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The saltiest you've ever gotten in this game? Salty stories!


A prop on the stage of life.
If you get a character made for spamming, you are still a spammer. Don't use her then.
I didn't even play the game yet, but thats a basic rule for every game
If you die to someone's spam you deserve to lose. There is a way for any character to get around it. Some have it easier than others, but if I win by TKP'ing someone back with Ermac over and over again I don't give a rats ass how I play. I'm not saying thats what I do but let me paint a picture. My friend plays reptile, I play Ermac. Me personally, I think this matchup is in Rep's favor. My friend plays very aggressively, and he blocks a shit ton of attacks. I'll get my bnb's off occasionally on him but at the same time I don't want Reptile getting near me. Some matches I'll end up taking like half his life with just TKP's. This is just an extreme example but do I consider myself a spammer? Not really, but if someone keeps getting hit by it I'll gladly TKP them to the end of the match.

On another note, I remember when I was still in the process of learning the in's and out's of Ermac before I choose him as my secondary. This sheeva player challenged me. All he did was do the teleport stomp and missed with it just about every time. He was crouch blocking all my shit and uppercutting me though. I thought I could grab him but that didn't work either. He ended up winning and quit before I could say onomatopoeia. I was less than pleased that I lost to that. It will never happen again though. I deserved it though because I could baited his uppercut instead of getting hit by it every time..


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
So youre saying that a Scorpion that just sits there in one spot and throws a spear every single time no matter if the opponent blocks, jumps past it, and then punishes, is not bad? You and I have a different definition of noob here.
I said it's not entirely true. Meaning your generalizing it, it's not always a bad or negative thing.

I am an online player, since there really isnt an offline scene where I am. It can be determined with online play just as much as offline.
No, it can't. You can gauge someone's skill level trough online play, but you honestly just can't determine who's better via online play. Sorry, you just can't.

The netcode is seriously not as bad as some of you may think anymore.
It maybe got better, but it's still terrible in comparison to other games and especially offline. To deny that is delusional.


Since, for some reason, you're acting childish and don't want to click on the thread, I'll post it here to make it simple for you.

How online affects your gameplay:

The negative aspects of online are the dreaded lag and delay. Lag is generally associated with the random visual skips, and slow downs you see while playing. Delay is when you have button delay between your inputs and when it actually happens on the screen. There's also button loss and frame delay online. Button loss is when the frame skips, causing your button input to be lost and forgotten. Frame delay is pretty much the same as button delay.

These two factors are the main reasons why online play is deemed unreliable in the fighting game community. Even if there's 1 frame of delay, that can cost you a match at high levels. I've heard some players say that online only negatively affects your execution. While it does negatively affect your execution, it also negatively affects your reaction, anticipation, mind games, strategy and basically everything high level.

Delay makes your reactions that of a debilitated turtle. When you need to do something on reaction, and there's button delay, you have to input it before you would need to normally. So in a lot of situations, you can't even react because it's impossible. But if you have good anticipation and adaption skills, you may be able to overcome the delay by not doing things on reaction. However, there's still lag. If you're anticipating a jump in, and a random lag spike hits, you're screwed. But the problem is, you can't dumb down your gameplay to 1 dimensional and expect to compete at high levels, and that's what online play forces you to do.

How online play can be useful:

Online can be useful in the right conditions. If you and your opponent both have great connections with each other, online can become useful. You can gain match-up knowledge, and just general practice. It's also a good place to meet new players in that respect. If you play offline just in your area, you won't be exposed to as many different play styles and character choices as you would by playing online. Since you'll be playing many different people from across the country, you'll get a diverse set of playstyles, character choices, and strategies. This is one distinct advantage online has over offline, and probably the only one (well aside from the convenience online offers).

Winning online:

When you play someone online, you have to realize, wins mean absolutely nothing. At least in the eyes of the competitive community. Now, this is mostly for fighting games, but it can apply to other genre's as well. If you beat me online, that doesn't make you the better player. Yes, a win is a win, but as far as who's better can only be determined in tournaments offline or when something is on the line. And the idea that "a win is a win" mostly doesn't even apply to online. Lopsided netplay conditions (they aren't always the same for both players) can dramatically change results.

