move forward and have our own kids, we can instill these values into them in a much easier and more organic way then trying to "teach old dogs new tricks" (e.g., the above example with my parents).

While this may seem naive, it seems perfectly plausible to me that in theory, the next generation will (for the most part) not be racist, sexist, homophobic, etc., because those are the values shared by me, you, and others in our generation.
I love your optimism. Not ironically.
It is good to know some people still have something pure in their hearts.


Administrator and Community Engineer
If you intend to have a conversation about genuineness, you may want to mention the fact that Mike Z included Sonic Fox as a non-playable character in Skullgirls.

I am using Sonic Fox as an example for obvious reasons, but other users on Twitter defended Mike Z too, which includes individuals who have attacked me on a couple of occasions. I think it is very strange that a group of people, presumably consisting of mostly white guys, are actively searching for and examining the level of racism and judging other people based on each controversial circumstance that occurs in the fighting game community, albeit the community is known to be very diverse and overwhelmingly accepting.
But you're skipping the reason why -- which is that Mike Z has a history of being supportive to lots of people, whereas F Champ has a history of being abrasive and angry to lots of people. Thus it's a lot harder for people to believe that this was just a 'mistake' from him, since it's not out of character.

They weren't saying that what Mike Z said was ok.. They were saying that they're far more inclined to believe his apology, since Champ has a history of making offensive statements to all kinds of people for all sort of reasons.


I 100% support f champ. Completely banning someone for life for a tweet is ridiculous no matter who it harms. Just go on twitter and look at all the black people in the fgc constantly making fun of white people and nothing happens to them bc they have immunity.

fucked up world we live in now that a tweet can end a career. Nothing pieces of shit like more than to see someone else fall from grace. It’s just entertainment for them.

you idiots are all sheep. The media wants black vs white, left vs right, straight vs gay et cet just to keep people focused on the wrong thing. It is a form of control by the government so you don’t raise hell about the crazy shit they are doing. Passing bills and giving millions to their brother in laws construction company last week, Panama papers, new surveillance guidelines passed two weeks ago giving the gov free reign over your phone, browser history and any social media. But hey... don’t look at that look at that over there. Don’t look at us.

The media on the same day, “don’t go out in public for large gatherings unless it is to protest”. Wtf do you think they run this narrative for?

so many idiot virtue seeking people on this site.
Man ain’t you got some more MAGA Hats to go buy somewhere


D'Vorah for KP2 copium
toxic shit happens everywhere in sports and gaming and at work. sometimes it goes to far and needs to be corrected but sometimes you just need to grow a thicker skin and move on. Im not gonna go to court everytime someone insults me or offend me which is pretty hard to do. I guess cause im white my opinion doesn't matter on anything related to race. To me there always been only 1 race humans. hopefully this will get resolve soon but i feel like people will move to the next shit to cancel people and it wont ever end.
The false equivalence here of an individual receiving insults / being offended and systemic underlying racism is where your thoughts on the matter disconnect you. This instance of cancel culture isnt some shit like "He said a mean thing to my favorite player so I hate him now," this is "He made an overtly racist and belittling Tweet that he should be raked over the coals for." Who is expected to grow the thicker skin here? Every single black American he's mocking that lives with the plights of inherent disadvantage due to systemic racism and negative perception from law enforcement?


TYM's wanted hero
Alright, gonna sweep all of this into a pretty little pile for the dustpan.

I have correctly read your message stating you are definitionally not racist (which is a clown fiesta of a post, like holy shit what a disaster).

First of all, "don't talk to me about white racism as if I as a white person have never experienced it" is reverse racism, a typical neo-Nazi argument. You as a white person have not belonged to a race that has been subjugated, disadvantaged, and over-policed for 400 years.

Black Lives Matter is a civil rights movement against systemic racism found in every vein of American social structure, and also against police brutality in general. It is not enough to *not be a racist and stay silent. Staying silent means continuing the current status quo. The current status quo is more black people being denied employment and education opportunities, being paid less for equal work, having a 1/1000 chance to be killed by a policeman as an adult, and suffering dozens of microaggressive "innocent" racist remarks and gestures every day. Staying silent means enjoying and understanding you live in privelege.

