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MK11 Wishlist -- Quality of Life Fixes

The throw KB requirement should be reseted if a throw whiffs between the "escape failed" and the actual KB throw attempt.

Johnny : change the f43 string to f4u3 to avoid an accidental f43 if the opponent uses its breakaway while the Johnny player tries to end a combo into f4 nutpunch. I don't mind being punishable on certain moves because the player used a breakaway, but here it's just unfair, the JC player didn't intent to trigger that string just because f4 special cancel doesn't work on whiff.

Chernyy Volk

Wolf lord, footsie bully, chronic corner abuser.
I agree with the mostly everything crimson said. Fb on block should mean I’m about to eat your lunch. Some of them totally dictate the pace of a match once they are active and people just throw them out willy nilly.
KBs I don’t really care about the Sonya scenario which albeit isn’t that great, isn’t as bad as having KBs u can’t even access or land ever. Also some KBs spend a bar for something that is like 20 damage more than what you coulda got with a bnb while geras is exploding fools.
That cherney post tho... what the heck bro. What game u playin? Geras/Kabal/Jax getting FB every round? why don’t I just start the match with 65% Hp every round. Also wave dashing is good and all but a regular dash still is quite useful. I usually wave dash to bait whiffs or cover ground after knockdown but normal dash to get in on most zoning. Cherney you make it sound like whiffing is nonexistent because everyone can cover the entire screen in a frame which just isnt true. Competitive mk11 has a great deal of whiff punishing/ footsies.
D1 walk back into a button and it works is not footsies, that's offense and running a guess on somebody. This game doesn't have footsies.


D'Vorah for KP2 copium
So it's been a few months, and I've been greatly enjoying this game. That said, here are the quality-of-life things I'd love to see changed in a future update:

1) Fatal Blows

I think it goes without saying at this point, but being able to whiff something as powerful as a Fatal Blow, or have it blocked, and simply get it again within a few seconds, is at odds with the careful bit-by-bit way that this game's meta is played. Fatal Blows are simply too powerful to regenerate; and if you use them you should lose them, no questions asked. In addition, although some of them are easily punishable, the pushback on some of these should be lessened. You should always have to take a major risk to use a move that in many cases leads to 30+% unbreakable damage.
I've been thinking about FBs and honestly think it's fine that you can get them back after whiffing. What I would prefer is if they permanently deleted both your meter bars for the rest of the round (akin to how last breath works for defensive meter). Sure you can just throw that shit out there, but good luck if it doesn't kill or it misses cause you basically just fucked yourself for the rest of the round. Toss in your idea of them being 100% punishable across the entire cast (as they very well should fucking be) and you have a REAL comeback mechanic. You're truly betting it all in any situation where you know it isn't going to kill or you're trying to call out the opponent. I'd potentially also say up the recharge to 12s from 10s.

2) Krushing Blows

The idea of Krushing Blows is something I like, and many of them are fine. But I think they should function as a reward for actually setting them up. Krushing Blows that gift 30% life by accident via spam (like Sonya's second ring KB) are mindless and don't actually reward intelligent gameplay.

If it were up to me I'd replace some of these with ones that require some forethought and planning to set up in a match (which was the initial attraction of the krushing blow system). It might also be worth supplementing them for characters with requirements so impractical that they're seldom used in competitive play at all.
This has been one of my biggest gripes with the game since release: the HUGE spectrum of KB power and accessibility. I do agree that KBs should be predominantly setup focused, specifically POSITIVE setups. Liu's Bicycle Kick, Jacqui's reverse grapple and clinch, Sub's Slide, etc. are fantastic examples of this. On the opposite end are the "negative" setups where you're expected to play terribly to get a KB (Cetrion's Geyser KB comes to mind). Grab KBs are fine, but I think no one should have them for both directions (Baraka, Liu, NW) because that just means they're all but guaranteed to autopilot their way into at least one of the grab KBs.

3) Kombat League

Starting from the lowest rank each season defeats the point of a ranked system altogether. It means that the majority of people are in-transit to their presumed rank, rather than being at their real rank.