If I beat X 10-0 online, a lot of people would assume I am the better player and the same outcome would happen offline or in a tournament or in whatever the given setting is. These people don't realize how different online play is from even offline casuals. It doesn't matter how many times you beat someone online, it doesn't correlate to anything. I understand it's hard to swallow for online only players. But you have to realize that true competition can't be forced through a broken, tiny straw and then say it's reliable. Don't say "Oh I beat this guy in a series online, I am obviously the better player". What your doing is deluding yourself and inflating your ego. When you play online, don't try to beat your opponent to say you're better, try to beat your opponent to improve your game. That is all you should be trying to do when playing online, even though it's not the best place to improve, it's the only thing you should be attempting to do.


"People NEED to go to tournies and compete in a tournament setting. You MUST seek out formal matches in the form of tournaments. The best way to measure your progress is to measure your ability to win, but matches you play outside of formal competition, real as they may seem, are rarely a good measure of much. The strongest steel is forged in the hottest flame, and fiercest competitor is forged in the most serious battle. Casual play is often for “fun” but tournament play is for blood. Online matches are nothing compared to a tourny match and are only casuals.

In a tournament, even the same opponents you are used to facing may rise to a higher level of play. In a tournament, players tend to be more conservative. They also tend to find answers to tactics they have never answered before, because now they have to. They may cling to life in the game like the fate of Earth depends on it, whereas in casual play they freely give up a game in a position of disadvantage."
~ Sirlin

Playing in a tournament will improve your game. Being able to play great players in a situation where if you lose, you have no one to blame but yourself, will help you improve tremendously. An offline tournament is the pinnacle of fighting game competition. I improved my game more in two days playing offline and in a tournament, than I did playing 3 years online. If that doesn't put things into perspective, I don't know what will. It was like going into a hyperbolic time chamber. A tournament will force you to play your best. When you and your opponent are playing at your absolute best with no handicaps, that's when you can achieve a higher level of play. You can free your mind of frustrating lag spikes, button delay, and rage quitters. It's just you versus the guy sitting next to you, nothing else matters.

Aside from all the benefits from competing in a tournament, I promise it will be some of the most fun you'll ever have. The atmosphere at a tournament can't be matched, copied, or fathomed unless you experience it for yourself. The only way you can truly experience it, is being there. Streams that you watch are only about 10% of what you can experience at a tournament. The hype you get watching a stream is 100x more hype in person.

Being surrounded by competitive players for an entire weekend will improve your game, guaranteed.
There’s no question about it – you’ll walk away a better player. Even focusing solely on preliminary matches within your own entry pool, you’ll see things you’ve never seen before and face opponents you’ve never fought before. Every single victory will build your confidence and every loss will teach you something the hard way.

And yet, traveling outside your comfort zone to attend a major tournament will improve your online game as well. It all boils down to the level of competition you’re facing. The average player at Evo is more dedicated than the average player online. The average player at Evo makes a stronger effort to bring their A-game to the floor than the average player online. Combine these two factors and it becomes obvious why there’s nothing like the majors.
~ Sonichurricane

Online vs Offline/Tournaments in closing:

When you play someone online, there's nothing on the line. Sure there's your online reputation and maybe your record, but both are completely arbitrary. You have nothing truly on the line. In a tournament, you have everything on the line. Which would include but isn't limited to; your reputation, your money, the prize money, and ultimately your tournament life. All of which add pressure and expectations that online can never possibly do. When you play online, other than your self inflated ego, you have nothing to lose. There's no incentive to really try your absolute best, there just isn't. You might say "But Juggs, there's rankings online!". You have to realize, that your rank online is facetious. Rank online provides nothing but a false sense of importance, and it's a form of delusion. The moment you start taking your rank or record online seriously, or thinking that it's an accurate portrayal of anything, is the moment you digress into a modern day caveman.