We must be actively *anti-racist for a better society to emerge, and massively defund police forces around the country.

You are asked to donate for bail, to fundraisers for mourning families who lost a son or daughter, brother or sister, mother or father. You are asked to promote black voices because they are so often suppressed by virtue of their darker skin. You are asked to listen because they so often cannot speak.

Take my word for it. You'd think more critically without the rainbow wig on.
Him saying that hes never experienced rasicm as a white man makes him a neo naxi? As a black man, I'll defend anybody who doesn't fall for that weak ass narrative. First of all BLM was created by George Soros. It's not a civil rights movement because they only show up when a black man is killed by a white man. I for one have never experience rasicm, a ideology that was created to spill hatred and divide us.
But you're skipping the reason why -- which is that Mike Z has a history of being supportive to lots of people, whereas F Champ has a history of being abrasive and angry to lots of people. Thus it's a lot harder for people to believe that this was just a 'mistake' from him, since it's not out of character.

They weren't saying that what Mike Z said was ok.. They were saying that they're far more inclined to believe his apology, since Champ has a history of making offensive statements to all kinds of people for all sort of reasons.
f champ put on an act for the scene. He would give you the shirt off his back. He lived and supported someone transitioning and is still extremely good friends with Ricky Ortiz. He help this scene grow more than 99% of it. He personally paid for countless people to get to tournaments and did even more in his native country.

I’m sorry you think the wwe/fgc is real. I bet you think the bad guys in the wwe are really BAD GUYS. Booo hooooo. Keep blindly supporting sonic fox in hopes he will notice you and pushing your narrotive on this meaningless site. When are you adding an ignore button to yourself so people can start using it? I would.
Him saying that hes never experienced rasicm as a white man makes him a neo naxi? As a black man, I'll defend anybody who doesn't fall for that weak ass narrative. First of all BLM was created by George Soros. It's not a civil rights movement because they only show up when a black man is killed by a white man. I for one have never experience rasicm, a ideology that was created to spill hatred and divide us.
Best post I have seen on this site. Thank you.

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
I 100% support f champ. Completely banning someone for life for a tweet is ridiculous no matter who it harms. Just go on twitter and look at all the black people in the fgc constantly making fun of white people and nothing happens to them bc they have immunity.

fucked up world we live in now that a tweet can end a career. Nothing pieces of shit like more than to see someone else fall from grace. It’s just entertainment for them.

you idiots are all sheep. The media wants black vs white, left vs right, straight vs gay et cet just to keep people focused on the wrong thing. It is a form of control by the government so you don’t raise hell about the crazy shit they are doing. Passing bills and giving millions to their brother in laws construction company last week, Panama papers, new surveillance guidelines passed two weeks ago giving the gov free reign over your phone, browser history and any social media. But hey... don’t look at that look at that over there. Don’t look at us.

The media on the same day, “don’t go out in public for large gatherings unless it is to protest”. Wtf do you think they run this narrative for?

so many idiot virtue seeking people on this site.
As a black father of 3. Who's family has been treated like sheep.

Like lambs to the slaughter.

Who I try to teach my kin and younglings that there is a better way and going off and shooting your mouth off with the color of your skin will get you got.

Who is GLAD too see some GODDAMN accountability being shown in ALL communities like this one.

On behalf of people with some common sense and moral support....



Him saying that hes never experienced rasicm as a white man makes him a neo naxi? As a black man, I'll defend anybody who doesn't fall for that weak ass narrative. First of all BLM was created by George Soros. It's not a civil rights movement because they only show up when a black man is killed by a white man. I for one have never experience rasicm, a ideology that was created to spill hatred and divide us.
Ah the anti Semitic “George Soros funded X” dog whistle. Still waiting on these Soros checks to hit.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

f champ put on an act for the scene. He would give you the shirt off his back. He lived and supported someone transitioning and is still extremely good friends with Ricky Ortiz. He help this scene grow more than 99% of it. He personally paid for countless people to get to tournaments and did even more in his native country.