Although I rank up pretty quickly, I am often fighting/beating Demi-God and God-level players at the start in ranks like Warrior and Champion. If I know that I have to go through them to get to my eventual rank, how frustrating must that be for players who are actually low-ranked and just want to play with players around their skill level?

The beginning and end of each season is a complete ranking soup, and it must be discouraging to lower-ranked players (the majority of the playerbase) who have no idea why the players they're meeting are crushing them with ease.

I get that the designers want to make Kombat League into a sort of grindy progression in order to get skins and unlocks, but I believe that the way it's currently done actually works against the point of having a ranked/tiered league at all. So I think that NRS should find a way to separate the grind from the league tiers, and let people start where they were ranked last season (like pretty much every other ranked competitive system out there).
KL needs an entire overhaul at this point and I'm too tired to list all the issues with it.

Possible 4) Jump Kicks

While it makes sense that the jump kick would be a powerful option for air to airs, etc, the fact that they are plus on block seems overtuned. I like the idea of having jump kicks jip crush air-to-airs and maybe still even contest AA's, but be negative on block. Your turn ends when your jk is blocked. That way jump in punches lead to pressure on block -- but you take the risk of being AA'ed more easily for that reward. And if you jik instead and it's blocked, your pressure ends there.
Jump kicks aren't nearly as bad as people make them out to be save for a few specific outlier characters. Make jump kicks slightly slower on startup (like another 3-4 frames across the entire roster) and fix their hitboxes. Done. They're MEANT to be the air-to-ground aerial attack option, but their speed right now makes jump punches (save for outliers like Kabal and Geras) borderline useless. Make them slow / heavy to match their impact.


A quality of life change for the benefit of online play is NRS needs to stop displaying peoples' win/loss records and win percentages in casual sets and game rooms.

People see a person's W/L ratio and decide that they won't fight them in order to preserve their own win/loss ratio! And then other people see the W/L ratio of someone that appears to be new to the game and then decide to try to pick them off to get easy wins. Removing the W/L ratio would eliminate this entirely.

The only area of online play that should display a W/L ratio is Ranked. Kasual sets, KOTH lobbies and rooms should strictly be for learning the game without people feeling penalized for losing matches.

Instead of having a win-loss ratio and win percentage, the opponent's connection type (wired or wi-fi) and signal strength/volatility should be visible to everyone.


Motor City Warrior
A quality of life change for the benefit of online play is NRS needs to stop displaying peoples' win/loss records and win percentages in casual sets and game rooms.

People see a person's W/L ratio and decide that they won't fight them in order to preserve their own win/loss ratio! And then other people see the W/L ratio of someone that appears to be new to the game and then decide to try to pick them off to get easy wins. Removing the W/L ratio would eliminate this entirely.

The only area of online play that should display a W/L ratio is Ranked. Kasual sets, KOTH lobbies and rooms should strictly be for learning the game without people feeling penalized for losing matches.

Instead of having a win-loss ratio and win percentage, the opponent's connection type (wired or wi-fi) and signal strength/volatility should be visible to everyone.
Alternatively-realize that W/L doesn't effectively measure anything about a persons skill and then play on.


Alternatively-realize that W/L doesn't effectively measure anything about a persons skill and then play on.
Oh I'm well aware of this, but when your W/L is too "low", you get mad challenges from predators trying to pick low-hanging fruit. And when it's too "high", many of the people with the best pings duck your challenge because they assume that they will lose.

People should be playing the game to learn and have fun, not desperately try to preserve some stupid W/L ratio that really means nothing in the end because of the nature of online gameplay.


Motor City Warrior
Oh I'm well aware of this, but when your W/L is too "low", you get mad challenges from predators trying to pick low-hanging fruit. And when it's too "high", many of the people with the best pings duck your challenge because they assume that they will lose.

People should be playing the game to learn and have fun, not desperately try to preserve some stupid W/L ratio that really means nothing in the end because of the nature of online gameplay.
Yeah but people are fuckin' dumb... have you met people?

I play against really good people all the time, I usually lose, but I'm also not easy pray. GALAXY BRAIN.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I did not started a similar thread earlier because it's easy to piss off anyone in these forum these days, so I kept my mouth shut ever since.

but it's time to talk about this game, and let NRS know how I feel about it.