Playing online is fine if you don't take it too seriously and just use it as a tool to get better. Don't put stock into your wins online, it will only hurt your gameplay in the long run. If you truly want to compete, go to a tournament. It's the only platform where you can prove that you're better than your opponent. Start going to locals, and save up to travel to the majors. I guarantee you that you won't regret it, and in the end, you'll be wondering why you haven't been playing offline all along.


The online, as a whole, makes me angry. Let me just walk you through my last few matches online;

- Go to xbox live, choose ranked match. fights a scorpion, real bad lag. my moves won't come out. BLOCK wont come out. lose the game. opponent stands juuuust next to me hitting 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1...
- choose ranked again. guy with a bad record. picks kung lao. does same pattern over and over. super easy to read. moves don't come out. block only works maybe twice. can't punish blocked DIVE KICK (raging so hard). input delay causes me to lose again. now i get to see kung laos fatality.
- ok, lets try player match. looking for opponent... looking for opponent... looking for opponent...
- back up try player match again. got an opponent. match starts, I hit him, he throws me, game desyncs. k.
- player match. like all the other games, the delay is bad enough to where my character waits a moment to jump after I push up. somehow, I win the match. match 2... desync.

alright that's enough online for tonight. WHY do I put myself through this.


I said it's not entirely true. Meaning your generalizing it, it's not always a bad or negative thing.
Okay, good point... but regardless, if they are losing to you constantly, youre still better than them. This goes without saying that the two said players are both at maximum potential and using their best characters.

No, it can't. You can gauge someone's skill level trough online play, but you honestly just can't determine who's better via online play. Sorry, you just can't.
Lol and why not? Because you say so? Because offline players say so? You can, even if its not entirely accurate you will still get the gist of their skill level. I'd agree offline play is much smoother than online, but that doesnt mean online is irreverent. Thats arrogant and ignorant.

Since, for some reason, you're acting childish and don't want to click on the thread, I'll post it here to make it simple for you.
Acting childish? Because I dont accept your mentality? That again, I am pointing out is ignorance. Stop belittling someone else for not believing in your 'video game mentality'. What does it prove, posting it here? I've skimmed through it before by the way, and while I agree on most points, I dont think online is irreverent. To say so is arrogance and complete lack of understanding. Based on youre 'mentality', that would render the majority 70-80% of the MK9 community useless and irreverent. Thats stupid.

What would possess you to take anything Theme says seriously?

Srs man.
Why dont you provide more insight to the discussion rather than talking out of your ass. Its seriously annoying, how you keep on attacking me personally, when you dont say anything else in context to the topic at hand. Grow up yeah? Until then, youre on my ignore list.


Dies A Lot
Playing online. (only do this with good people so no real salt) Online is just crap and anyone who thinks online is good has no idea how to actually play.

Edit: im not saying online is worth nothing im just saying it is irrelevant for how good a player is.


Playing online. (only do this with good people so no real salt) Online is just crap and anyone who thinks online is good has no idea how to actually play.
Online is not crap, but its certainly not better than offline play, I'll give you that, but to say its 'irrelevant' is lame.

My bad, first time I've seen his posts.
For a Mod to be encouraging such behavior on such a forums is beyond my explanation.
Juggs I was starting to agree with most of the arguments I saw you post regarding offline/online play. But where you lost me was the link you posted. Reason being, as someone who's attended tournaments for games for the better part of 3 years, I can say for sure that tournament is not an accurate display of "who's better". In some ways, it can be seen as a worse indicator than online. Let me explain...

While you're absolutely right about all the pressure elements and more dedicated player base, the big problem with tournament is that you only get 2 GAMES to show what you got. (Unless you're in grand finals or something where you'll get more.) I've seen far too often, the best player, (or players) among the people in tournament lose to someone unexpected. Then those same best players would dominate the person that beat them later in a MM or FT5 or whatever.