I’m sorry you think the wwe/fgc is real. I bet you think the bad guys in the wwe are really BAD GUYS. Booo hooooo. Keep blindly supporting sonic fox in hopes he will notice you and pushing your narrotive on this meaningless site. When are you adding an ignore button to yourself so people can start using it? I would.
Him saying that hes never experienced rasicm as a white man makes him a neo naxi? As a black man, I'll defend anybody who doesn't fall for that weak ass narrative. First of all BLM was created by George Soros. It's not a civil rights movement because they only show up when a black man is killed by a white man. I for one have never experience rasicm, a ideology that was created to spill hatred and divide us.
Both of you are fucking delusional.
Like, PAINFULLY fucking delusional.
Jesus, Mary, and every Joseph in the book.

Some of y'all really just want to make people feel shitty for wanting blatantly obviously garbage-ass people accountable for their actions, and I'm not having it. This has zero to fucking do with anyone chasing SonicFox's tail (ha, Fox humor), or George goddamn Soros. This isn't a Black Lives Matter thread, it's a Toxic Asshole Got Put Down For A Lifetime Of Toxicity thread. I only wish that Capcom and other companies would do more to purge the rest of the assholes like him, because it would make for a better and slightly less toxic atmosphere for the rest of us. I love Ricky Ortiz and I won't take away from someone's good actions, ever, but dude could've cured cancer and solved world hunger for all I give a shit in the context of this situation and his past; the wrong you do is the wrong you do, and you should pay for it. Period.

Sounds like people are just mad and concerned because they've got their own Champ-sized problems lingering in the past and waiting to come full circle, but hey...that's just me. :coffee:

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
Him saying that hes never experienced rasicm as a white man makes him a neo naxi? As a black man, I'll defend anybody who doesn't fall for that weak ass narrative. First of all BLM was created by George Soros. It's not a civil rights movement because they only show up when a black man is killed by a white man. I for one have never experience rasicm, a ideology that was created to spill hatred and divide us.
Hello AfroBreezy.
I would like to clarify my earlier reply to Agilaz. I did not call him a neo-Nazi. I said that his argument of reverse racism was a common one employed by neo-Nazis.

Black Lives Matter as a movement was created by three black women after George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin and got away with it. The names of these women are Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi.

You may learn more here: https://blacklivesmatter.com/

Additionally George Soros did not create BLM, nor does he pay for people to protest. This is a conspiracy motivated by antisemitism.

Racism is not a problem you should see in isolation.
The bigger overshadowing problem is capitalism.

In order for people to be rich, others have to be poor. That's where systemic racism comes into play and you have a whole class of people that have to do shit jobs, live in a shit neighbourhood and have to go to a shit school, so 99% of them never have a chance of cultivating themselves through education and actually getting out of that shithole.

This lower class being the slaves for the upper class shit doesn't just affect black people, but also the former white working class. You know the guys that aren't good in the head but good with their hands, which become increasingly more useless as their jobs are either superfluous or are done by machines.

Somehow the rich folk manage to spread racist propaganda to divide those two losers of society and thus secure their own safety.

So instead of working together and picking up the pitchforks and torches to get back what is theirs from those rich fucks, those white working class people actually hate black people and any imigrants because racist propaganda and sheer stupidity makes them think that every black guy is a criminal and every imigrant is taking away their jobs.

Basically what I'm saying is it shouldn't be whatever color or belief vs. whatever color or belief. It should be the poor standing in solidarity against their owners.
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Oh yeah and I hope this movement doesn't die down and stays faceless.

Whenever there was a leader for the oppressed, like Ghandi, King, X or even fucking Jesus (if you believe in that), the guy just got killed and the movement lost a lot of momentum.
This anonymous huge mass of people that stand up against the injustice can't just be beheaded and I really hope this grows into something bigger to really emancipate black people as equal value citizens.
It's about time.