First I don't think there is a single character in this game that is compatible with me, and while Skarlet and Nightwolf are the only two things I enjoy in this game I still don't agree how they were built, but this won't be a character specific complaint in fact it won't be about my mains at all, it's more about the game itself.

I like this game and some of the foundation lay upon it's build but it's clear to me that this game can be far more, a lot more than it is currently with the right changes
First I think this game needs to let loose itself a bit and lose some if it's restrains.
Some characters do way too much damage with way too simple combos, in general we should have more characters having the same combo freedom Jacqui, Nightwolf have, and more kB lined up with similar requirements like
Doing a certain string ender after x number of hits, good punishing KB, not the shit given to Skarlet a 19f punish KB on a game where majority of the moves are -14 with a Pushback

SOme executions Windows are way too tight to even exist in this game that gives no pleasure practicing to get rewards from it, it's a bit shameful that I can do a 3 hit fatal blow combo and do 45% damage, and work my controller off to break the 29% barrier on a punish Regular combo sometimes even in the corners.

Some Pushback on negative moves needs to be fixed as well as some blockstuns Kitana has a KB attached to a string with a very tiny gap that its -7 when not flawless blocked, but when you do, you have to wait a full second almost for the blockstun to wear it off so you can punish, some up 2 don't even reach

The game has an annoying repetitive flow chart which could use some new features to break the monotony
First no one in this game should have a 5 or 6f poke and be -5 or -4 this is Bad for the game, some characters don't have 11f mids or 9f mids to avoid the harass these characters provide, but if you insist in giving these characters over the top pokes, then they should have been penalized equally in some way, like way more recovery if whiffs compared to regular 7f pokes.
Second no string without gap That it's safe on block should be allowed to Continue execute if the first hit of said string is flawless blocked, add same propriety to poke canceled to specials once some of them are blockstrings with no gaps.

Third, make short hops a move invincible vs lows and d1 once executed, this would help break the current monotony that on every pressure one has to flb or poke back every single poke check someone does on pressure.
Unless NRS is some sort or messiah with a 0 frame input lag game, which I don't believe they are, throws should have never been 10f to begin with add in account the input lag of the game and you will have the real time to have to guess between a strike or a throw, there is always a delay even when you see the animation and it catches you when you are sure you have broke the throw, throwS needs it's startup compensated with the input lag.

No move should have Pushback after flawless blocked and we sure as well could cut loose some blockstun if we could reversal forward dash out of flawless blocks

Increase startup frames of jump kicks up to 10 or reduce active frame to 4 at best, NRS makes jabs having 1 to 2 active frames but jump kicks get to have 8 or 9, this is bad for business.

I Love NRS but they really tested my patience with this game, dont even want to start on Skarlet
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As somebody who has been playing a lot of Seeing Double since its buff it would be cool if we could get some sort of counter or visual indicator when we have 10 shadows stacked.

If you go into ToT or Klassic tower and equip and use a "Dark" type modifier it creates a dark purple like aura around the character(s), I feel like this little visual cue would be perfect for letting us know when we have our shadows stacked. Maybe its just me but in the heat of a good match I often lose track of how many I have actually landed.

I know this might cause some conflicts with the actual modifiers in those modes when they are used so it is a flawed idea but im sure with some thought we could make a work around for it.

Or they could just do something like Erron's ammo counter, just put a mini noob silhouette next to his meter with a number on it that counts up to 10 as you land shadows.


FGC Cannon Fodder
My QOL would be more along the lines of small lab perks. Stuff like me wanting a create default state for training mode over this "remember settings." I don't like the default state, and I typically don't want it to remember every little weird thing I did last time.

How come reversal options are still only limited to special moves? Why not play recording on reversals and wakeups? Maybe a trim neutral inputs on a recording to help make sure there isn't any unwanted idle time for that sort of thing.

I don't really have any opinions on the game itself. I wouldn't mind if FB were max one shot per round as some middle ground between one shot and what we got, but I really don't care all that much about changing it.


