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How to prepare for Tournament in short time.


Motor City Warrior
Pardon if wrong place or rough to read, I’m working from smart phone.

Anyway my GameStop is having a tournament on April 28th and I intend to play mk11 pretty seriously. I was wandering if anyone has tips for how to prepare for a tournament so close to release, like how to size up strong characters and such. Thanks in advance.


Let’s see whose fire burns hotter
Look up match up too your character and prepare a pocket character in case your match up is bad. This is a general advice though. Don’t know your skill and I’m a scrub to tell others what to do...


Lawless Victory!
Unless you have several days off work, you're not going to have time to grind match ups and break down every single character.

Instead, first pick a character and get familiar with them (personally I'd go with Baraka as he has a simple and easy game plan that can be learnt very quickly), and then do one of the following (if time permits, do both):

a) briefly explore every other character so at least you have an idea of what they can do

b) explore the following characters in as much detail as you can in the time that you have left until tournament (i.e block punish, find gaps in their string, whiff punish)

Noob Saibot
Liu Kang
Johnny Cage
I'm participating in a local tournament that is on April 27th, so I know what you mean.

Personally, I am going to learn Kung Lao (because he's my all time favorite) and have 2 pocket characters that I played in the online beta - Kabal and Baraka. I know them a little, they are not going to be unfamiliar to me.

Then, as @Pakman said, briefly check the rest of the cast just to see what they can do and know what to expect.
Mostly focus on fan favorite characters like scorpion, subzero, noob and liu kang. Early tournaments are going to be filled with those.

Hopefully you and I both can win those early tourneys! Good Luck!


Motor City Warrior
Thanks for the input everybody. I've read a lot about competitive mindset and such and I was going to take a similar scouting approach. I do have decent amounts of free time.