Also fuck FChamp! What a bitch...
The false equivalence here of an individual receiving insults / being offended and systemic underlying racism is where your thoughts on the matter disconnect you. This instance of cancel culture isnt some shit like "He said a mean thing to my favorite player so I hate him now," this is "He made an overtly racist and belittling Tweet that he should be raked over the coals for." Who is expected to grow the thicker skin here? Every single black American he's mocking that lives with the plights of inherent disadvantage due to systemic racism and negative perception from law enforcement?
thank you for explaining to me the difference between an insult and been racist. Well ill take off have a great night everyone. I think i lost enough brain cell reading this forums for today. also not like i said twice im not defending FC for what he did.


TYM's wanted hero
Oh yeah and I hope this movement doesn't die down and stays faceless.

Whenever there was a leader for the oppressed, like Ghandi, King, X or even fucking Jesus (if you believe in that), the guy just got killed and the movement lost a lot of momentum.
This anonymous huge mass of people that stand up against the injustice can't just be beheaded and I really hope this grows into something bigger to really emancipate black people as equal value citizens.
It's about time.

Also fuck FChamp! What a bitch...
Where you been at? Under Patrick's rock the whole time? There's been equal values since the beginning of the 60's. How about the equal value when black on black violence doesn't grasp the audience like when evil cops kill "good" black men. You can't one thing black ppl can't do in this country. Not.......one........thing.


TYM's wanted hero
Where you been at? Under Patrick's rock the whole time? There's been equal values since the beginning of the 60's. How about the equal value when black on black violence doesn't grasp the audience like when evil cops kill "good" black men. You can't one thing black ppl can't do in this country. Not.......one........thing.
Where you been at? Under Patrick's rock the whole time? There's been equal values since the beginning of the 60's. How about the equal value when black on black violence doesn't grasp the audience like when evil cops kill "good" black men. You can't one thing black ppl can't do in this country. Not.......one........thing.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Where you been at? Under Patrick's rock the whole time? There's been equal values since the beginning of the 60's. How about the equal value when black on black violence doesn't grasp the audience like when evil cops kill "good" black men. You can't one thing black ppl can't do in this country. Not.......one........thing.
I want the brian cells back that I just lost reading that. Not brain. Brian. That's how much it hurt.

So one tragic murder outweights the totality of everything that's currently in motion, specifically all the other tragic and horrific murders that led up to the events playing out nationally.....how, exactly?

Also, for anyone looking for context instead of just a single dramatically placed hashtag:

"On June 2, 2020, David Dorn, a 77-year-old African-American retired police captain, was fatally shot by a man looting a pawn shop in the early hours of the morning. The incident occurred within the context of the George Floyd protests in St. Louis, Missouri. Wikipedia
Date: June 2, 2020"

He was murdered by looters, both of whom were black. It's fucking terrible, and they should be buried under the goddamn jail, right along with the piece of shit cops who murdered Rayshard Brooks in Atlanta.

Stop trying to detail the point of the thread with your half-assed conspiracy babbling, because politics and worldly affairs is my wheelhouse and I will gladly make you look like a goon even more than you've already done yourself if it means keeping the conversation on track. This debate is being had whether the goofs of the world who don't want any accountability coming near them want it to happen or not, and it's about the FGC and the tumorous individuals contained wherein that need removal, not off-topic lunacy.

George Soros. Unfuckingreal.
This is why there hasn't been a Politics thread on TYM since like 2013; it always leads to distraction stupidity tactics like this.
Where you been at? Under Patrick's rock the whole time? There's been equal values since the beginning of the 60's. How about the equal value when black on black violence doesn't grasp the audience like when evil cops kill "good" black men. You can't one thing black ppl can't do in this country. Not.......one........thing.
I can. Its call having the benefit of the doubt.

What world do you live in? Do you truly believe that magically after the the civil rights movement that black people were suddenly equal? If that were true then there wouldn't be cases were cities got sued for housing discrimination. You act like just because a law changed that it makes a persons mindset change, it does not. Heck, in Ohio white people in Parma were still burning crosses in black peoples yard to run them out of town in the 90s and early 2000s! How about that?
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