1 2 3 drink
People see a person's W/L ratio and decide that they won't fight them in order to preserve their own win/loss ratio! And then other people see the W/L ratio of someone that appears to be new to the game and then decide to try to pick them off to get easy wins. Removing the W/L ratio would eliminate this entirely.
Im fine with removing w/l record in casual but the ppl who decline when they see your winrate would also be the ones who leave after they lose a game when they reliase its not going to go well. I rather have those ppl to decline right away cause i rather fight ppl who play more then one game and dont leave after they lose a game.


Waiting on SF6
Imo fatal blows need to cost some kind of meter. It's dumb to me that someone can, for example, breakaway from my kill combo then force me to walk on eggshells offensively or hit me with a two bar combo then tack on another couple hundred damage at the end canceling into FB. I think FB should at least cost 1 offensive and 1 defensive bar.

All my other issues with the game are basically just KL problems. Which could be a whole nother post on its own

One thing i would like to see is the ability to pause and look at my movelist during Fatalities. The novelty has long since worn off and as someone who tries different characters a lot this would be a godsend.
-Complete Offline Kharacter Stats (like MKX and Injustice). Not just the 3 most played. I really want this as someone who doesn't play online all that much.

-Maybe the option to change the menu's background (like MKX). The current one is getting pretty old.

-Like someone mentioned, don't show Online W/L ratio. Same happens with AI matches. People go for easy wins against those who haven't played enough or don't have the skill.

-Show Krypt forge recepies IN THE KRYPT MENU. I don't want to go to Kollection every f*cking time.


XBL tag: South of Zero
Solution to Kombat League is to create more mini-ranks at the top levels Demi-Elder, and to resume seasons where you finished off. That way at the top there's more tiers of progression and the kasuals or less skilled can get matched up appropriately.

Make the tier progression more asymptotic rather than linear.
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Let me add to the OP, KBs on throws need to be completely removed. 30% throw is ridiculous, and mostly its a punish for your reaction ....


1 Movement

Movement is bad. Not bc it is bad, just bc it is too good. In every single game I played in my life there is one major difference that separates the low level player, the average player and the top player: the way they move. Shooters, FGs, MOBAs, MMOs, BRs... it doesn’t matter, when you reach a certain level you can tell how good the next guy is just by looking at his movement. MK11 takes the player by the hand and makes sure he has to really try very hard to suck to not be able to hit his buttons / get in the range of his blender. Dashes are like teleports. They cover a lot of ground, are extremely fast and can be canceled into anything you want at anytime you want. So you have a short range 9 frame mid? No problem! You can dash in from footsie range and cancel into it to start your dumb pressure in the blink of an eye! Movement is risk-free in this game and takes 0 thought. The problematic characters wouldn’t be nearly as dumb if they couldn’t cancel their dashes and backdashes and actually have to play neutral to start their game + If walking was the go-to movement a lot of considered bad characters like Raiden, Kano, Kollector would be able to play their game much better.

2 Jump ins

When you only had 1/5 of the jump in attempts anti aired across all of the top 8s for pro kompetition in this game you have a problem.

3 Barely negative pokes and fast moves

-3ish pokes, -2 9-frame mids, -1 on block strings... besides making the game a whole lot scrubbier, I don’t see why a frame data like that is useful. Jacqui’s pokes and F3 string, Erron’s pokes, Geras’ S2 string... they are not even staggers! Please, if something is meant to be negative, make it considerably negative (pokes at -7) and if something is supposed to be unsafe make it really unsafe (I’m sick of the -9ish “unsafe” moves). This also makes the online inconsistent bc the game has a 4f input delay, meaning D1 F3 Jacqui’s are the shit online for example.

4 KBs

Some characters are Liu Kang or Geras... they end you with 300 accidental KBs in a match GGs. Some are Shang Tsung, that have to count on you being stupid enough to give him more space to work with on a long range knockdown so he can hit you with a F4 while you roll away, or count on you being a passive neandertal and staying put without blocking while he does an unsafe 28 frame superkick cancel into another 28 frame superkick for 12% dmg. Ffs give every characters 3 practical KBs like counter hit, or throw KBs, and give them 2-3 that require you to set up instead of requiring your opponent to be retarded.