Some people can't handle the nerves as well and that affects their play. Some play better when their calmed down and can focus.

It's hard to determine someone is better based off, 3 games at the most. I might lose the first 2 games to someone, and still come back to beat them 10-2, or 10-3, in FT10s on a daily basis... but had that been tournament, the first 2 games would mean I lose and that the other guy is somehow better than me? Doesn't add up. A friend of mine said it best. "Very often, the best player and the tournament champion are not the same person".

In my opinion, I base skill levels off of the actual decisions made in game. If I play someone for a several games and see that they are winning by outplaying me or capitalizing on every opportunity I give them, I'd say they were the better player. It's just too easy to make one costly mistake that screws you up mentally and costs you the entire match in tourneys.

Don't get me wrong though, If someone has the choice between online and offline play, I would strongly encourage offline and tournaments anyday.


Lose without excuses
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Premium Supporter
While you're absolutely right about all the pressure elements and more dedicated player base, the big problem with tournament is that you only get 2 GAMES to show what you got. (Unless you're in grand finals or something where you'll get more.) I've seen far too often, the best player, (or players) among the people in tournament lose to someone unexpected. Then those same best players would dominate the person that beat them later in a MM or FT5 or whatever.
I've seen the same happen. The thing is, they didn't win when it mattered the most. You do only get 2-3 games to "show what you've got". This means you're going to have to adapt far more quickly than you do in long sets. If it takes you awhile to adapt to your opponent, that's something you're going to need to work on if you want to be successful in tournaments. Adaptation is a big part of fighters, and even a bigger part of tournaments.

Some people can't handle the nerves as well and that affects their play. Some play better when their calmed down and can focus.
Yes, nerves affect your play in a tournament. But that's like saying you're not good at taking Test's because of nerves. I'd say 99.9% of people play better when they're calmed down and focus. Aka, when they're in a comfortable environment, comfortable clothes, calm atmosphere, nothing on the line, just casual games. This is everything a tournament is not.

It's hard to determine someone is better based off, 3 games at the most. I might lose the first 2 games to someone, and still come back to beat them 10-2, or 10-3, in FT10s on a daily basis... but had that been tournament, the first 2 games would mean I lose and that the other guy is somehow better than me? Doesn't add up. A friend of mine said it best. "Very often, the best player and the tournament champion are not the same person".
Exactly, same as above, it's all about adaptation. If it takes you more then 2 games to adapt to your opponent, that's just something you're going to need to work on. And despite popular belief, it is something you can work on. It's a gameplay element just as reactions are, just as predictions are. Reading your opponent and adapting come hand in hand, and it's one of the toughest elements of a tournament in the competitive sense.


Random foreign guy
If you die to someone's spam you deserve to lose. There is a way for any character to get around it. Some have it easier than others, but if I win by TKP'ing someone back with Ermac over and over again I don't give a rats ass how I play. I'm not saying thats what I do but let me paint a picture. My friend plays reptile, I play Ermac. Me personally, I think this matchup is in Rep's favor. My friend plays very aggressively, and he blocks a shit ton of attacks. I'll get my bnb's off occasionally on him but at the same time I don't want Reptile getting near me. Some matches I'll end up taking like half his life with just TKP's. This is just an extreme example but do I consider myself a spammer? Not really, but if someone keeps getting hit by it I'll gladly TKP them to the end of the match.

On another note, I remember when I was still in the process of learning the in's and out's of Ermac before I choose him as my secondary. This sheeva player challenged me. All he did was do the teleport stomp and missed with it just about every time. He was crouch blocking all my shit and uppercutting me though. I thought I could grab him but that didn't work either. He ended up winning and quit before I could say onomatopoeia. I was less than pleased that I lost to that. It will never happen again though. I deserved it though because I could baited his uppercut instead of getting hit by it every time..
This isn't about what you deserve, it's about if you are a spammer or not. If sindel's game really is spamming like that guy pointed out, then who picks her and spams is still a spammer. It is your choice who you pick after all. Also, sppamming on specific occasions doesn't makes you a spammer, but its still spamming. Not discussing if it is a valid tatic or not or if who loses to it is a scrub, just affirming that who spams is/is being a spammer no matter what. herp.


Theme you know whats funny dude. I can go back to Juggernauts posts from years and years ago on UMK.com and he used to say the same things you are saying now. And he will now be the first one to tell you it is what held him back for so long. His beliefs as you call them are not soley his. Many of the top FG players of the world share in his thinking. Much of what hes telling you comes from David Sirlin's book Playing to win.http://www.sirlin.net/ptw/
We have seen your type of reaction time and time again, we are used to it, we are not offended by it. What you read in this book will be a hard pill for most players to swallow as it places the responsibility for self improvement soley on the player. Juggs has gone through the same phase you are in right now. Hes been where you are. He is only trying to help you man. You would be wise to listen to what hes saying, as well as reading Playing to Win. It can make you a better player than you ever thought possible


My blades will find your heart
If you get a character made for spamming, you are still a spammer. Don't use her then.
I didn't even play the game yet, but thats a basic rule for every game
You must be terrible at this gameXD "Stop using that character because I dont like the way she is played!" yeah right. Btw I know a ton of mixups/combos with sindel i just dont always use them if I dont have to. Please continue to whine and cry like a scrub when you lose to "spammers" or ZONERS.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Theme you know whats funny dude. I can go back to Juggernauts posts from years and years ago on UMK.com and he used to say the same things you are saying now. And he will now be the first one to tell you it is what held him back for so long. His beliefs as you call them are not soley his. Many of the top FG players of the world share in his thinking. Much of what hes telling you comes from David Sirlin's book Playing to win.http://www.sirlin.net/ptw/
We have seen your type of reaction time and time again, we are used to it, we are not offended by it. What you read in this book will be a hard pill for most players to swallow as it places the responsibility for self improvement soley on the player. Juggs has gone through the same phase you are in right now. Hes been where you are. He is only trying to help you man. You would be wise to listen to what hes saying, as well as reading Playing to Win. It can make you a better player than you ever thought possible
It's kinda weird being on the other side, haha. But yeah, I was the same exact way back then, saying the same exact things.

I'm not forcing "my beliefs" on you, Theme. I'm stating the mentality that most of the high level players have, and the mentality that will help you improve. If I had stayed with the same scrubby mentality I had back then, not only would I not be anywhere near half the player I am today, I probably would have given up by now on competitive gaming.


It's kinda weird being on the other side, haha. But yeah, I was the same exact way back then, saying the same exact things.

I'm not forcing "my beliefs" on you, Theme. I'm stating the mentality that most of the high level players have, and the mentality that will help you improve. If I had stayed with the same scrubby mentality I had back then, not only would I not be anywhere near half the player I am today, I probably would have given up by now on competitive gaming.
Thing is, I am not planning to be a competitive player. To me, MK is just a game to pass the time and talk trash to my friends, nothing more. Hell, I didnt even plan to buy this game, until my friend convinced me to download the demo. I know the mentality youre thinking about. I used to have the same one. Competitiveness. I dont ever plan to be a tournament player nor anything of the sort. Im not offended or anything like that, I just dont like being talked down to... and I also like playing the devils advocate. The mentality, I know. Trust me. I use to be like that playing competitively on Counterstrike and Starcraft (both PC games). Now, however, I'd just spend my free time playing MK and surfing these forums to get better, but not to the point of tournament wise. Sure who wouldnt want to get better at what they do? Im just not reaching for that status, nor will I probably ever will. However, I'd like to go to an event like EVO one day, just for the experience, but beyond that, thats it for me.

Anyways, I like a good read, so I will probably check out the book mentioned above. I still stick to -my- own mentality:

Not everyone is equal in skill, but everyone is equal in rights to voice their say.


Come On Die Young
Since video games are cyber sports, how about we turn to physical sports? I know it has nothing to do with lag vs non-lag, but it's still important when we look at casual vs competitive.

I follow hockey pretty closely. For the past three years, the Washington Capitals have been very dominant during the regular season. However, when it comes to the playoffs, when winning REALLY mattered, they have consistently fallen short. Should we say the losers are still better and would've won if it was best 5 out of 9? Hell no! They're forgotten until the next season because they lost when winning meant something. It didn't matter how many times Washington beat a certain team during the regular season, because if that team won during playoffs, they advance and Washington is out.
So youre saying that a Scorpion that just sits there in one spot and throws a spear every single time no matter if the opponent blocks, jumps past it, and then punishes, is not bad? You and I have a different definition of noob here.

No I am not saying thats an excuse. Its just facts. If youre beating someone all the time and you slip up and make a mistake, that doesn't mean you arent better than them. I beat my friends almost every time (offline play) and I occasionally make a bad mistake that costed me the game. Does that mean I am not as good as him? Not at all. Does it mean I made a mistake that cost me the game? Sure. I admit that. But admitting that doesnt mean youre saying youre not better than him, because you are. Learning from your mistakes is a good thing, no doubt.

I am an online player, since there really isnt an offline scene where I am. It can be determined with online play just as much as offline. The netcode is seriously not as bad as some of you may think anymore. If I get beat flawlessly because the person is making good reads and doing everything perfect, I'm going with thinking he is better than me, online or not. I hate the dumbass mentality that people keep saying ONLINE DOESNT MATTER. Most of the MK community is playing this game online. Only a small few percent of you are tournament/offline players. Just because we play by a different standard than you tournament offline players are, doesnt mean you should be saying things like that. If I win 100 games to 0 online against a single person, I am willing to say I am better than them, online or not. Offline is not going to make a difference if the skill level is that far apart. I honestly dont see much of a difference between the new online and offline. Theres rarely any lag for me anymore and honestly, I couldn't care less.

By the way, I am not speaking on terms of just me, this is for everyone else as well.

Dont push youre own mentality and beliefs on other people. Its a game. When you turn off the game system, no one really cares... If you dont believe in the 'skill level mentality', that doesnt give you the right to call someone else who does believe in it arrogant. Thats ignorance on your part. And no, I dont plan on reading the article, because I dont care... I know I am better than said opponent, and if I can back it up by winning constantly, then statistically, I am better. Mentality is a way of thinking, as is beliefs. Dont throw youre beliefs onto others, while calling them arrogant or ignorant if they dont agree with your mentality. Am I arrogant? I dont think so, but Im sure many would say I am, but arrogance is part of the game. Fighting in the end to judge who is the better fighter (in most cases), thats why there can only be one winner. Now convert fighting in real life to a fighting game. Same rules apply. There can only be one winner, and most of the time, its the better fighter who comes out victorious.
agree, juggernaut is a bit too picky about this. there are players which are bad and only beat you by chance cause their random moves work like brilliant reads. i mean, you start the match and the opponent does something which is so bad that youd expect no one to do it. you eat it and wanna continue but he actually does it again! thats the point when you wanna adapt and do something else, but he throws out the next random thing and its the perfect counter to what you do. there are battles which run like that and its not really a matter of skill when your opponent is lucky in everything he does, even though youd probably beat him 9-1 in a series. stuff like that can get you salty. it happened to me a couple days ago and i actually got a bunch of messages from the guy (raiden player) calling me a scrub. but that was so over the top hilarious i didnt get salty at all.

Also a little op about that lag stuff: i wonder if people who complain about the netcode have ever played mk vs dc online? not saying that mk9 is like it should be but in comparison its godlike.

and about that online/offline stuff: offline is for artists, dealing with online lag is for warriors :bigsmile: :fooman:


Sinestro's might!
Aww man, I missed the drama. And I cant be bothered to read it.

Can someone give me a tl: dr?


I am salty. I feel like breaking my mk disc at the moment. Try playing against JC online, and you'll figure out why Im so upset.